Author Essays and Term Papers
John Grishams The PartnerFor my book report I chose to write about one of John Grisham's best sellers, The Partner. The Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc. in New New York, New York published the Partner in 1997. I chose to write about this book for two reasons; I had forgotten what had happened in The Pelican ...
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The Outsiders 3Critical Review "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton
S.E. Hinton wrote this novel while she was in high school, at the young age of sixteen. It was completed in 1967. She has written other novels such as That Was Then This is Now, Rumble Fish, and Taming the Star Runner.
The novel, The Outsiders, ...
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A Good Man Is Hard To Find 2The short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor could be viewed as a comic strip about massacre and martyrdom. What stops it from becoming a solemn story is its intensity, ambition, and unfamiliarity. O'Connor blends the line between humor and terror. She introduces her ...
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Thunder Rides A Black Horse: Mescalero Apaches And The Mythic PresentI feel that what Claire Farrer means by living in the "mythic
present" is that although most Indian culture is perceived long to have
been different, it is in fact very live and active today. I will give
specific examples from her book, Thunder Rides a Black Horse, to support my
arguments of ...
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Lord Of The FliesIn his first novel, William Golding used a group of boys stranded on a tropical island to illustrate the malicious nature of mankind. dealt with changes that the boys underwent as they gradually adapted to the isolated freedom from society. Three main characters depicted different effects on ...
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Short-story Paper“Compare/contrast Faulkner’s ‘Dry September’ with ‘A rose for Emily’ in terms of writing style and character presentation.”
What is going to be analyzed in this paper are the two short stories by W. Faulkner ‘A Rose for Emily’ and ‘Dry ...
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Cantebury TalesCanterbury Tales tells many stories from medieval literature and provides a great variety of comic tales. Geoffrey Chaucer injects many tales of humor into the novel. Chaucer provides the reader with many light-hearted tales as a form of comic relief between many serious tales. The author ...
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Pride And PrejudiceAny man who tries to argue Jane Austen's ability to draw characters would be undoubtedly a fool, for the author's talent in that area of prose is hard to match. However even the most ardent fans of Austen will have to agree with the fact that the personages she creates are not appealing to every ...
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Character Analysis In Jane AusAny man who tries to argue Jane Austen's ability to draw characters would be undoubtedly a fool, for the author's talent in that area of prose is hard to match. However even the most ardent fans of Austen will have to agree with the fact that the personages she creates are not appealing to every ...
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Hee“If you have an imagination, let it run free.”
Stephen Edwin King is one of today’s most popular and best selling writers. King combines the elements of psychological thrillers, science fiction, the paranormal, and detective themes into his stories. In addition to these themes, King sticks to ...
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Silicon Snake Oil Second Thoughts On The Information HighwayThe book Silicon Snake Oil : Second Thoughts On The Information
Highway affected me by making me look at the internet and the information
explosion of the 1990's from a different perspective. The author states his
ideas on the subject and uses personal experiences to state and supports
his ideas. ...
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The House Of Seven Gables: SymbolismAmerican Literature reflects life, and the struggles that we face during
our existence. The great authors of our time incorporate life's problems into
their literature directly and indirectly. The stories themselves bluntly tell
us a story, however, an author also uses symbols to relay to us ...
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The Old Man And The Sea: The Old ManAuthors use many tactics to reveal a character's personality. In the short
story, A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, Hemingway exposes the attributes of his
characters through narration and dialogue. The older waiter's characteristics
are exhibited through the waiters' conversations and the ...
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Lord Of The FliesIn his first novel, William Golding used a group of boys
stranded on a tropical island to illustrate the malicious nature of
mankind. dealt with changes that the boys underwent
as they gradually adapted to the isolated freedom from society. Three
main characters depicted different effects ...
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Harriet Beecher Stowewas born on June 11, 1811. This day marked the beginning of the life of a wonderful human being, someone whose love for life would inspire her to become one of the world’s greatest authors. "Her determination, drive, and desire helped her to accomplish all she aspired to do" (De Torres, ...
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Symbolism And Characterization In BooksMany authors have used the two methods of symbolism and characterization to reveal a fundamental message in their books. Joseph Conrad, author of The Secret Sharer, used these two methods in order to communicate the message that a man must know himself completely, and have no doubts about his ...
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J. Edgar HooverI know if I were , I would be able to find tremedous amounts of information on the author of this biography. It is a good thing, for the United States government, I am not. The author of J. Edgar’s biography is extremely hard to find information on. I even asked the library assistants for help ...
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A Good Man Is Hard To Find: Irony, Characters, And ForeshadowingFlannery O’Connor’s story “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” is about a family taking a trip to Florida that all get killed by an escaped convict, how calls himself the Misfit, and two of his friends. In this story the reader may assume some of the men in the story is the man the title refers to, but ...
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Charles W. ChesnuttThough born in Cleveland in 1858, the grandson of a white man and the son of free blacks, grew up in Fayetteville, North Carolina where his family, having left the South originally in 1856, returned after the Civil War. Chesnutt who had little formal education taught himself and also received ...
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