Community Television Essays and Term Papers

The EPA: Can It, Will It Save Our Environment?

? Pollution of our environment is an issue that concerns each and every one of us. "The threat of environmental degradation now looms greater than the threat of nuclear war." Patrick Henry said, "I know no way of judging the future but by the past." In the past man has trampled on the ...

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Stereotypes - Definitional Essay

“Dumb jocks”, “Women don’t belong in a professional setting, they belong in the kitchen”, “He must be a Jew, just look at his nose.” Our society is based solely on face values where we tend to place someone in a category because of his or her actions. Prejudicial notations used to define members ...

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In the fourth era of the consumer movement, the key marketplace features include concern for the environment, increasingly complex technology, a diverse market, and a global market. Concern for the environment has manifested itself in a number of different ways. One example is the Exxon Valdez ...

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Homeless What Has Been Done To

Homeless: What has been done to decrease the problem? One of the largest growing concerns in Toronto is the constantly increasing number of citizens who are finding themselves living on the streets. With the decrease in the number of available jobs, the population of homeless people has ...

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History Of Rock And Roll

In the early 50's, at the end of the big band swing era, came a form of music that, like others, parents would reject and their children would love. This type of music is known as Rock and Roll. Rock and Roll is defined as a popular type of music played on electric instruments and characterized ...

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The Right To A Free Trial

One of the most important freedoms in the American judicial system is the right to a jury trial. This allows a minimum of six Americans, chosen from a list of registered voters, to determine a person's guilt or innocence through deliberations. They have the power to express the conscious of ...

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Isolated in their own worlds, people with appear indifferent and remote. They are normally unable to form emotional bonds with others. Although people with this brain disorder can display a wide range of symptoms and disabilities, many are incapable of understanding other people's thoughts, ...

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Serach Engines

When the term "internet" became a household saying, such did words like Excite, Yahoo, and Lycos. These were the so-called portals that directed Internet first-timers to their destinations and virtually walked them through the World Wide Web. They were and still are the fist place visitors go ...

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1950’s Youth Culture

Youth culture in the nineteen fifties was a time that opened up the world to be integrated for whites and blacks. In this paper the fifties are analyzed through the clothing, styles, cars, family life, and most importantly entertainment. Talking to various members of my family I asked them if ...

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Racial Profiling

Rahsaan DeLain Senior Paper Mrs. Carlo The issue of in America is one of great importance to the future of American society. This issue fairly new, in terms of being recognized is old in its ways. Racism and stereotyping are issues that date back to many years ago. in America is on that needs to ...

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Books And Technology Is The Future Of Printed Books In Jeopa

Is the Future of Printed Books in Jeopardy? Technology has impacted our lives in innumerable ways. It is so implemented into our daily lives, that not a thought crosses our minds about how easily we are living. Technology has changed our world significantly. But has the computer made life's ...

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The Good Death -

Terrorism is a highly effective tool in getting worldly attention but if we increase the punishments we can then decrease the amount of terrorism. In order to stop terrorism we need to understand what terrorism is. “Terrorism is the unlawful use or threat of violence against persons or ...

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Brave New World - Compared To Fahrenheit 451

Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 are two books, both of which are supposed to be set in the future, which have numerous theme similarities throughout them. Of all their common factors, the ones that stand out most would have to be first, the outlawed reading of books; second, the preservation of ...

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, in full United Mexican States (Spanish Estados Unidos Mexicanos), federal republic in North America, bounded on the north by the United States; on the east by the United States, the Gulf of , and the Caribbean Sea; on the south by Belize and Guatemala; and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. ...

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The Internet

Imagine a place where people interact in business situations, shop, play video games, do research, or study and get tutoring. Now imagine that there are no office buildings, no shopping centers, no arcades, no libraries, and no schools. These places all exist in a location called - "an anarchic ...

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Modest Proposal

In 1729, with “A ”, Jonathan Swift raised the argument that, “For preventing the children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden to their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the public” (44), we should rid ourselves of them by our own consumption. ...

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Many people are familiar with the form of surrealistic art and/or pop art. With the growing use of technology in the 21st century a new style of art has emerged combing both aspects of these late 20th century designs. It is entitled . Massurrealistic style of art is a movement to introduce a ...

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Animal Testing-Inhumane Or Neccassary?

? When looking through magazines or even turning on the television it is hard to miss some of the fastest growing and most controversial issues-animal testing. From models such as Kate Moss refusing to wear fur, to other famous people such as Bill Maher also refusing, there has been a lot argued ...

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Reasons For The Fall Of Socialism/Communism In Russia

The two apparent heirs to Lenin's regime were Josef Stalin and Leon Trotsky. Although Trotsky was better suited for the position (with his strong political inclinations towards reasonable social adaptability), Josef Stalin assumed controlled and subsequently ordered the exile of all apposing ...

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The Man And Legend

“Can We Attain an Equal America?” Can we really achieve equality? I do believe it is possible but it is obvious that there is no single answer to such a question. Everyone has their own opinion in regards to this question, however those opinions are useless unless they are actually ...

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