Communist Essays and Term Papers

Research Paper On The Lord Of The Flies

William Golding’s Lord of the Flies can be viewed as a political allegory with characters representing world leaders during World War II. It can also be seen as symbolic, with many different objects representing other things or ideas. On the island, Ralph wants democracy, Jack wants dictatorship, ...

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"Science may have found a cure for most evils: but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all--the of human beings." Some might think that whenHelen Keller spoke those words, she was talking of some exotic disease that affects people in the slums. Or that she was speaking of an ...

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The Presidential Election Of 1972

had two strong candidates, President Richard Nixon and George McGovern. There were many issues which had a great deal of importance to the election. The Vietnam war and the stability of the economy at the time were two main factors. The election ended in one the largest political scandals in ...

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The Role Of Citizen Political Participation In Hong Kong And Singapore

Both Hong Kong and Singapore are city states that traditionally have lacked broad political participation, instead political decisions were left up to a small group of leaders. Historical factors were critical in determining the role of political participation in both city states. Hong Kong's ...

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Cao Daiism

When one thinks of the phrase "Cao Dai," they will associate it with a political group involved in protest of French rule in Vietnam, if they have ever heard of it at all. In actuality, while Cao Daiists did play a part in these protests, Cao Dai is a primarily indigenous Vietnamese religion that ...

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Imigration And Discrimination

Beginning in the early nineteenth century there were massive waves of immigration. These "new" immigants were largely from Italy, Russia, and Ireland. There was a mixed reaction to these incomming foreigners. While they provided industries with a cheap source of labor, Americans were both afraid ...

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Animal Farm

The definition of Utopia is "no place." A Utopia is an ideal society in which the social, political, and economic evils afflicting human kind have been wiped out. This is an idea displayed in communist governments. In the novel, , by George Orwell Old Major's ideas of a Utopia are changed ...

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Historical Analysis On 1920s

"Wedding Band" by Alice Childress is a story of a love/hate interracial relationship between two lovers in the south. The play is set in South Carolina in 1918. "Wedding Band" truly captures the essence of the time and place in which the play was set in. That era (1915-1931) is one of the most ...

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Karl Marx: Communism

Karl Marx developed communism. He believed that all people are like science, and react the same. He believed that in the future his type of government would rule, and then even farther in the future, anarchy would commence. His theory was that the workers would revolt and would start a communistic ...

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Animal Farm

“” is a symbolical political satire in which animals take the place of humans. These animals can talk and are just as intelligent as humans. They learn to read and each type of animal a different aspect of humanity. (Ex.: Pigs- Politicians; Horses- Laborers; Sheep- Gullible People; etc. ) This ...

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Stephen Coonts' "Flight Of The Intruder": Summary

This week I read Flight of the Intruder by Stephen Coonts. I read from page 1 to page 437 for a total of 437 pages. The book is about an A-6A Intruder (a naval bomber) pilot named Jake Grafton. In the first few pages Jake's best friend and B/N (Bombardier/Navigator) is killed by a Vietnamese ...

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John Fitzgerald Kennedy

35th president of the United States, the youngest person ever to be elected president. He was also the first Roman Catholic president and the first president to be born in the 20th century. Kennedy was assassinated before he completed his third year as president. Therefore his achievements were ...

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Conformity In The 1950s

During the post WWII period in America, the face of the nation changed greatly under the presidency of Truman and Eisenhower. America underwent another era of good feelings as they thought themselves undefeatable and superior over the rest of the world. Communism was the American enemy and ...

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,is a country in the northwestern corner of Africa. It is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea on the north and the Atlantic Ocean on the west. The Strait of Gibraltar, which connects the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, separates from Spain by only about 8 miles (13 kilometers). Fertile plains ...

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China Cities' Great Progress' In Manned Space Program By Daniel Southerland

(c) 1986, The Washington Post PEKING - China has made "great progress" in developing a manned space program and the day it launches a man in space for the first time is "not far off," an official newspaper said Sunday. The overseas edition of the People's Daily, the leading Communist ...

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Won't Libertarian Socialism Destroy Individuality?

? No. Libertarian socialism only suppresses individuality for those who are so shallow that they can't separate their identity from what they own. However, be that as it may, this is an important objection to any form of socialism and, given the example of "socialist" Russia, needs to be discussed ...

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Fascism Compared To Communism

Analyze the similarities and the differences between single party rule in Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia between 1933 and 1945. Answers should consider: methods of dealing with opposition, control of media and education, control of the economy, and war time planning. --- Why is ...

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Adolf Hitler

At half past six on the evening of April 20th, 1889 a child was born in the small town of Branau, Austria. The name of the child was . He was the son a Customs official Alois Hitler, and his third wife Klara. As a young boy Adolf attendated church regulary and sang in the local choir. One day he ...

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Charlie Chaplin

When was a little boy, a sheep escaped on its way to a slaughterhouse near where he lived. Charlie and other youngsters chased the sheep around, laughing and having fun. But when it was taken away, Charlie realized the sad finality of death and cried to his mother. That incident paved the ...

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The Causes Of The Holocaust

Post World War I Germany saw difficult times. Germans were searching for a reason to blame someone for their problems and extremist groups such as the Nazis provided a focus for the German people. Some historians will argue that extreme nationalism was the cause of the Holocaust because of the ...

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