Being Responsible Essays and Term Papers

Is Brutus An Honorable Man

In deciding whether or not a person is good, all of their characteristics must be looked at. That person might look good on the outside, but if their heart is exposed they may not look as perfect as thought. In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Brutus is a perfect example of this idea. He is ...

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The Point Of View In "Porphyria's Lover"

"Porphyria's Lover" is an exhilarating love story given from a lunatic's point of view. It is the story of a man who is so obsessed with Porphyria that he decides to keep her for himself. The only way he feels he can keep her, though, is by killing her. Robert Browning's poem depicts the ...

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Marilyn Monroe

I was born Norma Jean Baker on June 1, 1926 at nine am. I was named after Norma Talmadge, but not Jean Harlow. I had a rough childhood: I never knew my father. I had no stable mother figure. I went through three orphanages and more than a dozen foster homes. I was sexually assaulted twice, ...

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Crude Operatons - Oil And The Environment

The environmental impacts of offshore oil drilling greatly outweigh the economic benefits provided. Although it has been a continuous activity for more than a decade, One can not help but wonder why offshore drilling continues when considering the pollution caused, how it eliminates the supply of ...

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The Stranger - A Communication

Throughout history people have been judged on their color of skin, gender, social status and physical characteristics. What makes people judge others? Could it the way they were raised, or maybe their culture that they have lived in had an influence on how they judge people. I think that those ...

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Groups In Society

that officially make known minority viewpoints are generally widely stigmatised by the majority as social out-groups (Vaughan and Hogg, 1997). For many theorists, Social Identity (group membership) is an important source of self-esteem, they will cherish what identities they have, fiercely ...

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Two Books By Kurt Vonnegut Jr

In the books Slaughterhouse-Five and Mother Night, the author, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. presents the reader with two entirely different plots and story lines. The underlying theme for both books however, is the same; stop mindless war, stop mindless genocide of the human race, stop hatred for one ...

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Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution to explain the origin, diversity and complexity of life. I will will disprove evolution by showing that natural selection only explains small evolutionary changes, collectively known as microevolution. Natural selection cannot drive large ...

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Fate In Macbeth

Throughout time women have had to fight hard for respect and the rights that come with it. Many societies have potrayed women as second class citizens, teaching that they should be subservient to men. There have been those who have spent entire lifetimes working to break beyond the traditional ...

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Economic Development In Zimbabwe

The country of Zimbabwe is one of the most economically developed on the African continent . A fairly young political entity, Zimbabwe has only enjoyed recognized autonomy since 1980, the year in which the United Kingdom repealed its imperialistic claims to the African nation . Despite its youth ...

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Hamlet: Theories Of Hamlet's Delay In Killing Claudius

There are several theories about why Hamlet, the main character of Shakespeare's masterpiece, Hamlet, delays in killing his Uncle, King Claudius. As the son of a murdered noble, Hamlet is obligated to avenge the death of his father. However, the act is never performed until the end of the ...

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Gun Control- A Firing Issue

Gun control is undoubtedly an issue that most Americans have been exposed to. In 1989, guns killed 11,832 Americans. The National Rifle Association (NRA) members believe that it is their constitutional right to own guns, stating that guns are not the root of the crime problem in the United ...

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Huck Finn

The truth has withstood the test of time. Since the beginning of time the search for truth has plagued humankind. It has caused man to travel to distant lands, to fight one another, and to gain knowledge in its search. It is this truth that will unlock the door that has stood between man and ...

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Aristotle 2

An ethical issue that is debated in our society is the concern of driving while intoxicated. Although this was naturally not the case during Aristotle’s time, many of his ethical beliefs can be applied to refute this dilemma. I will prove the standing issue to be unethical through ...

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Conformity And Obedience

The desire to be accepted and belong to a group is an undeniable human need. But how does this need affect an individual? Social psychologists have conducted numerous experiments and concluded that, through various forms of social influence, groups can change their members’ thoughts, feelings, ...

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Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy

Jamie was three years old and had been hospitalized thirty times for illnesses such as pneumonia, asthma, sudden fevers, and numerous mysterious infections. After countless tests and investigations into Jamie’s illnesses, doctors could find no apparent causes and were baffled. They began to ...

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Lindo Jong

Childhood is the foundation of who we become when we've grown. In Amy Tan's novel "The Joy Luck Club" we see the journey to adulthood in the lives of four mothers and their daughters. These women all made sacrifices. Some earlier on in life, and some later. One woman, for the honor of her ...

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have been around for hundreds of years. Indians were known to have used Opium and other for medical and various other purposes. During the 7th Century A.D. in China a drug emerged called Opium. Opium, the dry juice from immature seed pods of the opium poppy plant, is a narcotic drug that ...

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Mexico's Drug Trade

Approaching and addressing international drug issues in 1999 is not a simple task due to numerous contradictions that involve the inherent nature of economics, politics, culture, and individual ideologies. The normal attributes of drugs, as well as the changing characteristics of these ...

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The French Revolution

The crowd cheered as another nobleman’s head fell to the ground. The contraption used to kill the man had left a shear and precise cut through its victim’s neck, out which the remainder of his blood was pouring. Blood was not an uncommon sight for this time through. It was a time of not just a ...

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