Arthur Essays and Term Papers

The Scarlet Letter: Theme

The Scarlet Letter is a fine example of a story written upon the theme of sin and redemption. Most of the sins are committed before the story begins. After seven long years of punishment, both by society and by themselves, the sinners gain redemption. As the story begins, Hester Pyrnne has ...

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The Crucible: The Evilness And Selfishness Of Abigail Williams

In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, there is one character who, because of her selfish and evil ways, causes the destruction of many people in the town of Salem. This character is Abigail Williams. In the play, jealousy, and self- interest are the two characteristics that are seen constantly ...

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Their Common Enemy

It is known that a number of students dislike school. School is a big topic of conversation in every student's life. Some students enjoy the work but most talk about how horrible it is. Take a random group of students; have an open discussion on school work and you will find that students will ...

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Oscar Wilde

Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde was born in Dublin Ireland on October 16, 1854. He is one of the most talented and most controversial writers of his time. He was well known for his wit, flamboyance, and creative genius and with his little dramatic training showing his natural talent for stage ...

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The Life Of Edward Albee

“The best American playwright since Arthur Miller." A master of ‘ depraved obscenity.' An unflinching dissector of dysfunction. A willfully abstract audience-basher.” For about four decades, critics and theater-watchers have been calling Edward Albee names. His harsh wit and language and amazing ...

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Christopher Columbus

sailed the ocean blue in fourteen-hundred-ninty-two. He came over from Spain in three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria and discovered America, or at least that was what I was taught in elementary school. Since then there has been much controversy going on over the issue of weather ...

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To Kill A Mockingbird Essay

The title of Harper Lee’s classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird relates significantly to the plot and characters in the novel. Without the symbolic references to a mockingbird the story line would have no relevance and less significance. When Atticus tells Jem and Scout to, "Shoot all the ...

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America 2

America is the stereotype for countries wounded by salutary neglect and looking to set themselves free. All countries do not decide to become separate from their mother overnight, it is a long, drawn-out process that requires many actions and reactions, plus unity and nationalism. The American ...

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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (), suppresses the immune system related to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A person infected with HIV gradually loses immune function along with certain immune cells called CD4 T-lymphocytes or CD4 T-cells, causing the infected person to ...

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Leonard Bernstein

was born in Lawrence, just north of Boston, on Sunday, August 25, 1918. Bernstein was named Louis at birth, after his mother’s grandfather, but at the age of sixteen he had it formally changed to Leonard, or Lenny. As a child, Bernstein was sick very often with asthma and hay fever. Perhaps due ...

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The Crucible - Burn The Witch

In the following paragraphs I am going to show how Hollywood portrays the Salem Witch Trails and the 1690’s compared with what actual happened in history and that in the film "The Crucible". During the winter of 1691 and 1692 Salem Village had a mass hysteria over the possibility of ...

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Shielded Consequences

During a football game, when the football coach calls a play, he does so to set up moves much later in the game. The coach knows that what they do will bring about a reaction, and the coach reacts accordingly. If this certain coach did not prepare and went play by play, the team would most ...

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The Crucible

The poem I have chosen to write has to deal with honesty and loyalty. In the story written by Arthur Miller, , it’s major theme is truth and whether or not lying is better and under what circumstances it is acceptable. I will relate the theme of truth and honesty to other themes in the book and ...

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Ray Bradburys Outlook Of The F

Ray Bradbury’s Outlook of the Future Just by reading the first few lines of the opening paragraph of Fahrenheit 451, we get the feeling of a dystopia right away. Firemen burning books, instead of putting out fires that start in homes. Who ever heard of that? This is crazy thinking right ...

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The Rise And Fall Of American Communism

During the twentieth century, the popularity of the American Communist party was fueled less by its beliefs, than by the Government’s ever-more-antagonistic attitude toward foreign influences in America. After the armistice of World War I, disillusioned by the political and social turmoil ...

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Self-delusion In Death Of A Sa

In Arthur Miller’s drama “Death of a Salesman” the protagonist is a character by the name of Willy Loman. Willy suffers from self-delusion and is obsessed with a desire to succeed. Willy’s family is strongly influenced by his actions, which contributes to their own ...

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Animal Farm: Animal Satire


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Romeo And Juliet 11 -

Why Romeo and Juliet was so popular in Shakespeare’s time and why even today it is still so popular? William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon, England to Mary Arden and John Shakespeare. He was the third of eight children. He went to a local ...

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Convicts And Australia

WHO WERE THE CONVICTS? WHAT SHORT AND LONG TERM CONTRIBUTION DID THEY MAKE TO AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY?" During January 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip landed in New South Wales. Of the one thousand people who made the journey, roughly seven hundred were convicts, transported for various crimes, to aid in ...

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American Identity

As the explosion of fireworks illuminates the skyline, spectators from various ethnic backgrounds gather in observance of the 4th of July celebration. Men and women alike stand in awe while youngsters indulge themselves into frolicsome activities. The scent of barbecued food lingers in the air. ...

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