That Was Then, This Is Now Essays and Term Papers

1984: Summary

This is my summary of the book, 1984. Many major ideas, conflicts and themes are introduced. We are shown how the earth has changed, into 3 main continents. we are also introduced to the main character and how he fits into the new world. Also we are shown how the computer age has taken over ...

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Willy Lowman’s Drug For Sanity

No one’s life can be classified as “normal”. Everyone has conflicts that they have to eventually deal with. People do in fact deal with these personal conflicts in different ways; some take it easy some take it hard. Some ignore the problem as long as possible and some deal with it right away to ...

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Reconstructing A Crime Scene

It was a gorgeous Thursday afternoon. The men were in the family room watching the special Thanksgiving Day football game. The Chicago Bears were playing against the Minnesota Vikings. Norton McCarthy and his brother-in-law, Simon Fletcher, were wagering as to whom had the better offense. From ...

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Essay On Impulsiveness In Romeo & Juliet

“Wisely and slow: they stumble that run fast”(Pg 91, Line 97) those words spoken by Friar Laurence. Words we must listen too. Impulsiveness leads to downfall, and therefore people must strike a balance between being impulsive, and being pragmatic. Time and time again Shakespeare showed us how ...

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The norm is me. At least that is what I thought as a child. What we did, how we acted, what we wore was the normal thing. What others did and we did not do was definitely not the norm. : established patterns of a particular society. (Sociology book definition). Webster's twentieth century ...

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The Dark Room

In the quiet town of Malgudi, in the 1930’s, there lived Savitri and her husband, Ramani. They lived with their three children, Babu, Kamala, and Sumati. Savitri was raised with certain traditional values which came into internal conflict when she took Ramani, a modern executive, as her ...

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Metamorphous, Relating To A Personal Incident

Twenty minutes had past since I was set on to the table to dry. I did not want to dwell upon my fears which were inevitable to occur, so I could do nothing but observe all the minute details that were once so trivial and overlooked but now seemed to be of such great importance. The first thing to ...

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Although only a dozen plant families are unique to , there are 530 unique genera and many unique species within these genera. As the n fragment of prehistoric Gondwanaland drifted north, its ancient flora became the basis for the present plant systems. Increasing aridity modified this vegetation, ...

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My Personal Search For A Meaningful Existence

I am the representative embodiment of my nihilistic culture. I am narcissistic, insatiable, petty, apathetic and I am above all an emotional invalid. Yet, up until very recently, I was not consciously aware that I was guilty of having any of these wholly pejorative attributes, because I ...

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Stereotypes In Woolf’s A Room Of One’s Own

“Thought – to call it by a prouder name that it deserved – had let its line down in the stream. It swayed, minute after minute, hither and thither among the reflections and the weeds, letting the water lift and sink it, until – you know the little tug – the sudden conglomeration of an idea at the ...

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Rock And Roll 2

In this present day in age, people often wonder how our great country came about. They ask themselves whom or what influenced this nation. What happened during the harsh years of those trials and tribulations? The American nation has gone through some pretty big changes. In recent research, ...

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What Is Phreaking Exactly

This file was just to be a short set of definitions for those of you who don't know all the phreaking terms. This was requested by a few people on a small 312 board called The Magnetic Field Elite (312-966-0708, call, board has potential) like The Don. But I have decided against making ...

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The Analysis Of The Blue Marbl

e Throughout history, there has been tremendous progress made on the part of mankind. We, as a species, have been able to tame fire, learn to hunt, survive in extreme conditions, and use our resources to their fullest potential. But do we overuse our resources? I strongly believe that we, as a ...

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The Catcher In The Rye: Holden Deals With Alcohol, Sex, And Violence

The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D Salinger, tells how a lonely teenager, Holden Caulfield, deals with alcohol, sex, and violence. Teenagers must also deal with these problems daily. Alcohol is very predominate throughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye. Alcholic beverages are a readily available, ...

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The Crucible: It's Easy To Blame Anyone

The book The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is set back in the late 1600's based on Puritan beliefs tells about many people accused of witchcraft in Salem Massachusetts and hung for it. They believe that they will be “purified” if they strip away all the extras of the mass by taking the ceremony, ...

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To Kill A Mockingbird: Innocence To Experience

Harper Lee's novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, focuses on the development of a brother and sister in the "tired old town" of Maycomb, Alabama, in the 1930s. A number of people greatly influence Jem and Scout. The major role model in their lives, their father Atticus, guides Jem and Scout towards ...

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Societal Changes To Improve Li

Today's society is much different than society was a century ago, or even thirty years ago. Society is constantly changing and reforming to improve the conditions under which we live. Technology, medical health, and social acceptance are all examples of areas that were changed and reformed to ...

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A Critical Analysis Of "The Parting" By Michael Drayton

By looking at a poem which has a specific form, for example the sonnet, consider to what extent its particular techniques enhance its meaning. The parting by Michael Drayton is a sonnet. It is a poem about the break up of the relationship between the author and his partner. I feel that ...

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The Big Day

I really hated the sound of that alarm clock, that piercing, irritating repeated beeping. After a second or two I slowly started realizing that it was not just another day, it was the day. I felt the movement in the bed as she reached for the clock and then the beeping stopped allowing me to slip ...

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Dave Mathews Band

According to the American Heritage Dictionary a poet is someone who writes poems. If I were to give my own definition of a poet it would say a poet is someone who can take a group of words and put a hundred different emotions and meanings into them. This is what Dave Mathews does with his lyrics; ...

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