Australian Timber Essays and Term Papers

Australian History - Populate

On the forming of the Federation of Australia, on 1 January 1901, one of the first priorities of the new Federal Government was to increase Australia's population. One way was to encourage an increase in the birth rate, which had been falling. A second way was to encourage immigration, not only ...

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History The first people to live in were called Aborigines. They migrated there about 40,000 years ago. The continent remained relatively unknown by outsiders until the 17th century. The first Europeans to settle were British convicts in 1788. They arrived at Botany Bay in ...

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Convicts And Australia

WHO WERE THE CONVICTS? WHAT SHORT AND LONG TERM CONTRIBUTION DID THEY MAKE TO AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY?" During January 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip landed in New South Wales. Of the one thousand people who made the journey, roughly seven hundred were convicts, transported for various crimes, to aid in ...

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Contrcat Law Implied Terms

Once a contract has been established between two parties, does not necessarily mean that its provisions are clear and beyond dispute. The parties may have differing views as to what was expressly agreed upon, and may encounter potential ambiguity and difficultly in coming to an understanding to ...

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The Green Revolution In Asia

World Issues May 27, 1996 Table of Contents Topic Page The Problem ................................................3 The Solution................................................3 Background to The Green Revolution .........................3 Positives of The Green ...

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Eucalyptus Trees

The eucalypt is one of the tallest trees in the world. There are more then 600 species of eucalypts in Australia. Blackbutt, jarrah, karri, stringybark, ironbark are common names of eucalypts that grow in various parts of Australia. More than ninety per cent of Australia's trees are ...

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Oxfam Australia

Oxfam Australia - Assessment Task Oxfam Australia is an Australian Independent Non-Government Organization. The organization is a community-based and development organisation that is not for profit, it also have an affiliation with Oxfam International Organization. Oxfam Australia works ...

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