Ohio Essays and Term Papers
American ReconstructionIn the Spring of 1865, the Civil war was finally brought to an end. The five years of war was the nation's most devastating and wrenching experience. Although the Union was saved and slavery had ended, the South being defeated and occupied by union forces was ruined and in a state of disaster. ...
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Hiram Ulysses Grantwas born near Pleasant Point, Ohio, on April 27, 1822. His parents were Hannah Simpson and Jesse Grant. Jesse Grant was the owner of a tannery. He was shy boy while growing up. At the age of one year he was taken to Georgetown where he was educated at local and boarding schools. He graduated ...
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Robert E. LeeRobert Edward Lee is considered one of the greatest generals in the history of the United States. Lee was opposed to many views of the south, including succession and slavery, yet his loyalty to his native state of Virginia forced him to fight for the south and refuse command of the Union armies ...
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BelovedSynopsis Both the movie and the book should be approached as a mystery that unfolds. It is written realistically but has a great deal of mystical overtones throughout the story. Both the movie and the novel begin in the middle of the story which in the beginning may be slightly confusing to either ...
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Fluorideis a mineral that occurs naturally in almost all foods and water
supplies. The ion comes from the element fluorine. Fluorine, the 13th
most abundant element in the earth's crust, is never encountered in its free
state in nature. It exists only in combination with other elements as a
compound. ...
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Follow The River: Thom Versus Original AccountFollow the River, written by James Alexander Thom, was based on the
capture of Mary Draper Ingles by a group of Shawnee Indians and the escape
that followed her captivity. It was a somewhat accurate account of the
events that may have happened during her long journey to and from the
Shawnee ...
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The Civil WarOn paper the North was far stronger than the South. It had two and a
half times as many people, and it possessed far more ships, miles of
railroad, and manufacturing enterprises. Southerners, however, had the
advantage of fighting on home ground with better military leadership. But
Union ...
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Langston Hughes“Born in Joplin, Missouri, James was born into an abolitionist family. He was the grandson of James Mercer Langston, the first Black American to be elected to public office in 1855. Hughes attended Central High School in Cleveland, Ohio, but began writing poetry in the eighth grade, and was ...
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Civil War The Color Bearer TraThe War Between the States was the heyday of American battleflags and their bearers. With unusualhistorical accuracy, many stirring battle paintings show the colors and their intrepid bearers in the forefront of the fray or as a rallying point in a retreat. The colors of a Civil War regiment ...
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Gangshave been and will always be a part of society, They have in one form or another been around for hundreds of years. For example pirates were in some way or another a form of an organized gang. The groups that traditionally come to mind when one thinks of modern day are the Crips and the Bloods ...
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Abortion Should Be Made Illegal. Abortion is murder, it is the killing
of an unborn baby. In today's society, regular people are not allowed to go out
and just murder someone for no reason, so why should doctors be allowed to
murder unborn babies? "Abortion is not merely the removal of some tissue from a
woman's ...
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Abraham LincolnAlthough other states such as Indiana lay claim to his birth, most sources agree that was born on February 12, 1809, in a backwoods cabin in Hodgeville, Kentucky. In an interview during his campaign for the presidency in 1860 Lincoln described his adolescence as "the short and simple annals of ...
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The Mass Media And PoliticsThe mass media possesses a great deal of influence in society and
politics in the United States. Newspapers, radio, magazines and television
are able to use their own judgment when reporting current events. The
power of the mass media is an asset to the government in some instances and
a ...
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Sheyann WebbOn August,13 1860, Pheobe Ann Moses was born to Jacob and Susan Moses in their one room cabin in Patterson, Ohio. When Annie was around 6, her father contracted pnemonia while traveling the 18 miles home from town in a blizzard, and died in the spring of 1866. Afterward, Susan had trouble ...
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Chief Seattle When stories are told about the American Indian it is usually the Indians that are looked upon as the heathens. They are portrayed as savages who spent most of their time raiding wagon trains and scalping the white settlers just for fun. The media has lead us to believe that the American ...
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History Of RailroadsRailroads were born in England, a country of dense population, short distances, and large financial resources. In England problems were very different from those in America, which in the early 1800s was a nation of great distances, sparse population, and limited capital. Americans had to learn to ...
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Musician 2There are many different types of musicians. Mainly, musicians are people who play musical instruments for the enjoyment of others. In addition to playing music, many of them write their own. Some musicians sing or conduct groups. They can also play alone or as part of a group. Musicians often ...
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The Civil WarFor minorities, as for other Americans, was an
opportunity to prove their valor and loyalty. Among the first mustered
into the Union Army were a De Kalb regiment of German American clerks, the
Garibakdi Guards made up of Italian Americans, a "Polish Legion," and
hundreds of Irish American youths ...
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A Portrayal Of HonorFor minorities, as for other Americans, the Civil War was an opportunity to prove their valor and loyalty. Among the first mustered into the Union Army were a De Kalb regiment of German American clerks, he Garibakdi Guards made up of Italian Americans, a "Polish Legion," and hundreds of Irish ...
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Does The Mass Media Cause UndeIt started by way of messengers and scribes, evolved through the presentation of newspapers and radio, brought us together with television, and now serves us world-wide via the ever-popular Internet. It is the mass media, and even from the earliest days of its existence, it has contributed greatly ...
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