Great Lakes Essays and Term Papers


is a well-known Anglo-Saxon poem that has been in English classes around the United States for almost as long as there have been schools around. is not an actual picture of historic Denmark, Geatland, or Sweden around 500 A.D., yet it is on a general view, a self-consistent picture, a ...

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The End Of Affluence

As the first European settlers arrived in America, ideas of wealth and prosperity were fully implanted in their minds. These ideas soon turned into reality, and the United States dominated the global economy up until the post World War II years. In this paper, from the Book by Jeffery Madrick, ...

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1775-1900: The History Of The Buffalo Soldier

Throughout American history, Afro-Americans have had to decide whether they belonged in the United States or if they should go elsewhere. Slavery no doubtfully had a great impact upon their decisions. However, despite their troubles African Americans have made a grand contribution and a great ...

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The Nile receives its last great tributary, the Blue Nile, near Khartum, in about the 17th degree of north latitude. Above the town the river flows quietly through grassy plains; below, the stream changes its peaceful character, as it makes its way through the great table-land of the north of ...

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Phone Call To Bobbie

Bootcamp seemed like eternity. It was December 25, 1996 Christmas day. There I was in the US Navy’s bootcamp standing in line with my division waiting to enter the galley. Why I had chosen to be in Great Lakes in the of dead winter I will never know. More than anything I wanted to hear my ...

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Industrial Revolution

Throughout the course of history, iconic inventions and ideas have altered the world to a point of no return. The early 1800's experienced a vast revolution in the field of agriculture and manufacturing known as the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was a direct effect of the ...

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North America

is a highly diversified continent. It is the third largest of the seven continents. includes ,the United States, Mexico, Canada, Greenland, and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon(British dependency of Bermuda). (Encarta Encyclopedia 98). One the many things that make unique is that it has almost ...

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Prescribed Burning

It's a promising tool, this idea of to defuel forests and help restore ecosystem health. But it's risky business, too, and smoke clouds public acceptance. I THOUGHT FIRE SEASON HAD ENDED. BUT THE SCENT OF PINE SMOKE IN MY NOSTRILS LATE LAST OCTOBER TOLD ME SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Deep in Oregon's ...

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Hiram Walkers

It all started in the days of smuggling liquor. Canadian whisky had a new cleaner flavour and was no ordinary Whisky. The founder was no ordinary man either. Massachusetts born Hiram Walker became one of the world's first commuters travelling day by day from the United States to Canada. He ...

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Exploration - Motives For

Until the late 1400\'s, Europeans did not know the existence of the two American continents ( North and South America ). To the European explorers, exploring the other side of the Atlantic was like exploring an entire different world, hence the name- the New World. In 1492, Christopher Columbus ...

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Planting Flowers

Flowers seem to pop up all over Pennsylvania. Why can't they pop up in my garden? Through research, I have learned that wildflowers flourish because they are in an ideal location, and if I can recreate these conditions successfully, flowers will thrive in my garden as well. I am going to ...

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The Chlorine Debate: How White Do You Want It?

? Chlorine is one of the world's most widely used chemicals, the building element vital to almost every United States industry. We use chlorine and chlorine-based products whenever we drink a glass of water, buy food wrapped in plastic, purchase produce in the supermarket, pour bleach into a ...

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History Of Railroads

Railroads were born in England, a country of dense population, short distances, and large financial resources. In England problems were very different from those in America, which in the early 1800s was a nation of great distances, sparse population, and limited capital. Americans had to learn to ...

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Evolution Of Canada

Canada, independent nation in North America. A country rich in minerals and agriculture, it was settled by the French and English and became an independent Commonwealth country with a federal system of government, in which the provinces enjoy a large measure of autonomy. Land and Economy. The ...

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Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan Of Union

The reason behind Franklin's Albany Plan of Union is the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War started because British colonists were said to be moving in on territory that the French had claimed for themselves. Then, in 1753, the French started constructing a chain of forts ...

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Civil War

The civil war was between the north and the south and the south should have won because we would have all been better off!At several points during the Civil War in the United States, the conflict could have turned either way. However, the Union enjoyed several advantages over the Confederacy that ...

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The History Of The Automobile

The automobile it is made around the world by many different company’s with even more different models. The automobile is one of the main piecese of our daily lives. Today it can play a major role in anybody’s life around the world. From day one people were trying to lighten the load that they ...

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Historical Relations Between T

he Metis Nation & Canada The origin of the Metis Nation is rooted in the historical fabric of Canada. It was in the Canadian Northwest that they evolved into a new and distinct Aboriginal Nation. The mixed-blood offspring of French fur traders from the North West Company or Scottish and English ...

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Problems In Air Traffic Control And Proposed Solutions

In northern California this summer, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) unintentionally performed it's first operational test of "free flight"; aviation without direct air traffic control. This was an unintentional experiment because it was a result of a total shut-down of the Oakland Air ...

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Racism And The Ku Klux Klan

Thesis: The Klan wants the white race to take over the land of the U.S and save it from immigrants. I. Origin a. the Klan’s birth b. the forming of the Klan c. what the Klan stands for II. Movement a. how the KKK moved through the nation b. the effect on ...

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