Antigone Essays and Term Papers

Antigone Vs. Billy Budd

In Poetics, Aristotle explains tragedy as a kind of imitation of a certain magnitude, using direct action instead of narration to achieve its desired affect. It is of an extremely serious nature. Tragedy is also complete, with a structure that unifies all of its parts. It is meant to produce a ...

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The Similarities Between Creon And Antigone

"Ah Creon! Is there no man left in the world-" Teirsesias Greek theatre played a large role in Greece. The citizens were supposed to learn from the mistakes made in tragedies. The citizens should have learned what not to be like as a citizen or person. In a Greek trilogy written by Sophocles ...

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Antigone And Creon

Theater played a large role in ancient Greek society. The citizens were meant to learn from the mistakes made in tragedies. They should have learned what not to be like as a citizen or human. In the classic tragedy Antigone, the third and final play in Sophocles¹s Oedipus Cycle, there are two main ...

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Antigone 8

In Sophocles' play "Antigone" he writes about the same themes as in "Oedipus Rex" and places different characters into almost the same horrible, chaotic situations. Sophocles writes strongly about his most important key theme, the exploration of human limits. He also touches on the themes of ...

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Class In Antigone, Benito Cereno, and The Left Hand of Darkness

Class: An Issue of Diversity Often in societies where diversity is a fundamental issue, class plays an important role. This can be demonstrated by examining The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula LeGuin, Antigone by Sophocles and Benito Cereno by Herman Melville. While these three works are ...

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The Similarities Between Creon And Antigone

"Ah Creon! Is there no man left in the world-" Teirsesias Greek theatre played a large role in Greece. The citizens were supposed to learn from the mistakes made in tragedies. The citizens should have learned what not to be like as a citizen or person. In a Greek trilogy written by ...

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The Missing Dialogue In Antigone

After reading Antigone, one might feel that there is lacking a dialogue between Antigone and Haimon before their deaths. Sophocles does not include any direct communication between the two lovers during this drama. The reader might assume that such a conversation could have taken place but was ...

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Antigone: Summary

Antigone begins as Antigone and Ismene talk about their brothers' deaths in the war. The one brother, Eteocles, was buried with great military honors, whereas the other brother, Polyneces, was left in the field to rot. Antigone was angered by this and was determined to bury him, even though the ...

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Antigone: Creon

In Antigone, Sophocles examines the age-old conflict between the requirements of human and divine law. This universal problem is crystallized in the dispute about the burial of Polynices, in which Creon's understanding of the public welfare is opposed to Antigone's conception of her religious ...

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Antigone Essay

This paper is an essay on Antigone. The story Antigone is a great Greek tragedy. Sophocles, an ancient Greek playwright, is the author of the story. It is a great story. It is known throughout the world. This essay is going to trace the character of Antigone through the beginning, middle, and ...

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The plot of the play focuses on one subject only: Creon's command not to not bury Polyneices, and Antigone's defiance of that command because he is her brother and the gods demand burial of the dead. There are no subplots. All other characters only serve to enhance the theme and conflict above. ...

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Antigone: The Structure Of Classical Tragedy And The Theme

The structure of classical tragedy supports the theme of Antigone. Unable to conform, Antigone chooses to honor the divine law of the gods over man’s law imposed by Creon. The play begins in medias res, the Latin term for in the middle of things. This is seen in Antigone’s first quote of the ...

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God V. Man In Antigone

Choragos: There is no happiness where there is no wisdom; No wisdom but in submission to the gods. Big words are always punished, And proud men in old age learn to be wise. (158) Throughout Sophocles’ drama, Antigone, there are many themes that can be traced. One of the most predominant ...

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Antigone, War Of Beliefs

In the play, "Antigone" written by Sophocles, Antigone and Creon battle a philosophical war based on their beliefs of what is right and wrong. The conflict arose when the principles that backed up their actions clashed with each other, making it a contradiction between morals. Antigone's side of ...

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Antigone 10

"The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule begins." (Kierkegaard) In terms of Antigone, this quotation makes a lot of sense. If a tyrant's, or a cruel dictator-like person's, role is to diminish, he/she will not necessarily die, but his/her popularity will most definitely ...

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Sophocles - Antigone

Choices affect all of our lives. We are always faced with choices. What we do with those choices will determine how are lives will turn out, what destiny lies before us and even what will become of us. The choices we make are in our complete control. Whether we make choices during the heat of the ...

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Antigone 7

Would you ever dare to disobey the law and risk your life for it just so you could do what you thought was right? In the play Antigone, the main character Antigone, had her actions rewarded by death. She had disobeyed the law made by Creon (the king) and therefore had to be punished. It seems ...

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Antigone Greek Ideals

Antigone - Analysis of Greek Ideals In Ancient Greece, new ideals surfaced as answers to life's complicated questions. These new beliefs were centered around the expanding field of science. Man was focused on more than the Gods or heavenly concerns. A government that was ruled by the people was ...

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Antigone 3

The critical lens states that when a dictator dies, his ordinance ends, but when a self-sacrificing individual dies, their legacy begins. This statement is true because oppressed citizens do not fondly mention a mean ruler, such as Creon from Antigone, after he passes away. Yet a martyr, such as ...

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Antigone: Bravery or Feminism

Bravery or Feminism In Sophocles’ drama, Antigone, there are many different elements and themes that are present. Tragedy in a Greek drama is not rare but having the main character being a strong, passionate and proud woman is. The character Antigone is a woman who refuses to settle for what ...

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