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How To Frost A Sugar Cookie - College Essay

How To Frost A Sugar Cookie

I started out an amateur, frosting pumpkin with a blob of orange and a dot of brown. Fattening and delicious, the frosted sugar cookie has had impacts on most everyone’s life. Apparently there is a big difference between frosting and icing. I know that frosting is thick and holds shapes like rosettes and shells like those you see piped around the edges of a birthday cake. Icing, on the other hand, is a thinner, more liquid substance, and as it dries it thins out, becomes very smooth across the surface of your cookie, and hardens. Let me tell you something, icing tastes terrible and most store bought frostings do too! Throughout my 13 years as mom’s little helper I’ve mastered the art of ...

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ready, shoot about six or fewer dots from the middle pointed out to place a flower on your cookie canvas. For a thick line hold your syringe close to the cookie, for a thin line hold it further away and move quicker. To make a leaf or ribbon put the syringe on the cookie tilted so frosting can only come out half and move slowly. Use the toothpick to add small details. From then on, let your creativity run wild. Lastly, display your art to friends and family and let it dance across your taste ...

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How To Frost A Sugar Cookie. (2011, April 3). Retrieved February 25, 2025, from http://www.essayworld.com/essays/How-To-Frost-A-Sugar-Cookie/97437
"How To Frost A Sugar Cookie." Essayworld.com. Essayworld.com, 3 Apr. 2011. Web. 25 Feb. 2025. <http://www.essayworld.com/essays/How-To-Frost-A-Sugar-Cookie/97437>
"How To Frost A Sugar Cookie." Essayworld.com. April 3, 2011. Accessed February 25, 2025. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/How-To-Frost-A-Sugar-Cookie/97437.
"How To Frost A Sugar Cookie." Essayworld.com. April 3, 2011. Accessed February 25, 2025. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/How-To-Frost-A-Sugar-Cookie/97437.
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Added: 4/3/2011 12:08:36 PM
Submitted By: 2155
Category: Miscellaneous
Type: Premium Paper
Words: 307
Pages: 2

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