Data Essays and Term Papers

New Financial And Statistical Measures To Monitor The Success Of GE

To : The Board of Directors, GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Subject : NEW FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL MEASURES TO MONITOR THE SUCCESS OF GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY After Mr. Weltch announced my new assignment, I pondered how I could go about guaranteeing the best possible result: a creditable and well ...

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Silicon Science: The Job Of A System Analyst

What is it like to be on the forefront of technology? New technology is constantly being designed and developed. The people who are responsible for this new technology in the field of computers are most likely system analysts. This paper will attempt to give the reader some insight into the ...

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Proposal Mutual Fund

AIM Funds is one of the nation's largest and most successful mutual fund companies. Over the years, such funds as AIM Weingarten Fund, AIM Constellation Fund, and AIM Value Fund have become household words for millions of investors. AIM funds are sold through financial advisors as a reflection of ...

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Modern Philosophy

Logic is the science dealing with the principles of valid reasoning and argument. The study of logic is the effort to determine the conditions under which one is justified in passing from given statements, called premises, to a conclusion that is claimed to follow from them. Logical validity is a ...

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Bill Of Rights

How many rights do you have? You should check, because it might not be as many today as it was a few years ago, or even a few months ago. Some people I talk to are not concerned that police will execute a search warrant without knocking or that they set up roadblocks and stop and interrogate ...

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As A Technology, It Is Called Multimedia

. As a revolution, it is the sum of many revolutions wrapped into one: A revolution in communication that combines the audio visual power of television, the publishing power of the printing press, and the interactive power of the computer. Multimedia is the convergence of these different ...

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Violent Crimes Involving Guns

The National Crime Survey estimates that 83 percent of Americans will be victims of violent crime at some time in their lives. (?) Parties with diametrically opposed views on gun control seize on this estimate to support their positions. Those favoring gun control laws claim that such laws would ...

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Monetary Policy

In exploring in the United States, it is essential to define what is meant by . can be defined as the policy decisions and actions by the Federal Reserve System (Fed) that affect the banking system and money supply. This may seem vague, but by decisions and actions, we mean the goals, tools, ...

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The History Of Computers

Whether you know it or not you depend on computers for almost every thing you do in modern day life. From the second you get up in the morning to the second you go to sleep computer are tied into what you do and use in some way. It is tied in to you life in the most obvious and obscure ways. ...

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Digital Television

On November 1, 1998 computer companies, television makers, broadcasters, and program suppliers have made a transition from analog to . When the FCC passed a law forcing the networks to change from an analog broadcast to a digital broadcast, all the above mentioned industries have been scrambling ...

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Psychological Perspectives

Psychology is defined as the science that studies behavior and mental processes. Although psychology is explained in one simple definition, there are six different influential perspectives which psychologists may choose to use to study behavior. Each of the six perspectives tend to concentrate on ...

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Harry S. Truman

Most Americans in the 1950s did not expect that Harry Truman would become one of their most highly regarded presidents. By 1952, just before he announced his decision not to run again, only 25% of the people thought he was doing a good job. Within a decade, however, most American historians ...

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Can Computers Think? The Case For And Against Artificial Intelligence

Can Computers Think? The Case For and Against Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence has been the subject of many bad "80's" movies and countless science fiction novels. But what happens when we seriously consider the question of computers that think. Is it possible for computers to ...

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Legalization Of Marijana: For

It's time we put to rest the myth that smoking marijuana is a fringe or deviant activity, engaged in only by those on the margins of American society. In reality, marijuana smoking is extremely common, and marijuana is the recreational drug of choice for millions of mainstream, middle class ...

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The End Of The 20th Century

Next month we will celebrate and the beginning of a new millennium. The year 2000. Although the third millennium doesn't officially begin until Jan. 1, 2001, when every numeral in 1999 rolls over and the year 2000 comes in, a lot is going to be going on. When the sixth-century monk Dionysius ...

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Media Controls

"Man was born free,and everywhere he is in chains." Laswell's Model suggests that communication serves three major purposes. First it must survey the environment and alert the community to change. Second it must interpret the data so the community can respond. Finally communication serves as ...

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Escapism And Virtual Reality

ABSTRACT The use of computers in society provides obvious benefits and some drawbacks. `Virtual Reality', a new method of interacting with any computer, is presented and its advantages and disadvantages are considered. The human aspect of computing and computers as a form of escapism are ...

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Issue Of Gun Control And Violence

The , both in Canada and the United States, is one that simply will not go away. If history is to be any guide, no matter what the resolution to the gun control debate is, it is probable that the arguments pro and con will be much the same as they always have been. In 1977, legislation was passed ...

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Cancer: The Costs, Causes, And Cures

Cancer is a major killer of people all around the globe. We do not have a definite cure, but the amount of research done on this one disease costs on the average of $1.2 billion dollars annually, and $20 billion annually in care of cancer patients. What is Cancer? Cancer is a broad ranging term ...

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Affirmative Action In Seattle

Present efforts to repeal affirmative action are based on several general misconceptions. One is that our society, having reached a point of true equality, no longer needs programs that help government recruit and hire qualified women, people of color, and persons with ...

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