Washington Essays and Term Papers
Radar DetectorNowadays, speed-detection technology has become more and more advanced, and not getting a speeding ticket is almost unavoidable. There are a lot of devices around that can help drivers detect the police traps, but these devices are illegal in many states.
As people are driving down the interstate ...
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Biosafety Protocol: Is There A Need For One??
Thesis statement: An international biosafety protocol should be created to
establish and maintain control over the products designed with biotechnology.
I. The existing laws and regulations that govern the release of
transgenic organisms are inadequate or nonexistent. ...
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Gods And GeneralsThe American Civil War was a military conflict between the United States of America (the Union), and 11 secessionist Southern states, organized as the Confederate States of America (the Confederacy). It was the culmination of four decades of intense sectional conflict and it reflected deep-seated ...
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1984 Big Brother Is Watching YSomeone has always been there to tell you what to do in life. As a young child, you were told to behave properly and not to eat too many sweets. As you grew older and older, it seemed as if the responsibilities became greater and greater in number. Even as an adult, there was always an officious ...
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California's Proposition 184: Three Strikes And You're OutLast year in California voters approved a controversial ballot
initiative. Proposition 184, also known as the three strikes and you're out
law, was passed on November 9, 1994. Under this new legislation repeat
offenders, upon committing their third felony offense, will be sentenced to ...
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Political Parties During The Civil WarThere are many political parties in the U.S. to day. The
republican and the Democratic Party are the main ones everybody knows about.
But I'm going to talk about the Republican Party. Founded by a
coalition in 1854, the coalition was composed of former members of the Whig,
Free-Soil, and ...
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C-SPAN, The Cable TV ChannelC-SPAN, the Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network is a medium that
truly brings the government to the people. By presenting live and uncut footage
of our government in action, the citizens of the United States can get a bit
closer to what the founding fathers had in mind when they created our ...
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An American ShameOur limp-wristed Senators have voted. More afraid of Larry Flynt than God they have acquitted the criminal, Bill Clinton and spit in the face of every American citizen. The great farce is over and America has taken a giant step closer to Hell. The News Mafia has assassinated the last hope of ...
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The Aftermath Of Hurricane MitchAmericans eager to help. Just days after Hurricane Mitch devastated
Honduras and its Central American neighbors, U.S. citizens began calling
the Honduran Consulate in Washington, D.C., asking how to adopt children
orphaned by the storm.
Beyond the confines of the airport, life becomes ...
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The Problem Of Teens And SmokingSo you think you want to start smoking? Before I go into teens and smoking, I thought I’d tell you a little about the history and other important facts about nicotine and tobacco.
Nicotine is the prime alkaloid of tobacco. It is a plant belonging to the genus Nicotina. More than sixty species ...
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Gun Control And Violence In Canada And The USPart I:Introduction
The issue of gun control and violence, both in Canada and the United
States, is one that simply will not go away. If history is to be any guide,
no matter what the resolution to the gun control debate is, it is probable
that the arguments pro and con will be much the same as ...
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Mental Disordersare psychological and behavioral syndromes that deviate significantly from those typical of human beings enjoying good mental health. In general, a mental disorder involves present distress or impairment in important areas of functioning. Such deviations in thought, feelings, and behavior have ...
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Langston Hugheswas born on February 1, 1902 in Joplin, Missouri. His father was James Nathaniel and his mother was Carrie Mercer . His grandfather was Charles Langston, an Ohio abolitionist. As a young boy he lived in Buffalo, New York, Cleveland, Ohio, Lawrence, Kansas, Mexico City, Topeka, Kansas, Colorado ...
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The Roles African American InIn the history of the United States, African Americans have always been discriminated against. When Africans first came to America, they were taken against their will and forced to work as laborers. They became slaves to the rich, greedy, lazy Americans. They were given no pay and often badly ...
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John F. Kennedy 2John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was the second child of nine children. He lived in the suburbs of Boston but as his family grew his father's income increased and they moved back to Brookline. John had a seemingly happy childhood. He attended private ...
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The Welfare System Must RemainPublic Welfare is an important support system of the United States
government. Welfare has its benefits, but the system has pitfalls. Instead of
abolishing welfare as critics of the system suggest, reforms can be made to
correct the problems while government, either on the state or federal ...
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DEPRESSIONCOSHE.COM : uncategorized : Great
Great The Great was a disastrous business slump that affected millions of
people throughout the entire United States. It began in 1929 and continued on, to some degree, until
Click Here to Search COSHE's Database Again ...
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Between The Wars: 1919-1941United States involvement in World War II was inevitable. Circumstances preceding the entrance of the United States into this foreign conflict proved that she would not be able to avoid active participation. With a government increasingly changing its views from isolationism to internationalism, ...
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Dress Codes In Public SchoolsThe dress code in public schooling has been a controversial issue
lately, both in Massachusetts and nation-wide. I feel some type of dress
code would cut down some of the everyday problems that schools have today.
A dress code in public schooling would be a good idea because it would
reduce ...
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Vietnam War - The Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War is truly one of the most unique wars ever fought by the Unites States of by any country. It was never officially declared a war (Knowll, 3). It had no official beginning nor an official end. It was fought over 10,000 miles away in a virtually unknown country. The enemy and the ...
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