Margaret Bourke-White Essays and Term Papers
Margaret Bourke-WhiteMargaret Bourke- White never thought she would be a famous photographer. In 1921, when Margaret was 17, she went to college to study herpetology, or the study of snakes and reptiles. That same year her father died leaving her family with little money. To stay in college Margaret got a job taking ...
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The Photographs Of Margaret Bourke-White: A ReviewThe book I selected was about Margaret Bourke-White. This book is titled, The Photographs of Margaret Bourke-White. I got this book from our library at Milwaukie.
In White’s early years she began as an industrial photographer, solving the problems of shooting pictures in the cavernous, black ...
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Margaret Bouke-WhiteE-mail:
Margaret Bourke- White Margaret Bourke- White never thought she would be a famous photographer. In 1921, when Margaret was 17, she went to college to study herpetology, or the study of snakes and reptiles. That same year her father died leaving her family with ...
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