Children Essays and Term Papers


The freedom to read is essential to the democratic way of life. But today, that freedom is under attack. Private groups and public authorities everywhere are working to remove both books and periodicals from sale, to exclude certain books from public schools, to censor and silence magazines ...

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Smoking On The Body

E-mail: Tobacco is one of the leading preventable causes of death in the United States. Nicotine, which is an alkaloid derived from the tobacco plant, is a potent chemical that has powerful effects on the human body, especially when administered rapidly or at high doses. ...

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U.S. Wage Trends

The microeconomic picture of the U.S. has changed immensely since 1973, and the trends are proving to be consistently downward for the nation’s high school graduates and high school drop-outs. “Of all the reasons given for the wage squeeze – international competition, technology, deregulation, ...

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Relationships In Cyberspace

The Internet, is an ocean of technology, a land where ease of use and instant gratification rules. It is out of this primordial computer-ooze that a whole new way of thinking and acting is forming. Lives are being built, and destroyed in this world of bits and bytes. Cyber romance is on the rise. ...

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Id, Ego, And The Superego

Self is one's awareness of ideas and attitudes about one's own personal and social identity. Self is shaped since young by reflecting self-image from other in order to sense one's own identity. Sigmund Freud developed a model of personality; it consists three items: id, ego and superego. Id is ...

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Woman On The Edge Of Time: Mother To The Tribe

Throughout time people have been questioning their society. Many wonder if the beliefs and customs of their culture are actually what is in the interest of themselves or even the masses. Times of hardship can create strong and powerful people to bring about change; however the means to achieve ...

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Rasputin: The Man, The Mystery

Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin is known as the Siberian Mystic Healer, whose life has been retold numerous of times and almost each time it is told it is retold in a different way. Since Rasputin lived in a civilization not that advanced, little is know of his first forty years of life. So most ...

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The Bronte Sisters, Jane Eyre

Various aspects of Charlotte and Emily Bronte’s background greatly influenced them to write the novels Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. The death of their mother influenced them as young children when she died of a lingering illness, and this loss drove the Bronte children into an intense ...

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, as known by Renault, was a beautiful creature. Not physically beautiful, but internally and fundamentally beautiful. It was he who said: When you assume the show of any virtue, you open a credit account, which one day you will have to meet or go broke (pp. 398). According to Renault, taught ...

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can be defined as commercially produced chemicals that are inhaled into the body to produce psychoactive (mind-altering) and often adverse effects. are aerosols, solvents, and cleaners. Examples include cleaning fluids, hair sprays, paints, cooking sprays, nail polish, and anesthetics such as ...

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King Henry IV And Joseph Strorm: Archtypical Fathers

An ideal father is one who is both caring and understanding. To fit this mould, one must express these characteristics. The outlook and actions of King Henry IV (Shakespeare, Henry IV Part 1) and Joseph Strorm (Wyndham, The Chrysalids), suggest characters who do not match the mould of the ...

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Should Abortion Be Supported?

Abortion is a very controversial topic today. What is abortion? It is the removal or induced expulsion of a fetus. Once a fetus is formed, do we have the right to take its life? It is difficult to discuss this topic among a large group of people because everyone has a different opinion towards ...

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The Lottery

In many stories, settings are constructed to help build the mood and to foreshadow of things to come. "" by Shirley Jackson is a story in which the setting sets up the reader to think of positive outcomes. However, this description of the setting foreshadows exactly the opposite of what is to ...

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King Lear 2

In Shakespeare's King Lear, Edmund, the illegitimate sone of Gloucester, plans to attain a piece of the land by causing ill feelings between Gloucester and his legitimate son, Edgar. In his monologue at the beginning of Act 1, scene ii, Edmund's tone shows by using sarcasm, questioning, and ...

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Epilepsy Decision

Epilepsy is a very common disorder and the international researches and surveys shows that 1 adult from 200 people suffers by epilepsy. There are several forms of epilepsy and every form causes another epileptic attack. Epilepsy is spread world wide, but it is a fact that this disorder is not well ...

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Christmas Satire

Today's Christmas is no longer a celebration of Christ and happiness, but is a celebration of a now fake, commercialized, overweight Santa Claus. The idea of eating yet another turkey dinner while watching a forgettable Disney movie on television brings tears of pain, not joy, to one's eyes. The ...

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Drugs In The Work Place

Drug Addiction in the School and Work Place How has work efficiency changed as a result of drug addiction in the sch a couool and work place? In the 1960 and 1970's, men and women worked long hours to support their family. For many, these strenuous hours were hard to handle without taking drugs. ...

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Child Abuse

STUDY OF FAMILY INTERACTION LEAD TO NEW UNDERSTANDING OF ABUSIVE PARENTS Researchers at the University of Toronto have taken important steps toward producing a profile of an abusive parent. Prof. Gary Walters and doctoral student Lynn Oldershaw of the Department of Psychology have developed a ...

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The Crucible By Arthur Miller

In , the madness of the Salem witch trials is explored in great detail. There are many theories as to why the witch trials came about, the most popular of which is the girls' suppressed childhoods. However, there were other factors as well, such as Abigail Williams' affair with John Proctor, the ...

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Education And Class- A Class A

Class theorists argue that class provides the basic structure of society and is also the chief cause of the inequality of modern societies. The hierarchy of the Australia class system consists of a "ruling" upper class, a "white-collar" middle class, and a "laboring" working class. There is ...

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