Fair Essays and Term Papers

Food Division In Grass Soup

Zhang's attitude towards splitting up food rations at the reform camp suggests he has not been completely broken down and reformed by The Party. The significance of the dividing of foods illustrates his remaining integrity and emotions that the hunger has affected, but not ...

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Chemistry Hits The Beach

In our society it's a given that suntans look attractive, and it's also understoud that they can be harmful, and downright unhealthy. So what does this mean? This means that there is a multi-million dollar a year industry that researches and manufactures UV absorbing and blocking lotions that are ...

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Benjamin Franklin, Jonathan Edwards, And Anne Bradstreet: Relationships With Others

The relationships that people have with others has a severe impact on that person’s life, albeit many are good, some, though, are bad. How we choose to form, maintain and use these relationships is up to us, just as what they mean is up to us too. I will show the relationships of some writers ...

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"Media do not simply present cultural products for consumption; they provide much of the stuff of every day life through which we construct meaning and organize our existence."--Michael R. Real, Super Media DEFINING MOMENTS IN MASS MEDIA Newspapers. Media began with the written word . . . To ...

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A Clean Well Lighted Place

"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” Earnest Hemingway’s "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" The main focus of "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" is on the pain of old age suffered by a man that we meet in a cafe late one night. Hemingway contrasts light and dark to show the difference between this man ...

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Victor , as he huddled in the corner of his room, with only bed sheets to offer a hint of security, plagued himself with questions as to how he could create such a catastrophe. A being of immense proportions, Victor's life-long work, stood lingering over Victor's bed and the only thought repeating ...

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American History Immigration And Discrimination In The 1920's

Beginning in the early nineteenth century there were massive waves of immigration. These "new" immigants were largely from Italy, Russia, and Ireland. There was a mixed reaction to these incomming foreigners. While they provided industries with a cheap source of labor, Americans were both ...

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Creative Writing - Fiction - T

I remember a place was crowded when the dance-floor was full. I remember hunger was when it was dinner-time and I hadn't eaten since lunch. I remember when pollution was a brown cloud coming out of a car, dispersing and disappearing soon after. I remember when a house was where a family lived, and ...

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Andrew Carnegie 2

Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland in 1835. His father, Will, was a weaver and a follower of Chartism, a popular movement of the British working class that called for the masses to vote and to run for Parliament in order to help improve conditions for workers. The exposure to such ...

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A Senator's Pain

Most Californians know exactly what they were doing when the historical were read that acquitted the four LAPD officers, and sparked the civil unrest in Los Angeles. Anna Deavere Smith does an excellent job representing Los Angeles citizens in her theatrical piece entitled Twilight: Los Angeles ...

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Ideas Of Automobiles

The first true components of an automobile may have come from Otto Von Guericke, a 17th century German physicist. Guericke was noted as the first person to make metal pistons, cylinders, and connecting rods, the most basic components in a reciprocating engine. But the first automobile was ...

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Macbeth - Kingship

With detailed reference to the characters of Macbeth, Duncan, Malcolm and Edward in the play ‘Macbeth’, analyse William Shakespeare’s ideas and attributes towards kingship and assess what you think the audiences reaction to the play would be at the time. Shakespeare’s ideas towards kingship can be ...

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Organizational Skills


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Catcher In The Rye

The theme that the world has an outward appearance that seems fair and perfect but really they're as Holden put it "phonies." This is shown countless amount of times in his journey through New York and even before he left. The setting is in the 1950's; so I'm pretty sure that he didn't encounter ...

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Censorship In Public Schools

-A principal in a California high school bans five books written by Richard Brautigan because he thinks they might contain "obscenities or offensive sexual references" (Berger 59). -A Vermont high school librarian is forced to resign because she fought the school board's decision to remove Richard ...

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To Have Intellectual Freedom Or To Be Censored

Topic: Should intellectual freedom be restricted? Should laws censor the freedom of thought? I. INTRODUCTION Although there are many counter arguments about the subject of the intellectual freedom, there is a simple truth that can not be forgotten. Every person should have the right to express ...

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Jack The Ripper

killed five women between the 31st of August 1888 and the 9th of November 1888. They were murdered in Whitechapel and Spitalfields in the East End areas of London, England. The killer was never caught and because of this there are hundreds on his personality and motives. No other killer in the ...

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John Dalton

was born in September 5,1766 in Eaglesfield in Cumberland, England. Dalton and his family lived in a small country house. His family had been Quakers since 1690. Quakers where members of a society of friends. John had a brother named Mary and A brother named Charles, when he was born his brother ...

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The Evolution Of Ellen Foster

Kaye Gibbons has created a hero for young children living in adverse family conditions. She named the hero Ellen Foster, which is also the title of the book containing the “autobiography” of this girl. Ellen is a charming, real child. She tells the reader in common language and in familiar ...

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A Midsummer Nights Dream

In Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" the mortal teenage characters fall in love foolishly, and the character Bottom states, "O what fools these mortals be". They are foolish because they act like children. Although Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius, and Helena appear grown-up, when they are in ...

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