That Was Then, This Is Now Essays and Term Papers

Underground Railroad

I know you're wondering, what railroad? Well the simple fact is that everybody has heard of the , but not everyone knows just what it was. Firstly, it wasn't underground, and it wasn't even a railroad. The term "" actually comes from a runaway slave, who while being chased swam across a creek and ...

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National TV Turn-Off Week: A Dumb Idea

In a time when millions of people are starving each year and thousands are killed in war zones, worrying about how much television we watch sounds like a stupid idea. Right? Well, that's what people all across North America are doing every day. In fact, there is a full week dedicated to the ...

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The twentieth century has drawn to a close and humanity faces the problem of being able to support its population without inducing catastrophic and irreversible destruction on Earth�s life-support systems. Throughout time, humankind has been living as though there are no consequences to its ...

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Work And Labour

have been around forever, although it did not always work to the standards that we are used to today. Over the years, many hard working and deprived people had to fight for the rights that are taken for granted today. Are safety and health involved with work? Is work dangerous for your health? ...

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Proposing A Solution

Have you ever seen an eighth grader, who has no mental or physical disabilities, struggle through basic third grade math? Throughout high school I have and it has become a common sight in our schools. Some were placed in remedial classes, while others sat next to me in some of my honor�s course. ...

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Hard Times And The Nineteenth Century

Europe began the nineteenth century dominated by the romanticists. The realists changed the face of Europe once more by the middle of the nineteenth century. The importance of science and the industrialization of Europe characterized their movement. Where the romanticists believed in ...

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King Arthur

A Connecticut Yankee in 's Court Hank Morgan, a Connecticut Yankee working in a munitions factory near Hartford, is tapped on the head by a crowbar during a quarrel with a fellow worker. He awakens in the early part of the sixth century, A.D. Captured by the knight Sir Kay, he is taken to Camelot, ...

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The Crucible: Abigail�s Revenge

In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, a group of girls are caught dancing in the woods, which is thought to be the devils last reserve, full of mystery, and those that went there were thought to not be paying homage to God. After this incdent the once quiet town of Salem was suspected of ...

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Ceremonies In "The Waste Land"

Ceremonies are prevalent throughout T.S. Eliot's poem "The Waste Land". Eliot relies on literary contrasts to illustrate the specific values of meaningful, effectual rituals of primitive society in contrast to the meaningless, broken, sham rituals of the modern day. These contrasts serve to ...

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The History Of Thailand And Malaysia

Throughout history, we have seen many great civilizations. From the Egyptians to the Americans, different groups have left their mark in history. One of the great civilizations in history is ancient Southeast Asia. Ancient Southeast Asia consisted of many different countries. This region ...

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Frank J. Horgan Filtration Plant

Introduction The is located Southeast of Toronto on the shores of Lake Ontario (See map). Its purpose is to provide safe drinking water to our taps by filtering the water. The water is gathered from Lake Ontario. This plant has a production capacity of 455 million litres per day to supply the ...

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(1386-1466) was a master of sculpture in bronze and marble and was one of the greatest Italian Renaissance artists of his time. A lot is known about his life and career but little is known about his character and personality. He never married and seems to be a man of simple tastes. Patrons often ...

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T.S. Elliot's "Tradition And The Individual Talent" And Alain Locke's "The New Negro

T.S. Elliot's "Tradition and the Individual Talent" and Alain Locke's "The Although many of the authors that we have studied this semester saw fit to express what they considered the Modern artist's relationship to tradition should be, two authors stand out because they explicitly say what they ...

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Gulf War Illness

During the Gulf War, Americans were entranced by the overwhelming military superiority exercised by the United States during Desert Storm. After long weeks of waiting to find out how high the casualty figures would climb during the opening round of the New World Order, relatives and friends ...

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An American Epidemic

In modern times, nobody who reads the newspapers or watches television can avoid the chilling fate that our country faces. School violence is a rapidly growing trend in America, and it seems to be there is nothing we can do to stop it. The offenders are from all races and social classes. They ...

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Civilize The Wilderness

Wilderness, why civilize it? This is an interesting question, and one that is hard to answer. Why not just leave the wilderness alone, and let it grow and decide it's own beginnings and ends? Does civilizing the wilderness make it better or worse? In what ways is it better or worse if we leave ...

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General George Patton

Soldier, General, Pilot, Athlete, Father, Gun Owner, Hero, Legend UNLIKE many war heroes who had no intention of ever becoming famous, George Patton decided during childhood that his goal in life was to be a hero. This noble aim was first inspired by listening to his father read aloud for hours ...

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Roger Chillingworth

: a mad man, or a man driven to madness? This is a question that many readers of Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" have decided by the time they reach the final chapter, really without thinking about it. Yet, if the story is reviewed, and one looks at the events that either happen directly ...

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The Fear Of Science

To live in the today's world is to be surrounded by the products of science. For it is science that gave our society color television, the bottle of aspirin, and the polyester shirt. Thus, science has greatly enhanced our society; yet, our society are still afraid of the effect of science. This ...

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Marine Corps

The following was a submitted report for a U.S. History research paper assignment We fight our country\'s battles in the air, on land and sea. First to fight for right and freedom, and to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine. Our flag\'s unfurled to every ...

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