Higher Ground Essays and Term Papers
Lasers And Their UsesWe have all at some point in our lives used or seen someone use a laser.
They are used in compact disc players for stereos or computers, laser surgery,
laser printers, holography, cutting and borring metals, communication, bar-code
scanners, etc. Over the past three decades' lasers have become a ...
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The Rise And Fall Of American CommunismDuring the twentieth century, the popularity of the American Communist party was fueled less by its beliefs, than by the Government’s ever-more-antagonistic attitude toward foreign influences in America. After the armistice of World War I, disillusioned by the political and social turmoil ...
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Psychological DoublesThe Gothic theory of the double is both reductive and powerful. It assumes that we are all playing a role in life; that a raving beast waits within for the chains to loosen or snap. Doubles stories seem to proliferate when people sense an unnegotiable divide between the true self and society, ...
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Savage Inequalities: Children In America's SchoolsImagine sending your children to a school such as the schools in East St. Louis, where they are overpopulated, under-staffed, under-supplied, and well below safety standards. Well, this may be a nightmare for some parents, but unfortunately, this is a reality for many others; primarily those ...
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Puritan Doctrine In 17th C. LiIn seventeenth century America, the world was a frightening place. God could, and would, strike a man down at any time for any missteps he might take. Nature was filled with horrors, like Indians, and the Devil resided in the forest, waiting to steal peoples’ souls. In the eighteenth century, ...
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Memoirs Of Frank McCourt¡¦s ChildhoodWhat is the meaning of life? I always asked myself this very same question every day because I often wonder what is the reason for my existence in this world. I have never learned to appreciate all the things I enjoy in life, such as health, friendship, and love. I have always taken them for ...
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Abbey, And His Fear Of ProgressEdward Abbey
The day that the gray jeep with the U.S. Government decal and "Bureau of Public
Roads" on it, Edward Abbey knew that progress had arrived. He had foreseen it,
watching other parks like his, fall in the face of progress. He knew that
hordes of people and their "machines" would come ...
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Finlandofficial name is Republic of , Finnish Suomi or Suomen Tasa Valta, Swedish , or Republiken , European country. It is one of the world's most northern and geographically remote countries and is subject to a severe climate. It is bordered on the north by Norway, on the northwest by Sweden, on the ...
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Queen Elizabeth IWere and Catherine the Great effective rulers? Were their reign\'s characterized as good or not so well? Disregarding the opinion of those who reigned concurrently or historians today, these two ruled their country in a time of turmoil and uncertainty! The world and the people within it were ...
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Europe And The New WorldTutorial Question: Why were the ‘westerners’ (Spanish, English, Portuguese’s, French etc) able to displace the native people’s of America with, seemingly, relative ease? Was this evidence of a superior ‘civilisation’?
Many believe that there is a great difference between ‘westerners’ and the ...
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Global Warming -.In 1992 the United States and nations from around the world met at the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio and agreed to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000. The Rio Treaty was not legally binding and, because reducing emissions would likely cause great ...
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Water TransitionsBrackish water is a fairly salty mixture of freshwater and sea
water. It is unique in numerous ways and is a life giving ecosystem. To
understand what brackish water is, a background should be known about its
First of all, there is freshwater. Out of all the water on the
planet, only ...
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Dereklifted the large plastic tub, which he had just filled with ice,
level with the counter, dumped the ice into the stainless steel container,
and sighed. He looked at his watch: 10:25, it said; almost mid-morning,
and five eternal minutes left until his fifteen minute coffee break. Fuck
it, he ...
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Light: A Fundamental Force In Our WorldIf asked what light is, one could say that it's one of the most basic
elements of our world and our universe as we perceive it. It is through
sight that we receive 90% of our information. It is through the use of
telescopes aiding the naked eye that we are aware of the heavenly bodies
around us. ...
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The Effects Of Processing VegetablesThere is a variety of different ways to process a vegetable, but is it the same vegetable when it comes out as it went in? Vegetables are sold canned, frozen and fresh just about everywhere. Posing the question, are they equally as nutritious? Nutrition is a topic concerning Americans today ...
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ChinaThe World is forever in debt to for its innovations. Ancient was
extreme advance and many of its discoveries are still in use today. This is what Robert
Temple, the author of The Genius of 3000 years of science, discovery and
invention. The book is based on 11 main parts of Chinese ...
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Heart Of DarknessThe Visions of Light Vs Darkness
When Joseph Conrad composed he created a literary masterpiece which embodied the essence of light contrasting with darkness. Throughout the novel Conrad constantly utilizes the images of light and dark and uses them to mold a vision, which the reader is then able ...
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Jordan Does It AllEveryone who reads the sports section of the daily news knows about Michael Jordan. Although the name is not uncommon, there is only one Michael Jordan. He is the fundamental sports hero that has not been plagued by scandal. Jordan appears on all kinds of commercials. Some of those commercials ...
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Nuclear EnergyFrom Theory to Practice
The nuclear age began in Germany, in the 1930s in the lab of chemist
Otto Hahn.
Hahn was attempting to produce radium (In great need during the war) by
bombarding uranium atoms with neutrons. To his surprise, he ended up with
a much lighter element, barium.
That ...
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