The Civil War Essays and Term Papers

McCarthy's Communist Witch-Hunt

While the United States was fighting the Cold War to preserve its freedoms, the fears and anti-Communism the Cold War helped cause at home undermined some of those freedoms. One of the most notorious examples of this is Senator Joseph McCarthy. In his search for Communists in the U.S. ...

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Ireland, History And Nature

You stand on the top of the valley. Down, far below you, you see a brook, windind it's way through the valley. As you are thirsty you go down there. And while the wind are blowing upon the green fields you suddenly notice a deer. Standing on the other side of the valley, it's carefully watching ...

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The Speech of Moses Bon Saam

“The Speech of Moses Bon Saam” is a revolutionary speech addressed to enslaved natives of the West Indies. Throughout the speech, Moses intends to invoke a sense of pride, purpose, and identity among a group of revolted slaves. Three prominent themes are omnipresent throughout his speech – the ...

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Barack Obama

The candidate that I am profiling is Barack Obama. The political party Barack Obama represents is the Democratic Party. Another political office Barack Obama has had in his career was that he was a senator. Barack Obama’s political and leadership experiences that he has are that he was the sate of ...

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Crash Course In History Notes

Crash Course Video Notes: 9/16/2014 Jeremy Tetreault 21 Columbus, de Gama, and Zheng He! 15[th] Century Mariners. Crash Course: World History #21 * Zheng He (China): + Greatest Admiral in Chinese history. + He was a Muslim. + 1405-1433 Zheng He, led 7 voyages through the Indian ...

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The Glorious Revolution and Imperial Crisis

Introduction The late 1600's saw the start of the Glorious Revolution and the beginning of change for economic and political rights in the American colonies. The idea that all individuals have the right to life, liberty and the property was introduced by John Locke. By the late 1700's the ...

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The Kent State University Tragedy

Kent State University was placed in an international spotlight after a tragic end to a student demonstration against the Vietnam War and the National Guard on May 4, 1970. Shortly after noon on that Monday, 13 seconds of rifle fire by a contingent of 28 Ohio National Guardsmen left four students ...

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Napoleon 3

Napoleon Bonaparte is considered to be one of the greatest conquers and captains of modern times. In history perhaps no one person has ever aroused so many intense opposite emotions. Perhaps no one had ever claimed as much of the admiration, fear, and hatred of all men as did Napoleon. Napoleon ...

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Fighting For An Innocent Death

The four police officers acquitted of killing Amadou Diallo on the streets of the Bronx in New York should have been found guilty of second-degree murder. Edward McMellon, Sean Carroll, Kenneth Boss, and Richard Murphy are each part of the elite Street Crime Unit of the New York City Police ...

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The Rise And Fall Of Hitlers Reich

Feeling that all was lost, Hitler shot himself on April 30, 1945. By orders formally given by him before his death, SS officers immersed Hitler's body in gasoline and burned it in the garden of the Chancellery. Soon after the suicide of Hitler, the German forces surrendered. The war was ...

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American Drug Laws- Do They He

American Drug Laws: Do They Help or Hurt? I believe the drug laws are in serious need of reform. We tend to forget that alcohol is a drug and that at one time it was prohibited without success. Also, I believe that a civil body of government rather than a criminal one should regulate drug use. It ...

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Euthanasia Is Religious, Medically, And Legally Wrong

Euthanasia is defined as "a painless killing,espacially to end a painful and incurable disease;mercy killing". The righteousness of this act is being debated in several countries throughout the world,and Canada is no exception.Euthanasisa must not be accepted for religious,legal and ...

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John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States (1961-1963). He was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917,the second oldest in a family of nine children, the son of financier Joseph P. Kennedy, who served as ambassador to Great Britain during the administration of Franklin ...

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Is The Unites States Political System A Legitimate Democracy?

? In any system, which claims to be democratic, a question of its legitimacy remains. A truly democratic political system has certain characteristics, which prove its legitimacy with their existence. One essential characteristic of a legitimate democracy is that it allows people to freely make ...

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Drug Prohibition

There are no panaceas for the world's drug problems, but legalizing drugs, un-clog the court system, and free prison space for real criminals. comes as close as any single policy could. Removing legal penalties from the production, sale and use of "controlled substances" would not create a ...

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I. Civil Rights A. Some people, mostly blacks, did not get equal rights. B. Nixon believed fundamentaly in responsible civil rights policy on the part of the federal government. II. Health Care Issues A. People believed in having health care for everyone, and being taken care of from the ...

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Geographical Information: The independent republic of consists of the western third of the island of Hispaniola, the second largest island in the Caribbean. shares the island with the Dominican Republic. Covering a total area of 10,714 square miles, Haiti has a northern and southern peninsula ...

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Norman Rockwell Bio

Norman Rockwell was one of America’s greatest illustrators of this century who made many significant contributions to the field of graphic design with his works that promoted patriotic unity, conveyed the national scene, and often time just evoked or inspired emotions in his audiences. ...

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Apartheid In South Africa

INTRODUCTION Canada is still correcting unjust treatment of our Aboriginal citizens, and the end is not yet in sight. However, Canada has a better record, than another former British colony, South Africa. For 250 years, South African treatment of its original peoples, was an international ...

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The Handmaids Tale

Many readers are surprised to hear Atwood's novel labeled science fiction, but it belongs squarely in the long tradition of near-future dystopias which has made up a large part of SF since the early50s. SF need not involve technological innovation: it has been a long-standing principle that social ...

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