Velocity Essays and Term Papers

The Invention Of The Airplane

The story of is a Puritan fairy tale. It is the story of how two honest, straightforward, and God-fearing Americans accomplished something fantastic and magical -- creating a craft of stick and fabric that mounted the air like the chariots of the gods, opening the sky to all humankind. Their ...

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Experiment To See If Soaking A Golf Ball Affects Its Distance

Purpose: To see if their is an effect on golf balls after being soaked in water? Independent Variable: My three different brands of golf balls. Dependent Variable: Will water seep in or not and if it seeps in will it have an effect on the golf balls distance. Control: My unsoaked golf ...

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A Passage Of Time

"This has simply gone too far!" were the words that echoed menacingly through Bradley's room, which was engulfed in an endless stream of paperwork. University life was not agreeing with Bradley the way he had anticipated - his life, it seemed, had become little more than completing one paper ...

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How A Pitching Machine Works

Hitting a baseball is said to be one of the hardest things to do in all of sports. The exacting task is attained from constant repetition and complete dedication. But a father can throw only so many fastballs, and a coach has 15 other kids, the solution, a pitching machine. A pitching machine ...

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Comparing the M-16 and AK-47

The great military debate that has existed for decades attributes to which firearm has the better rifle platform, Eugene Stoner’s M-16 or Mikhail Kalishnikov’s AK-47? Both are used extensively by police and military forces around the world. These two weapons platforms have been going head to head ...

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History Of Basketball

Basketball Vic Carlo V. Bato 2j - MAPEH History of Basketball The first basketball court: Springfield College In early December 1891, Canadian American Dr. James Naismith, a physical education professor and instructor at the International Young Men's Christian Association Training ...

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What is Physics?

What is Physics? As defined in the dictionary, physics in its simplest form is described as "the study of matter, energy, and the interaction between them," (Webster, 1965). Through these three topics, physicists formulate unanswered questions, and attempt to solve these questions themselves ...

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Using The Internet For Social Research

The internet provides both opportunities and risks for social researchers. Research, in general, with all of its nuances has been forever altered by the technology of the internet. Research has been made possible in ways never before imagined. The amount of information available, the ease of ...

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Types of Research Used By Internet Researchers

The internet provides both opportunities and risks for social researchers. Research, in general, with all of its nuances has been forever altered by the technology of the internet. Research has been made possible in ways never before imagined. The amount of information available, the ease of ...

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Centripetal Force and Acceleration

Homework #3b - Centripetal Force and Acceleration II: Show your work under each question 1) You are riding your bike on a track that forms a vertical circular loop. If the diameter of the loop is 10.0 m, what is the minimum speed required for you to make it around the loop? 2) You are ...

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