Being American Essays and Term Papers

The American Dream

What is the "American Dream"? Well, I used to think it was working hard so you could get a large house, be the boss, and not work to death. Although after reading different views of the American Dream I think I have a better understanding of it than most Americans have. I think the American ...

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An American Tragedy

Theodore Dreiser was a part of the naturalist movement. His works depicted real-life subjects in a harsh and gritty manner. Many of his novels were controversial and considered amoral. Dreiser grew up in a poor, working-class family in Terre Haute, Indiana. An American Tragedy, his most ...

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American History X

Will racism ever come to an end or will its path go infinitely? The film American History X highlights the problems of race in present day America through non-organized sketches about one family’s struggles with prejudice in Venice, California. The background of the film is Americas troubled ...

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American Dream

Everyone in America wants to be something or do something great, mainly known as the American dream. The American dream is a person's main achievement in life without it they could be nothing. Music is full of motivation and it helps me focus on my dream. Other people feel the same way about ...

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Comparing and Contrasting Mythical Deities with American Icons

Comparing and Contrasting Mythical Deities with American Icons Comparing and contrasting the similarities between Living American icons and the mythical deities proved to be a challenge. Finding the appropriate match was at times a humorous pursuit. I thought Hera was the most interesting of ...

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American Populism

Those Democrats and members of the Progressive Left who find themselves still in a state of shock after the midterm elections might well find themselves comforted by looking to the past. Populism and other manifestations of Leftist politics rise and fall - and rise again. Although each time a ...

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Crash Of American Airlines Flight 587

Aircraft Accident This is a two page paper concerning an aviation article. There is one reference used for this paper. Introduction There are a number of articles written about the aviation industry. It is important to explore and critically analyze an article that deals with Post ...

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The Beatles' Impact On American Civil Religion

An Analysis of the Beatles and Their Impact on American Civil Religion Introduction In 1967, Robert Bellah introduced the term "American civil religion" into scholarly debate, drawing his evidence from presidential addresses with their references to God, the nation's mission, and the ...

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How the Other Half Lives and Race Riot

It's Not as Simple as Black and White In the early twentieth century, the wealthy elite used social darwinism to justify their manipulation of the workforce. The elite essentially thought they rightfully deserved their wealth and saw no reason to assist the working man. This is clearly ...

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American Indian Stories

It was approaching dusk as the conspicuous line of dark vans entered the reservation. These vehicles served the purpose of furnishing transportation for about 30 members of a Cleveland area youth group, whose mission was “to bring good news to the badlands”. In short, the group was ...

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Causes Of The American Revolut

The American Revolution, also known as the United States War of Independence, was an uprising by which 13 of Britain's colonies gained political independence. By the middle of the 18th century, differences in life, thought, and economic interests began to grow between the colonies and Britain, ...

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Law And The American Revolutio

English law, structure and traditions, was the basis for the early American justice system. The biggest influence on American law was English common-law or judge made law as it is sometimes called. English Common-law is legal precedent based on judges rulings in different courts in England such ...

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American Revolution Vs. Americ

As we study American history we see that the saying, “History repeats itself” reveals much truth. As we look closer to the American Revolution and the American Civil War, we can find many similarities between the two. Another saying that is made known is that “We learn from our ...

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Creative Writing: American Dream

Every morning Joel Hardy was awoken by his alarm at precisely seven thirty-five. He would have a shower in the master bathroom on the third floor of his home. He would then eat a hearty breakfast, (prepared by his beautiful wife Joanne), with his daughter, Jennifer. Then he hopped cheerily into ...

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Mercantilism Helped To Shape The American Nation

In the Middle Ages, the definition of wealth was based on the amount of productive land. According to this definition, France was the wealthiest and therefore the most powerful of the European nations. During the sixteenth century the definition of wealth began to change. As the ability to conduct ...

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The American 2

In America, a citizen expects a storybook life. A life which has a controlled destiny is ideal. The American dream is based on making enough money to own a house and finding a mate. Money becomes the main part of the dream, and is expected to make the dream become a reality. Europe, however, is ...

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American Alligator

Alligator mississippiensis is in the family Crocodylidae. This family has existed since the upper Triassic period, but the modern family members appear in the fossil record as little as 80 million years ago. There are three subfamilies, Alligatorinae, Crocodylinae, and Gavaialinae. Some people ...

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The Singing School: An American Tradition

The Singing School was an institution that was uniquely American. it was established to serve a dual purpose: the desire to create music and the need for sociability. Generations were taught to read and sing music by itinerant singing masters, who developed characteristic methods and materials of ...

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The American Dream Is Based On Success, Happiness, And Money

I believe that the American Dream today is based on success, happiness, and money. The reason i think this is because the reason people go through all those years of schooling is to become succufal, in return for being successful you make money, and because of money you can get and do the things ...

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Why I’m Proud To Be An American

I am proud to be an American because this country has so much to offer. One of the greatest things this country has to offer is freedom. We have the freedom to choose our own religion, freedom of speech, the freedom to assemble and the freedom to petition the Government if we are unhappy. ...

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