Antigone Vs. Creon Essays and Term Papers

Antigone Vs. Billy Budd

In Poetics, Aristotle explains tragedy as a kind of imitation of a certain magnitude, using direct action instead of narration to achieve its desired affect. It is of an extremely serious nature. Tragedy is also complete, with a structure that unifies all of its parts. It is meant to produce a ...

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Creon Vs Antigone

Creon Vs Antigone In the play Antigone, Sophocles analyzes the personality of two main characters. There is a great deal of conflict between Antigone and Creon during the play. Antigone and Creon have their own distinct beliefs and opinions relevant to divine and human law. However, Antigone ...

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Family In Antigone, As You Like It, and The Grand Inquisitor

Life and people are always changing, but family is one thing that will never change. Because of this many people believe that you owe everything to your family. The books "Antigone" by Socrates, "As you Like it" by Shakespeare and "The Grand Inquisitor" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky all explain to the ...

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Role of the Chorus in Antigone

The Voice of the People The Greek tragedy is one of the oldest and most enduring forms of drama. To those not familiar with the function of the chorus in Greek playwrights, the chorus may seem like an arbitrary component of the play. However; the chorus isn’t just a group of individuals who ...

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Antigone Vs. Socrates

In the plays Antigone and the Crito the two lead characters, Antigone and Socrates, showed completely different ideas regarding their responsibilities to the State. Antigone believes in divine law and does what she thinks that the Gods would want her to do. Socrates, on the other hand, believes ...

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Antigone-Higher Law Vs. Laws O

Laws of the City-State vs. Higher Law as Seen in Sophocles' "Antigone" In Ancient Greece, after 800 bc., new ideas came to the forefront concerning the governing of society. These ideas led to a more organized leadership and a government whose decisions were primarily based on majority rule. ...

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Socrates Sides With Creon Or A

Through my reading of Plato’s Apology of Socrates and Crito, I have been able to see how Socrates makes important decisions and what he primarily bases his decisions on. As a individual person we have individual morals which lead us to our own moral or immoral decisions. Sometimes are own ...

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Antigone: Summary

Antigone begins as Antigone and Ismene talk about their brothers' deaths in the war. The one brother, Eteocles, was buried with great military honors, whereas the other brother, Polyneces, was left in the field to rot. Antigone was angered by this and was determined to bury him, even though the ...

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Antigone Individual Vs. Laws O

In Sophocles' "Antigone", the primary focus is on the concept of the individual versus the laws of authority within society. In "Antigone" the reader is challenged by the various conflicting morals that are presented. Antigone's predicament is one related to moral principles. She must decide ...

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Creon Vs. Antigone In The Buri

al of Polyneices When King Oedipus learned that he lived his life under a curse, unknowingly killing his father and marrying his mother, he poked out his own eyes and dissappeared into exile. After Oedipus' abandonment, toghether his sons Eteocles and Polyneices ruled Thebes. The two brothers ...

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Moral Law Vs. Civil Law In Antigone

Emily Snyder In the case of Antigone versus the state, she chose to follow moral law, or God's law if you will. Ultimately she felt that His law was right, and the civil government had no right to say who does and who does not have the right to a proper burial. People make decisions everyday ...

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Medea Vs. Antigone

The two Greek plays, Medea and Antigone both exhibit opening scenes that serve numerous purposes. Such as establishing loyalties, undermining assumptions on the part of the audience, foreshadowing the rest of the play, and outlining all of the issues. Medea and Antigone share many similarities ...

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Modern Vs. Ancient

"We saw her lying: she had made a noose of her fine linen veil and hanged herself. Haimon lay beside her, his love lost under ground, crying out that his father had stolen her away from him." Throughout history plays have evolved in many ways. For example, the theaters where they hold plays ...

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Literal Interpretation In Literature

Literature is meant to provide a perspective on life. Phrases or quotes found in works of literature may be used to help express one's own thoughts, to describe a particular situation, or even to apply the circumstances in another piece of literature. Readers often utilize literary quotes for ...

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