Drama Queen Essays and Term Papers

Oedipus Rex

The great poet and philosopher Aristotle was a highly intellectual man who loved to reason. One of his ideas was his structured analysis of the quintessential “tragic hero” of Greek drama. In his work Poetics he defines a tragic hero as “...The man who on the one hand is not pre-eminent in ...

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Architecture, the practice of building design and its resulting products; customary usage refers only to those designs and structures that are culturally significant. Architecture is to building as literature is to the printed word. Vitruvius, a 1st-century BC Roman, wrote encyclopedically about ...

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William Shakespeare

English playwright and poet, is recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. A complete, authoritative account of Shakespeare's life does not exist, but it is commonly accepted that he was born in 1564, and it is known that he was baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon, ...

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Swimming Alone

Muriel's Wedding is a tragic comedy set in the town of Porpoise Spit, Australia. The movie is about Muriel, an ugly-duckling character, and her one motivation in life, to get married. Her motivation arises from the fact that all of her friends from high school, the ones she tries so hard to fit ...

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The Lives And Works Of Elizabeth Barrett And Robert Browning

“The love story of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning is one of the most beautiful in all literature,” says novelist Irving Stone. (Winwar pg. 198) Through their lives, passion and works Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, they will forever hold a place in English Literature. ...

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The History Of The Barbie Doll

The idea of Barbie all started in 1959 when Ruth Handler, Barbie’s creator, noticed her daughter Barbara playing with paper dolls and imagining them in grown up roles such as college students, cheerleaders, and adults with careers. Ruth realized that dolls on the market at that time were ...

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The Salem Witch Trials

In 1692 the Massachusetts Bay Colony was an isolated but growing Puritan community in the North American wilderness. The colonists frequently mistrusted each other and quarreled about petty things. The spiritual life of Puritans who lived in isolated areas like Salem Village may have added to ...

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Hamlet 13

In Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet, there are many themes that appear throughout the play. During the sequence of events in the play we see that there are many obvious themes and many underlying themes. One of these themes that can be seen throughout the play is the way characters appear as one ...

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Ophelia: The Forgotten Character

In Shakespeare’s, Hamlet, Ophelia is a character that illustrates fragility, innocence, and dependency. As the daughter of Polonius, a servant to the King, Ophelia is forced to obey her father’s orders and choose between the love of her life and her obedience to her father. The choice Ophelia ...

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The Puritans And The Salem Witch Trials

In 1692 the Massachusetts Bay Colony was an isolated but growing Puritan community in the North American wilderness. The colonists frequently mistrusted each other and quarreled about petty things. The spiritual life of Puritans who lived in isolated areas like Salem Village may have added to ...

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Emily Dickinson 2

Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts. She died in the same place on May 15, 1886. Today people know her as a fascinating, talented writer. Most of the pieces Emily wrote were poems. Emily was a very isolated individual. She rarely ever got out or had any ...

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Sense And Sensibility: A Summary

The topic of this paper is to distinguish the differences between sense and sensibility. Represented in Jane Austin's novel by two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, the disposition of the two girls can be seen quite vividly. The two girls are accompanied by a mother, and many other well developed ...

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Oedipus The King: A Tragic Hero

The downfall of a hero follows from his very nature. In Sophocles play, Oedipus the King, (reprinted in X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia, Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, 6th ed. New York, NY 1995), the playwright focuses on a man named Oedipus, the king of Thebes, who is ...

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The Characteristics Of Shakespeare's Comedies

Shakespeare wrote many different forms of literary works and one of them is comedy. At the end of his professional life he had written four famous comedies which were later called his "romances". Shakespeare's comedies were not primarily love stories but they all included a love plot. His ...

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The Merchant Of Venice 2

The playgoers of Shakespeare’s times, a successful drama was one that combined a variety of action, along with a mixture of verse and prose in the language used. This variety was achieved, and character and atmosphere was summarized. Modern playwrights tend to describe their characters in ...

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Jacqueline Kennedy

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy is to this day considered to be one of the most graceful, intelligent, and maternal woman in the history of the United States. She played a great role in society by displaying her firm convictions of family values and her strong female individualism. At the time of her ...

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The Elizabethan Age

The reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England (1558-1603) was considered one of the greatest epochs in English history. was most famous for it's literature. It's prose, poetry, and drama were the defining factors of this era. In order to understand the Elizabethan world, we must understand that ...

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Mean Girls Film Review

For my film review I chose to watch a film far outside of my usual viewer patterns, the film I decided to watch was Mean Girls. The movie entails intercultural communication between teens in high school. Pop psychology meets SNL describes this movie best, written by 35 year old Tina Fey, the ...

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American Literature and Me

Ted Starkey American Literature September 12, 2013 I like American literature. It is good. I read it all the time. I really like Mark Twain. He is funny. And Hemingway is good too. Works Cited Con letteratura afroamericana si definisce il corpus letterario prodotto negliStati Uniti ...

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Deceptiveness and Duality in Chaucer’s "The Wife of Bath's Tale"

Deceptiveness and Duality in Chaucer's "The Wife of Bath's Tale" The Wife of Bath is perhaps the most vividly drawn of all of Chaucer's characters, and her tale, together with its prologue, makes for satisfying drama as well as for exposition of a thought-provoking moral. Scholarly arguments ...

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