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Elian Gonzales, The Way Socrat - Example Papers

Elian Gonzales, The Way Socrat

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Should an individual abide by the laws of his country no mater what or should he fight back. This is the question Socrates is trying to answer to Crito in this dialog by Plato. The dialog is also closely related with Elian Gonzalez situation because the people are split on whether to send him back in Cuba or let him in US. Socrates will answer this question based on the explications given to Crito.
The dialog starts with Crito sitting on Socrates bed in prison. After he wakes up Crito is trying to explain why he think Socrates should run away from prison. Crito first argument is the effect on him and what others might think about him if he decide to stay in prison and ...

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After he heart Crito reasoning, Socrates tried to explain his reasoning in which he not only took in account his friends but also the effects on the State. One reason Socrates refused to run away is because of what might happen to his friends that helped him, like loosing everything they own. His second argument is that public opinion is not always right and that he should follow the advice of a qualified person and not the advice of the general public “Than he should be afraid of the criticism and welcome the praise of the qualified person, but not those of the general public. Crito agrees to this argument.
Next Socrates ask Crito if is right that never one should do willingly wrong, or it depends on the circumstance. Based on this question Socrates continues to his final and most important argument that he must respect the State and the Laws. Socrates tells to Crito that by running he will do wrong three times to the State “First because we are his ...

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Elian Gonzales, The Way Socrat. (2006, July 30). Retrieved January 12, 2025, from http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Elian-Gonzales-The-Way-Socrat/49959
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Added: 7/30/2006 06:06:51 PM
Category: Miscellaneous
Type: Premium Paper
Words: 486
Pages: 2

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