About Health Essays and Term Papers

The Safety Of Our Food Supply

Their is a lot of controversy right now about the safety of some food aditives that are present in our food supply. A few of the major concerns are about the following: Preservatives, MSGs, Food Dyes and Fat Substitutes. Before judging what is safe and what is not we must establish a few ...

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The Effects Of Alcohol On People

This research paper is going to discuss what excessive drinking and vast amounts of alcohol can do to people. This research paper can and will also tell a little about the history and background of alcohol. Then the paper will lead to the health effects of alcohol on people mental and psychical ...

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The Environmental Protection Agency

Why focus on Environmental Protection? Almost any policy issue could serve to illustrate the significant themes, but environmental protection places them in particularly bold relief. It involves an extremely broad range of scientific information, including most of the physical, biological, and ...

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Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

The book Mary Reilly is the sequel to the famous The Strange Case of . The Strange Case of by Robert Louis Stevenson, is a stark, ingeniously woven, engaging novel. That tells the disturbing tale of the dual personality of Dr. Jekyll, a physician. A generous and philanthropic man, his is ...

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The Effects Of Lead Poison On Children

Throughout the world today one out of every six children under the age of six are suffering from health disorders due to a poisonous metal known as lead(Kiwanis, 1996). Lead is a natural occurring bluish-grey metal found in the earth's crust. It has no taste or smell. Lead can easily be found ...

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A Look At A Career In Community Pharmacy

"...Pharmacists are the principal resource to patients and other health professionals in assuring appropriate use of, and optimal therapeutic outcomes from medications" (Shall I Study Pharmacy 1). Pharmacists are health care professionals responsible for the dispensation of prescription and ...

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Componants Of Life

Creating and adhering to a nutritional plan could be the single most important thing you do in your life. A nutritional plan does not only mean covering your physical health, but your emotional and spiritual health as well. Surviving well on a healthy nutritious diet will only go so far without ...

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The Medicare Debate

The U.S. government have denied that Medicare has been going bankrupt. Although the government may say that Medicare has plenty of money it is untrue because it is a fact that Medicare will go bankrupt by the year 2001 as stated by preliminary sources. Medicare is one of the main sources of ...

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Brain cell research offers hope for NEW YORK, Feb 28 (Reuters Health) -- Taking cells from a region of the brain known as the hippocampus, an international team of researchers have grown functional brain cells in lab cultures. The findings may have profound implications for restoring damaged or ...

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Despite 1992 constitutional changes that permitted the creation of four political parties, President Hassan Gouled Aptidon and the People's Rally for Progress (RPP), in power since independence in 1977, continued to rule the country. 's two main ethnic groups are the politically predominant ...

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The Best Way To Choose A Rottw

Rottweilers is loving, comical, bright and loyal. They are also very strong-willed adn determined. Before choosing a Rottweiler pup you must know about the breed. You should go and find many books adn read as much as possible. The important thing you have to consider is its temperament - no one ...

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Sickle Cell Disease

is an inherited blood disease which can cause pain, damage to vital organs, and in some cases, death in childhood or early adulthood. This disease affects a protein inside the red blood cells called hemoglobin. It occurs wherein a person inherits two sickle cell genes or a combination of one ...

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Pollution In Eastern Europe

Pollution in the world today poses one of the most dangerous threats to human kind that man has ever known. This problem occurs nearly everywhere in the world, and eastern Europe is no exception. In fact, eastern Europe has been cited as particularly bad with regard to pollution. The area, which ...

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Bacteria And Foodborne Illness

Bacteria and Foodborne Illness On this page: • What are foodborne illnesses? • What are the causes of foodborne illnesses? • What are the symptoms of foodborne illnesses? • What are the risk factors of foodborne illnesses? • What are the complications of foodborne illnesses? • How ...

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Smoking Is Bad

So many people are putting their health in danger by this nasty life taking produce. Smoking it's like a deadly disease that you can either choose to have it or not. Choosing not to is the best way to go for you will have better health. Life is so short why make it even shorter. If we could teach ...

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Fast Food in the Body

Did you know that an average growing teenager or adult needs 2,000 calories a day and the Burger Kind Whopper with triple cheese has 1,230 calories? Fast food is about 5 times bigger than it was in the 1970’s. It is a way of life, located around every corner, in schools, hospitals, airports, and ...

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Going Green

Pollution is a Monster We are in the middle of a chemical experiment, and many people do not understand the consequences of this vast problem. Pollution in the air effects the environment and people. Toxins and other air pollutants are released into the air and water with very little ...

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Psychology - Alcoholism

Imagine yourself at a party with some of your teammates, they have been drinking and they are drunk. They told you they see you later, but what if that was the last time you would ever see them again. Years ago I was personally at a get-together, at a friend’s house, there was some drinking ...

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04/18/2012 Core Abortion The word abortion means, "any premature expulsion of a human fetus, whether naturally spontaneous, as in a miscarriage, or artificially induced, as in a surgical or chemical abortion" (National right to, 2012). This is a term that rattles up majority of individuals ...

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Alternative Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine

Alternative medicines and therapies have seen a resurgence of interest in recent years, leading to voiced skepticism by the medical community. Many physicians stress the dangers of alternative medicines, siting the lack of scientific evidence behind its claims. Is it possible, in today’s society, ...

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