Crucible Essays and Term Papers

The Crucible - Characters Hidden Motives

The Crucible is about Salem during the witch trials of 1692. People living in and around the village were greatly affected by the hysteria, which had horrible consequences including the hanging of many innocent people. Some of these people had motives other than the ones they revealed. Many ...

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The Crucible: The Witchcraft Hysteria

In 1692, in Salem Massachusetts, the superstition of witches existed in a society of strong Christian beliefs. Anybody who acted out of the ordinary was accused of being a witch and then the accuse would actually be forgiven if the blamed their accusations on another individual. This was the ...

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The Crucible - The Deteriorati

The deterioration of Salem’s social structure precipitated the murders of many innocent people. Arthur Miller’s depiction of the Salem witch trials, The Crucible, deals with a community that starts out looking like it is tightly knit and church loving. It turns out that once Tituba starts pointing ...

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The Crucible: Miller's McCarthynistic Idea

“The play was inspired by Miller's belief that the hysteria surrounding the witchcraft trials paralleled the contemporary political climate of McCarthysim.” McCarthysim is Senator Joseph McCarthy's obsessive quest to uncover a communist infiltration of American institutions. Communism is a theory ...

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Crucible: "We Are Our Own Worst Enemies"

There is an old saying that goes: "we are our own worst enemies." In relation to The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, it corresponds to the characters in the play perfectly. John Proctor, a historical figure in the play, is "his own worst enemy" in every aspect. Proctor's extreme ...

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Arthur Millers The Crucible

Setting, time, and place were among the most obvious of details in The Crucible. As with each time period, the era in which this book took place brought with it unique characteristics of the people and places associated with that decade. Through the use of cleverly constructed characters, Arthur ...

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The Crucible

  Men of God? The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play in which the Red Scare from the 1950\'s is paralleled to the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. It contains a wonderfully developed plot, which displays society\'s flaws by establishing a good versus evil scenario. Miller creates characters ...

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The Crucible 3

In Miller’s, The Crucible, he describes a New England town in the midst of Salem witch-hunt hysteria during the late 1600’s. His play not only recounts the historic events but also specifically sheds light on the rationalization for this hysteria. In Miller’s running commentary ...

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Revenge In The Crucible And The Scarlet Letter

Love is a strange thing. It is strong, free, and blind. With it come many pleasures. However, what often occurs after love is the antithesis of love. Once love is lost in a person, a barrage of feelings inhabits that person. One of the darkest, strongest, most eminent emotions that occur in a ...

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The Crucible 3

In Miller’s, The Crucible, he describes a New England town in the midst of Salem witch-hunt hysteria during the late 1600’s. His play not only recounts the historic events but also specifically sheds light on the rationalization for this hysteria. In Miller’s running commentary ...

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The Crucible: The Characters In The Crucible

The Crucible was a story with a wide range of caractors. Not only appearance wise but, with different personalities a together. Many caracteurs in this play thought differently from one and other. That is why this book had a few "twists and turns" to the story. In my profiles, I will display ...

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The Crucible: Summary

In this play The Crucible, Arthur Miller exposes the evil behind the Salem witchcraft of 1692. This play begins with several young girls dancing in the woods and conjuring spirts. A servent woman named Tituba led these seven girls in a voodoo dance. Rev. Paris cought these girls conjuring sprits. ...

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The Crucible: John Proctor's Decision To Die; Is The Right One?

? Micheal Griffin In the play, The Crucible, John Proctor quoted "Because it is my name!, Because I cannot have another in my life. How may I live without my name, leave me my name! ( page 138)." He has very strong belief's that if his name is blackened there is no reason to live. John Proctor ...

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The Crucible's Tragic Hero

A tragic event should bring fear and pity to the reader and the hero should be courageous and noble, hence when combined a tragic hero is presented. The protagonist, John Proctor, portrays a tragic hero in The Crucible. His hamartia of treachery caused great internal struggles, he displays ...

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The Crucible: The Deterioration Of Salem During The Witch Trials

John Hudson Mrs. Phillips The deterioration of Salem's social structure precipitated the murders of many innocent people. Arthur Miller's depiction of the Salem witch trials, The Crucible, deals with a community that starts out looking like it is tightly knit and church loving. It turns out that ...

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Book Report On The Crucible

The term, “innocent until proven guilty” is synonymous with the justice system. The saying also applies to people while among their peers. In the sleepy little town of Salem, Massachusetts, however, it turns out to be quite the opposite. When lies and rumors run rampant through their community, ...

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Lies Of The Crucible

Lying has always been considered to be one of the worst things man could do. Yet almost anyone who has ever spoken a word in their life has lied at one point or another. The truth is that lying comes naturally. Lying is an easy way out of situations that could get us in trouble. It truly is an ...

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The Crucible: John Proctor

Aristotle, one of the great philosophers, teachers and writers of the fourth century BCE, wrote a book focusing on what he felt made the perfect tragic drama. He stated that one of the most important aspects of a tragedy was the tragic hero. A tragic hero is a noble person that goes from a state ...

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The Crucible - A Harsh Reality

Authur Miller\'s play, The Crucible, is about the persecution of persons falsely accused of being witches in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. Many people die in the village after a series of lies and unjust practices. Abigail Williams, after having had an affair with a married man, begins this ...

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The Crucible: Deteriorated Rational And Emotional Stability Of Salem

The trumped-up witch hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts, deteriorated the rational, and emotional stability of its citizens. This exploited the populations weakest qualities, and insecurities. The obvious breakdown in Salem’s social order led to the tragedy which saw twenty innocent people hung on ...

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