Disobedience Essays and Term Papers

Exegesis and Scriptural Criticism

Explain what is an exegesis and demonstrate what is needed in order to do a proper exegesis of a passage of scripture. In doing so name at least three different methods of scriptural criticism and explain how they assist in the exegetical task. In a strictly definitional sense, according to the ...

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Jesus' Death and Resurrection

Delineate a proper theology of the resurrection of the body in relationship to Jesus' death and resurrection and how that relates to the contemporary church and its mission today. Unlike historical critics of the Bible who have seen the resurrection of Jesus as a common narrative construction ...

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Martin Luther King Jr's Methods and Successes

Aims: King sought equality for African Americans, the economically disadvantaged and victims of injustice through peaceful protest. He was the driving force behind watershed events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington, which helped bring about such landmark legislation ...

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Inadequacies of Prohibition

The Inadequacies of Prohibition Christopher Trifilio Lyndon State University Christopher Trifilio Kelly Colby Eng 1082-L03 03/29/17 The Inadequacies of Prohibition In the 1970’s the Nixon administrated started “the war on drugs”. The presidential administration enforced ...

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The Great Debaters Review


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Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia, he was the son of a Baptist minister. He received a doctorate in theology and in 1955 helped organized the first major protest of the African-American civil rights movement: The Montgomery Bus ...

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Compare and Contrast Theological Worldviews

A person’s worldview shapes and informs their experiences in regards to the world around them. It constitutes their foundational beliefs and suppositions about the universe they inhabit. Not only does this belief system impact how they understand and make sense of the world around them, but it ...

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