Present Essays and Term Papers

Change Within Western Society From Roman Times To The Time O

Artists, like writers and social activists, are affected by their surroundings. Therefore, the work that they produce is also extremely affected by the existing society. Political, moral, economical, and religious views of a period are frequently themes in artwork, whether they are symbolic or ...

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Exploring Mars

MARS SURFACE EXPLORATION One question that is being asked by people is, "Why go to Mars"? The reasons are very simple. People want to gain recognition of how they were the first people who went to Mars and opened up a whole new world and most importantly to move forward in economics. As ...

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School Uniforms

John Doe walks into a skyscraper, confident and well groomed wearing a tie, suit, and dress shoes. His confidence moves him forward, as he enters an elevator going up to the 23rd floor. He approaches his first job interview since leaving Jesuit Prep: McAllen & McAllen Law. This well groomed man ...

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AIDS Related Stigma

E-mail: Introduction Since the appearance of AIDS in the late seventies and early eighties, the disease has had attached to it a significant social stigma. This stigma has manifested itself in the form of discrimination, avoidance and fear of people living with ...

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Mandatory Physical Education I

Current high school students are becoming fatter, slower, and less motivated than past students. Many of these young people would prefer to be sitting passively in front of the television rather than to do something physically active. Most high school students believe they do not have sufficient ...

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Macbeth - Witches

To what extent are the witches in the tragedy Macbeth responsible for Macbeth\'s actions? The Three witches in the tragedy Macbeth are introduced right at the beginning of the play. They recount to Macbeth three prophesies. That Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glams and King. These ...

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Computer Simulations

Computer Simulation WARSIM 2000 is simulation software, used by the armed forces. Extensive, thorough, and tiring work has been done on thgis program. It covers almost all aspects and situations required for realistic, meticulous and a complete simulation. Information Technology has lead to the ...

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The Aztecs

The Aztec people ruled from the Gulf of Mexico to present day Guatemala. There capital city was Tenochititlan. The greatest controlling force was religion. It was shown in their architecture and sculpture.  They also had writing, numbers and a calendar. They had recorded dates for religious ...

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Refutation To A Bias Suggestion

"Some people suggest that the Bible, being a collection of texts written long ago by persons much different from ourselves, does not have much (or any) significance for modern people." The suggestion that the Bible is invalid simply due to its authors and era is absurd and bias. This statement ...

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The Danger Of Air Bags And The

Proposed Improvements including Advanced Air Bag Systems In today's fast paced world, the amount of automobile travel increases more and more each year. With this increase in travel, there has been a much larger demand for safety in automobiles, and this includes air bags and other restraint ...

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Noise Reduction In Hearing Aids

Recently in a local hearing clinic, a client’s concerns were discussed. “I’m afraid I won’t like them. My brother in law bought two hearing aids, and he keeps them in a drawer in the kitchen.” While the number of people dissatisfied with their hearing aids hovers around 50%, the hearing aid ...

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The Rhetorical Styles Of King

Martin Luther King Jr. and Toni Morrison are two of the many great writers of the late twentieth century. Their styles follow rhetorical guidelines to create persuasive arguments and clear writing. To show how they accomplish this I will be comparing the rhetorical style used by King in ...

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Antigone: Summary

Antigone begins as Antigone and Ismene talk about their brothers' deaths in the war. The one brother, Eteocles, was buried with great military honors, whereas the other brother, Polyneces, was left in the field to rot. Antigone was angered by this and was determined to bury him, even though the ...

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Case For Legalizing Marijuana

What Is Marijuana? Marijuana, a drug obtained from dried and crumpled parts of the ubiquitous hemp plant Canabis sativa (or Cannabis indica). Smoked by rolling in tobacco paper or placing in a pipe. It is also otherwise consumed worldwide by an estimated 200,000,000 persons for pleasure, an escape ...

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The Great Gatsby: America's Era Of Disdain

Characters in literature reflect thoughts conceived from personaters endeavoring the portrayal of an actual human existence. Though these have their individual assets they also depict the portrait of an era. Jay Gatz, the character in which The Great Gatsby is focused on, is used by Scott ...

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The Awakening: Edna And True Love

Throughout the novel, it became increasingly obvious of Edna's difficulty in the field of true love. She had initially found what she knew wasn't, followed by infatuation, and finally what she was sure was. Several different forms of love were present, yet each (including the final) proved to be ...

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Alfarabi And Aristotle: The Four Causes And The Four Stages Of The Doctrine Of The Intelligence

Alfarabi and Aristotle: The Four Causes and The Four Stages of The Doctrine of Alfarabi was raised as a young boy in Baghdad. His early life was spent studying the art of linguistics, philosophy, and logic. His teachers were Syrian Christians experts in Greek philosophy. He studied Aristotle and ...

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Philosophy Of Jeremy Bentham

Over time, the actions of mankind have been the victim of two vague labels, right and wrong. The criteria for these labels are not clearly defined, but they still seem to be the standard by which the actions of man are judged. There are some people that abide by a deontological view when it comes ...

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Ben Franklin

was a man of many ideas. He was able to come up with hundreds of inventions which played big roles at that time and for the future. He greatly affected the lives of many people around the world at that time period and at this time period with the things that he had invented. One of ’s greatest ...

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Chinese Americans

The Lost Ones – Young Due to harsh immigration laws, in American history, Chinese have often relied on illegal means of entering the United States. For example, in 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act (Chinese Exclusion Act, Documents on Anti-Chinese Immigration Policy.) was passed, the first and only ...

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