Self Help Essays and Term Papers

Polymorphic & Cloning Computer Viruses

The generation of today is growing up in a fast-growing, high-tech world which allows us to do the impossibilities of yesterday. With the help of modern telecommunications and the rapid growth of the personal computer in the average household we are able to talk to and share information with ...

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The Great Gatsby: Nick Carroway Was A Good Narrator

In today society, many people like to follow the current. They want to catch the wave. Which mean, it does not matter if things were good or bad, right or wrong, they just follow and do them without any thinking. Therefore, there are not too many people would like to be a normal, thoughtful ...

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The Effects Of Divorce

Divorce in our society has become increasingly common. Fifty percent of all marriages will end in divorce and each year 2 million children are newly introduced to their parents separation, (Monthly Vital Statistics Report ). Demographers predict that by the beginning of the next decade the ...

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Origin Of Totalitarianism

"The E-Meter sees all, knows all. It is never wrong." -L. Ron Hubbard, Electropsychometric Auditing Operator's Manual, 1953.78 The Hubbard Electro-psychometer, or E-Meter, has become an indispensable part of Scientology. The E-meter is a device which measures the changes in electrical ...

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Adolf was a German political and government leader and one of the 20th century most powerful dictators. Making anti-Semitism a keystone of his propaganda and policies, he built up the Nazi party into a mass movement. Once in power, he converted Germany into a fully militarized society and ...

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Animals And Their Purpose

Animals. What's their purpose on earth? Are they a group of organisms for humans to play with? Among many other things, animals are here as guinea pigs so humans don't have to be. Human life is so valued by today's society that using humans for dangerous jobs, or brand new experiments is ...

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A Tale Of Two Cities: Assorted Themes

The Tale of Two Cities has many assorted themes. The themes are interconnected with each other. Theme plays a big part in the plot a book. The opinions formed by the audience, of the characters, are also affected by the themes in a book. Three themes in this book are sacrifice, love and hate, ...

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The Results Of Aging

Abstract This report presents several aspects of aging. The report looks at a number of theories of why we age, the physical and mental changes we undergo as we age, and several ways of caring for the elderly. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ...

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Underage Smoking

In today's world there are many moral issues that take place in society as well as in the business world. On Friday, February 4, 2000, the Washington Post printed an article titled " Fine Sought for Big Tobacco." Currently and in the past, the tobacco industry has fought many moral issues with the ...

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The Crucible - Comparing Play And Movie

Arthur Miller\'s play, The Crucible, and the movie with the same name have many differences and similarities, all of which contribute to the individual effectiveness of each in conveying their central message. There are several additions and variances in the movie. First of all, the scene ...

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Sister Carrie

The Struggle for the Perfect Man When we find a love interest and have an opportunity to commit to him or her, we usually do, not noting the consequences we may face by doing so. The first few times around, however, the outcome is usually not the one we had expected and hoped for. Theodore ...

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Qualities Of Character That En

Shakespeare's Portrayal of Richard III exemplified Through the Senecan Tyrant, the Vice Figure, and the Machiavel To accomplish goals, in one's life, one must be determined and must have certain characteristics that avenge to one's aspirations. In the play Richard III, Richard III's goal is to ...

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The Great Gatsby: Nick - A Good And Neutral Narrator

In today society, many people like to follow the current. They want to catch the wave. Which mean, it does not matter if things were good or bad, right or wrong, they just follow and do them without any thinking. Therefore, there are not too many people would like to be a normal, thoughtful ...

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Analyzing The Creek

Dawson Leary, throughout a majority of the show, is pretty indecisive about the numerous issues with which he is faced. He spends a great amount of time in the middle of the "Identity Moratorium" and "Identity Achievement" states during this episode. From the moment the first scene appears on ...

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Edna Pontellier Wants To Swim-

Edna Pontillier Wants to Swim Edna Pontillier is a woman playing the role of the wealthy New Orleans housewife. She has a generous husband, children, financial stability, and a great deal of friends. What she also has, unfortunately, is a kind of generic happiness that is the result of such a ...

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Othello - Change Of Characters

Othello's character during the play is first shown as a hero of war and a man of great pride and courage. The other main characters in the play all form their own opinions of him and as the play continues, his character begins to deteriorate and become less noble. Chronologically through the play ...

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Educating Rita – Coursework Piece

‘Educating Rita’ is a play by Willy Russell. It follows two people and their ever changing relationship. It takes place in just one room at a redbrick university in “the North of England”. Frank is an English lecturer at the university. He takes on an Open University teaching course “to pay ...

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College Education Is Essential In Today's Society

In today's society a college education is an essential part of pursuing a career. While in college a person can determine his strengths and weaknesses in whatever path he decides to take in life. A college education is also the first step in being self-sufficient and living by yourself. ...

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The Invisible Man: Summary

In the novel, The Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison, written in 1952, a young black man's struggle to find an identity in a harsh and very manipulative society is exemplified. The narrator's experience and struggles are often expressed through the memory of his grandfather's words, the people he has ...

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Oliver Cromwell

was an English soldier and statesman who led parliamentary forces in the English Civil Wars. He was lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1653 to 1658 during the republican Commonwealth. As a general on the parliamentary side of the English Civil War vs. Charles I, Cromwell ...

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