Black House Essays and Term Papers

The Klan Unmasked

The Ku Klux Klan has been the most organized of the many different White supremacy groups that came into being after the Civil War. The ill-reputed Knights of the Klan have been involved in countless incidents of human rights violations against blacks and other minority groups in America. ...

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Uncle Tom's Cabin: Influence Of The Setting

The book, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was obviously a novel where the setting was the major factor in the plot of the story. If this had taken place in any other area, like Canada, there would not have even been as story because slavery did not exist there. Therefore the South was the prime region to ...

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JFK: His Life And Legacy

On November 22, 1963, while being driven through the streets of Dallas, Texas, in his open car, President John F. Kennedy was shot dead, apparently by the lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald. The world had not only lost a common man, but a great leader of men. From his heroic actions in World War II ...

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The Hobbit: Overview & Review

BILBO BAGGINS: The Hobbit who led the Dwarves to the Lonely Mountain to reclaim their treasure from the dragon Smaug. He found the One Ring in Gollum's cave GANDALF: The Wizard that accompanies Bilbo and the dwarves on their quest. He is well versed in magic spells and often calls upon them to ...

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Serial Killers

Thesis statement: Serial Murderers are not just murderers but also victims of the rotten hand they were dealt. Abstract I. Definition History A. The Most Infamous Killer B. Myth Theory 1. WereWolves 2. Vampires III. Causes A. Serial Killer Characteristics B. Theories VI. Case ...

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A Touch Of Jazz

When I hear people talking cheerfully of "Negro music" or the Africa roots of jazz; he often wonders what in the world they can be talking about. What Negro music? What part of Africa? What kind of jazz? Africa is groups than any comparable land mass. Not all Africans are Negroes, and not all ...

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To Kill A Mockingbird

By Harper Lee left a lasting impression on me. At the time it was written, it must have been looked down upon as a piece of literature since there was so much hatred towards negroes in the 1950's that no one could probably realize the unjustified prejudice against them. It especially deals with ...

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Analysis Of Maltese Falcon

I don’t recall if Gutman said it in the movie about the Falcon being coated by lacquer to obfuscate that it’s really made of gold and jewels. I think it was implied that nothing is what they really seem to be. This is what I believe Dashiell Hammett was trying to communicate through ...

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Norma Rae A Labor Analysis

This film is based on the real life story of Crystal Lee Sutton and her involvement with Ruben Warshovsky and the organization of the textile workers at the J.P. Stevens Company in Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina (Labor Films). Sally Field plays the lead role of Norma Rae (Crystal Lee Sutton) ...

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Reconstruction In The South

This essay will describe the events that occurred following the Civil War in a period known as Reconstruction. In the South, during this period of time many people suffered from the great amount of property damage done to such things as farms, factories, railroads and several other things that ...

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A Time Of Prejudice

In a very sheltered, old-fashioned town by the name of Maycomb was a family called the Finches. Scout and Jem were the children of Atticus Finch. Before Atticus’ youngest daughter Scout could ever really know her, Atticus’ wife died. Jem, Scout’s older brother, was old enough so he could truly ...

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Nathaniel Abraham, Analysis An

E-mail: Nathaniel Abraham was eleven years old when he committed the act of murder. Under a 1997 Michigan law a child of any age may be tried as an adult for severe crimes. Abraham was the first juvenile to be tried under this statute. Accused in the murder of Ronnie Lee ...

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How Successfully From 1945 To

During Truman's presidency he was faced with forces of intolerance within United States society. These were principally the "Red scares" of the 1950's, hostile attitudes towards Trade Unions and racism, particularly in the South. These forces of intolerance were motivated by both Truman himself ...

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Exxon Valdez

On March 24, 1989 at 4 minutes past midnight, the oil tanker ExxonValdez struck a reef in Alaska's breath-taking Prince William Sound. Instantaneously, the quiet waters of the sound became a sea of black. "We've fetched up - ah - hard aground north of Goose Island off Bligh Reef, and - ah - ...

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Do Less Blacks Than Their Fell

ow white Americans use the web? According to the Pew Study on Internet Usage , the answer is yes, but this study is also quick to point out that it’s not merely color, it’s a mixture of things. However, according to Leonce Gaiter , author of Is the Web too Cool for Blacks, “the web mocks…our ...

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Character Change, Illustrated

Character Change Brought on by Setting, Illustrated in Deliverance and Invisible Man Plot setting is a crucial aspect of any novel. It delivers to the audience the atmosphere which the novel itself is taking place. In both Deliverance and Invisible Man setting illustrates to the reader where the ...

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The World's Longest War

Where We Are Journals practice a laudable self-censorship of criticism of religions. The most vicious devil worship is mentioned with little comment and then only in crime reporting of the atrocities committed. This is a good thing. Religious hatreds are so easily inflamed, and there is so much ...

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In the book, “” by Henry David Thoreau, there a section devoted to the battle of ants. Thoreau’s subsequent narrative of the battle is very detailed and peppered with historical allusions. These allusions make the reader become “fired up” over the subject of war and ...

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To Kill A Mockingbird Injustic

Whether the injustice is mental, economical, or physical, the innocent person it effects, will always suffer. Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird has more than an abundant supply of injustice present in novel. Miss Maudie says it best when she states that it's "a sin to kill a mockingbird" ...

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The Hobbit

BY J. R. R. TOLKIEN CHARACTER INTRODUCTION BILBO BAGGINS: who led the Dwarves to the Lonely Mountain to recla im their treasure from the dragon Smaug. He found the One Ring in Gollum's cave GANDALF: The Wizard that accompanies Bilbo and the dwarves on their quest. He is well versed in ...

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