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Detection Of Biological Molecules - College Paper

Detection Of Biological Molecules

Introduction: Without carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen and phosphorus,
life wouldn't exist. These are the most abundant elements in living organisms.
These elements are held together by covalent bonds, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds,
and disulfide bonds. Covalent bonds are especially strong, thus, are present in
monomers, the building blocks of life. These monomers combine to make polymers,
which is a long chain of monomers strung together. Biological molecules can be
distinguished by their functional groups. For example, an amino group is
present in amino acids, and a carboxyl group can always be found in fatty acids.
The groups can be separated into two more categories, the ...

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and the Biuret test for amino groups present in proteins. The
last part of this lab takes an unknown substance and by the four tests,
determine what the substance is.


Introduction: Monosaccharides and disaccharides can be detected because of
their free aldehyde groups, thus, testing positive for the Benedict's test.
Such sugars act as a reducing agent, and is called a reducing sugar. By mixing
the sugar solution with the Benedict's solution and adding heat, an oxidation-
reduction reaction will occur. The sugar will oxidize, gaining an oxygen, and
the Benedict's reagent will reduce, loosing an oxygen. If the resulting solution
is red orange, it tests positive, a change to green indicates a smaller amount
of reducing sugar, and if it remains blue, it tests negative.

Materials: onion juice 5 test tubes 1 beaker potato juice
ruler hot plate deionized water permanent
marker 5 tongs glucose solution labels starch solution 6 barrel
pipettes Benedict's ...

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Because of it's
unique coiled geometric configuration, it reacts with iodine to produce a blue-
black color and tests positive. A yellowish brown color indicates that the test
is negative.

Materials: 6 barrel pipettes potato juice starch solution 5 test
tubes water iodine solution onion juice
glucose solution 5 toothpicks

Procedure: 1. Used 5 barrel pipettes, filled test tube #1 with onion juice,
second with potato
juice, third with water, fourth with glucose solution, and fifth with
starch solution. 2. Added 3 drops of iodine solution with a barrel pipette,
to each test tube. Mixed
with 5 different toothpicks. 3. Observed reactions and recorded
in the table below. ...

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Detection Of Biological Molecules. (2007, March 10). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Detection-Of-Biological-Molecules/61527
"Detection Of Biological Molecules." Essayworld.com. Essayworld.com, 10 Mar. 2007. Web. 22 Feb. 2025. <http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Detection-Of-Biological-Molecules/61527>
"Detection Of Biological Molecules." Essayworld.com. March 10, 2007. Accessed February 22, 2025. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Detection-Of-Biological-Molecules/61527.
"Detection Of Biological Molecules." Essayworld.com. March 10, 2007. Accessed February 22, 2025. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Detection-Of-Biological-Molecules/61527.
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Added: 3/10/2007 02:56:39 AM
Category: Science & Nature
Type: Premium Paper
Words: 1477
Pages: 6

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