Musical Essays and Term Papers

Race and Racism in Early Radio

In the days before "video killed the radio star" and Western culture was consumed by the glowing light of the television set, the radio was the most valuable source of entertainment and information in American homes. Since the 1920's, radio has been a significant factor in defining the pop ...

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Funding for the Arts

In today’s education system, there is a lack of funding for the arts in public schools. Sufficient data exists to overwhelmingly support the belief that study and participation in the fine arts is a key component in improving learning throughout all academic areas. Evidence of its effectiveness ...

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Robert Johnson and the Blues

Robert Johnson, born in Mississippi in 1911, was not only a bluesman but was also one of the most influential musicians in history. His music contained emotion, mystery, and passion which produced original blues music that many musicians looked up to. Despite being one of the most influential ...

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Louis Armstrong and Bix Beiderbecke

Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong was born in 1901 in the hub of American jazz and blues - New Orleans. His early years were particularly difficult ones. Poverty, racism and abandonment haunted his youth. His father left his mother when Louis was an infant. His mother also later abandoned the family (which ...

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Baroque Art

Baroque is a style of art that initially started in Italy. This artistic style later spread to other countries such as Spain, Austria, and France in the periods of the following the 17th century. The spread of Baroque was facilitated by its use by the Pope and the Catholic rulers. They further ...

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Gang Membership Prevention in American Society

Evangelin Samuel Professor Karl Stowe Introduction to Sociology 26 November 2019 Gang Membership Prevention in American Society Gang membership has been a problem that Americans have been combating since the mid-20[th] century. It is seen in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and ...

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Click Vs. Brick: An Exploration Of Mp3 File Sharing And Mp3

An exploration of mp3 file sharing and online music piracy, and its ethical implications regarding consumers, musicians, and record companies “In traditional ethical studies, the classic problem is the starving man – can a starving man ethically steal a loaf of bread if he has no money. The ...

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Elvis Presley

Elvis Aaron Presley was born into a poverty stricken family on January 8, 1935. He and his twin brother (Jessie Garon who died at birth) were the sons of Vernon and Gladys Love Smith Presley. Gladys Smith gave birth in two-room house built by her husband and her brother - in -law. His way of life ...

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When began, it was one religion with one denomination. Now it has grown into one of the main world religions with many different denominations. Over the years, as one church split from another and opposition became common, the beliefs began to change, though the core has still remained. Fifteen ...

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Weber And Rationalisation

The rationalisation process is the practical application of knowledge to achieve a desired end. It leads to efficiency, coordination, and control over both the physical and the social environment. It is the guiding principle behind bureaucracy and the increasing division of labour. It has led ...

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Langston Hughes

Nature and the Human Soul: The Shackles of Freedom and Kate Chopin use nature in several dimensions to demonstrate the powerful struggles and burdens of human life. Throughout Kate Chopin^s The Awakening and several of ^ poems, the sweeping imagery of the beauty and power of nature demonstrates ...

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Death Of A Salesman: Summary

Plot: 1. The events in this story are arranged out of order or by use of flashbacks. 2. The author most likely chose this style of writing to show reflection on the life of an old man. The flashbacks are used to show the style and mannerism of the main character, Willy, and how old age ...

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“Masque Of The Red Death”vs.“Fall Of The House Of Usher”: A Glimpse Into The Life Of Poe

Edgar Allen Poe was a great author. He wrote many great short stories and literary works. In his writings, he used a variety of literary elements. It is key in a great author to use these elements in the way he did. Edgar also had a very interesting and troubled life. In comparing Edgar Allen ...

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Jim Henson, A Gentle Genius

- Sept. 24, 1936-May 16, 1990 Having one of the largest influence over children during his time, as a entertainer; Jim Henson was a true magician. Creativity is a word that describes something that has been invented or made or will be, it’s not imitated by others. Success is what someone ...

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Crime Films

When looking at the crime film it is important to understand the nature of the films genre. The genre is a way for the audience to distinguish types of films. These are categorised together because of standard protocols developed for a particular types or styles of film. These films usually ...

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Computer Multimedia

Computers have come a long way very fast since there start in the 1940's. In the beginning they were mainly used for keeping financial records by banks and insurance companies, and for mathematical computations by engineers and the U.S. Military. However, exciting new applications have ...

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Death In Venice: A Tragic Vision Of A Flawed Artist?

To what extent is Death in Venice a tragic vision of a flawed artist? Aschenbach was certainly an artist. A very decent one. He had his life planned out, was very accurate and organized. Perhaps even a bit boring, monotonous. He was a hard-working man, he had that certain motus animi continuus. He ...

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Click Vs Brick: An Exploration Of Mp3 File Sharing And Onlin

An exploration of mp3 file sharing and online music piracy, and its ethical implications regarding consumers, musicians, and record companies “In traditional ethical studies, the classic problem is the starving man – can a starving man ethically steal a loaf of bread if he has no money. The ...

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Gays: A Struggle For Acceptance

"When the dust settles and the pages of history are written, it will not be the angry defenders of intolerance who have made the difference, that reward will go to those who dared to step outside the safety of their privacy in order to expose and rout the prevailing prejudice." - John Shelby ...

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The Role Of Entertainers As Educators

Both entertainment and education have been integrals parts of the human experience since the beginnings of time. Many scholars insist that the two institutions often serve jointly, with entertainers and entertainment serving as a main source of education. There is little argument, then, that in ...

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