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Photosysthesis Experiment - Papers

Photosysthesis Experiment

�Photosynthesis is a complex chemical process that converts radiant energy (light) into chemical energy (sugar) (Vodopich, Moore 1996)�. Basically, we can divide photosynthesis into two parts: light reactions and dark reactions. Dark reactions use the ATP created by light reactions.
When light hits the leaves in plants, full with chlorophyll, molecules of water are split into hydrogen and oxygen. Electrons are then passed down and, while this is happening, energy is lost and captured by the ATP. One side of the thylakoid membrane becomes more negatively energized than its outside and as a balancing of energy is occurring more energy is produced. These are the two ways that energy is ...

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chromatography works since the pigments in plants have different polarities, weights, and sizes. Although, it was hard to make a clear hypothesis as to how the pigments would travel due to my lack of knowledge of such pigments, I believed that the different pigments would indeed be divided. Furthermore that the lightest and most polar pigments would travel the most while the most non-polar and heaviest would be left in the bottom of the paper.

The second experiment in our lab consisted on observing electron transport in chloroplasts. This was done using an electron acceptor called DCPIP which is a dye is blue in its oxidized state is blue but after accepting electrons becomes colorless. Therefore we could determine if electron transfer had occurred depending on the change in the solutions color. My hypothesis for this was that all the test tubes containing DCPIP would become clear, including test tube four which was placed in the dark since it has been proven that electron ...

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Photosysthesis Experiment. (2007, May 1). Retrieved January 14, 2025, from http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Photosysthesis-Experiment/64182
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Added: 5/1/2007 09:16:11 AM
Category: Science & Nature
Type: Premium Paper
Words: 945
Pages: 4

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