People Essays and Term Papers

Joesph Stalin

, originally Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, is one of the most hated man in history because of his Communist rule over Russia and his massacre of millions of people. Stalins life began on December 21, 1879 in Gori, Georgia. His family was very poor shoemaker who drank heavily and beat Stalin ...

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The Allegory Of The Cave By Pl

Plato was born 427 B.C. and died 347 B.C. He was a pupil under Socrates. During his studies, Plato wrote the Dialogues, which are a collection of Socrates' teachings. One of the parables included in the Dialogues is "The Allegory of the Cave". "The Allegory..." symbolizes man's struggle to reach ...

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A Look At Wildlife Through The Eyes Of Tom Ulrich

On Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 12:00 p.m., Tulsa Community College Southeast Campus had the great pleasure of having Tom Ulrich come and share his exciting pictures and stories with everyone interested in attending. Tom Ulrich is a wildlife photographer whose passion is to photograph exotic ...

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Comparison Of Two Paintings

Compare and Contrast two paintings. (Somnambulist Mall Walking and Golconda) Somnambulist Mall Walking and Golconda are two paintings that caught my eyes because of the composition and contents in the paintings. Somnambulist Mall Walking was painted in 1995 by Lynn Randolf and Golconda was done ...

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Lyndon B. Johnson

At 2:38 PM, on Nov. 22, 1963, took the oath of office as the 36th president of the United States. John F. Kennedy had been shot while riding in a parade through downtown Dallas. Johnson was riding two cars behind Kennedy. Johnson was Kennedy’s vice president so he immediately became ...

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The Great Gatsby: American Dream

The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is about the American Dream, and the downfall of those who attempt to reach its illusionary goals. The attempt to capture the American Dream is central to many novels. This dream is different for different people, but in The Great Gatsby, for Jay, ...

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Billy Budd 2

To form simply one opinion or show merely one aspect of this story is naive, rude, and closed minded. How may one stick to one deli mea, moral questioning, or out-look on a book that jumps from such cases like frogs on lily pads? Just as Melville has done, I shall attempt to arrange my perception ...

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(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a deadly disease for which there is no cure. This disease was first recognized in the mid 1980's. The cause of is the HIV virus, and is most commonly spread by venereal routes or exposure to contaminated blood or blood products. This disease weakens ...

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Theodore Roosevelt Was Qualified For The Position Of President Of The United States

. The President should be intellectual in order to intelligently run the United States. The President requires knowledge of the laws of the United States in order to properly approve and veto bills according to the best interests and legalities of the United States. The President is the ...

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Biology Term Paper - Tigers

The tiger is part of the kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class Carnivora, family Felidae, subfamily Panthernae, genus/species Panthera tigris. Tigers have round pupils and yellow irises (except for the blue eyes of white tigers). Due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back ...

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Follow Your Heart

The novel is titled because Olga, the grandmother who wrote the letters, tried to convey to her Granddaughter that unless she follows her heart, she will never be happy. Olga has this viewpoint because during her life she didn't follow her heart, and made decisions based upon what other people ...

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Suicide In The Awakening

What is suicide? "(Suicide is) the act of self-destruction by a person sound in mind and capable of measuring his (or her) moral responsibility" (Webster 1705). "No one really knows why human beings commit suicide. Indeed, the very person who takes his (or her) own life may be least aware at ...

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The Scarlet Letter: Roger's Character Stereotyped As An Abusive Person

In the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Roger Chillingworth's character is depicted as a stereotype of an abusive person, not as a real human being. This stereotype is a vice because it is evil, degrading and immoral. A stereotype is an oversimplified conception, opinion, or ...

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The World As Will And Idea And Young Goodman Brown: Symbols

"The World as Will and Idea" and "Young Goodman Brown": Symbols The word symbol derives from the Greek verb symbolallein 'to throw together' and its noun symbolon 'mark, emblem, token or sign'. A symbol is an object animate or inanimate, which represents or stands for something else. A literary ...

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To Kill A Mockingbird: Man Versus Society

There Are Five Literary Conflicts In literature, Man Versus Man, Man Versus Nature, Man Versus The Supernatural, Man Versus Society, Man Versus Himself. There Is A New Literary conflict in literature, It's Man Versus Technology, Therefore, Known As the conflict on the 20'th century. A symbolic ...

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Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent was born on March 30, 1853, in the village of Groot Zunbert in the Dutch province of North Brabant. His father, Theodorus, was pastor of a small Dutch Reformed Church. Vincent's mother, Anna Cornelia Carbentus, was a similarly mild and uninspired soul. It is common for biographers to ...

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Personal Writing: Our Trip To See The Band "Last One Standing"

This past Friday I traveled down to Burlington with my friends Justin, Jamie, and Steve. The purpose of our trip was to see Justin and his band, Last One Standing, play at his old high school in Colchester. We all met around three o'clock, then piled into Justin's black, Volkswagen GTI, behind ...

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Global Warming

In recent years, the term has been associated with such phrases as “impending environmental disaster”, the “greenhouse effect” and “the most serious environmental threat of the 21st century” (Newton xi; Newton 87). is defined as an increase in the average temperature on Earth. The increase was ...

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Types Of Skiing

Downhill Skiing In Downhill skiing, competitors take a “set course from start to finish.” They take turns racing and each run is timed. The person with the fastest time wins. Downhill racers use ski poles to pick up speed at the start and for balance when they take turns. They try to keep there ...

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Lyme Disease In Horses

Lyme Borreliosis, also know as Lyme Disease, is caused by Borrelia Burgdorferi, a bacterium. The bacteria are transmitted through deer ticks. The disease is named for the town of Old Lyme, Connecticut, where it was first discovered and diagnosed. Lyme Disease effects many people, as well as ...

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