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Cartoon Violence - School Essays

Cartoon Violence

A few months ago when visiting a friend, I was disturbed to see her eight-year old sister making one of her Barbie dolls, in her Barbie Ferrari, run over another Barbie. When I asked why she was making her doll hurt the other doll she replied, "Because it's funny. The Coyote gets run over all the time, it's funny." I then explained to her that when cars hit people, many times the get hurt very badly.
Before one can understand how harmful can be to children, one must understand how easily children are exposed to . The average child spends twenty-eight hours each week watching television, and fifty-four percent of children have televisions in their bedrooms (Huesmann and Eron 13). ...

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that by three years old, children willingly watch programs made for children, such as cartoons, and will imitate something they see on television, just as they will imitate a live person (Parke and Kavanaugh 46). Since children do not process information in the same manner as adults do, they do not have the experience to judge what they see. Because children watch a great deal of television, they are very susceptible to its negative effects (Kreig 41). Another study concluded that by watching cartoons, children learn different ways of being violent, and also learn to use aggression to bring themselves rewards (Huesmann and Eron 15). Therefore, if children see cartoon characters getting what they want by hitting, they too will try to get what they want by hitting. Another study conducted by Huesmann showed that children who watch a great deal of violence on television tend to become very aggressive as adults, and also tend to have more trouble with the law as adults (16). ...

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Cartoon Violence. (2004, July 9). Retrieved December 22, 2024, from http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Cartoon-Violence/10779
"Cartoon Violence." Essayworld.com. Essayworld.com, 9 Jul. 2004. Web. 22 Dec. 2024. <http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Cartoon-Violence/10779>
"Cartoon Violence." Essayworld.com. July 9, 2004. Accessed December 22, 2024. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Cartoon-Violence/10779.
"Cartoon Violence." Essayworld.com. July 9, 2004. Accessed December 22, 2024. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Cartoon-Violence/10779.
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Added: 7/9/2004 09:06:54 PM
Category: Miscellaneous
Type: Premium Paper
Words: 976
Pages: 4

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