Federal Government Essays and Term Papers

The Computer Underground


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Music Censorship

During the Doors concert in Miami, in 1969, lead singer Jim Morrison, "did lewdly and lasciviously expose his penis and shake it. . ." (Rosen et al. 90). Today, Billy Joe Armstrong, lead singer of Green Day, bares all at his concert in Philadelphia (Bernstein 95). The eccentric Courtney Love ...

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The History Of The American Bottom

The History of the American Bottom Two of the nations largest rivers meet in the American Bottom. The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers served as channels of change to the area, bringing outside influences of many different peoples to an Indian-inhabited land. Like the constant flow of the rivers, ...

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Sojourner Truth

Strong, phenomenal, and courageous are but a few words that describe the woman known to the world as Sojourner Truth. While her latter life screamed triumph, the tragedies of her past served as a constant reminder of what could have been a great defeat. However, she was determined to live a just ...

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The History of the American Bottom

The History of the American Bottom Two of the nations largest rivers meet in the American Bottom. The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers served as channels of change to the area, bringing outside influences of many different peoples to an Indian-inhabited land. Like the constant flow of the ...

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Terrorism Definition

What is Terrorism? This seems to be a question with an extremely illusive answer. Too many, terrorism is the illogical act of an extremists who clearly is not mentally sound. But this is the opinion of only one perspective. What is the opinion of that so called extremist? The definition of ...

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Ten Important Events in American History

1. The signing of the declaration of independence. This document stated that the thirteen American colonies were no longer under British rule. At the time that this had been made the American colonies had been at war with great Brittan for over a year over unreasonable taxation and because the ...

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Reasons to Legalize Marijuana/Cannabis

Kristin Barry Reasons to legalize Marijuana/Cannabis The federal government should legalize marijuana because of the benefits: Cancer patients provided with some relief from their symptoms, and the economic gain $1.3 billion in taxes, hemp saving 4 acres in trees, and decriminalization in a ...

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The Amish Culture

The Amish Culture Bethany Self Anthropology 101 Dr. Hotzman January 21, 2013 OUTLINE I. Introduction II. About the Amish culture. A. Amish have a unique way of dressing. B. Amish have different ways of transportation then other people. III. The Amish's primary mode of ...

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Resettlement of the West

The settlement, or more accurately, the resettlement of the American West, was one of the most dramatic events of the late 19th century. Discuss the role of the railroads in making this possible, and how mining, cattle-driving, and farming contributed to the larger process. If the new arrivals in ...

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The American Government and Political Parties

American Government: Ten Questions Answered Campaign contributions are carefully regulated by law. Individuals may only contribute $1,000 per candidate per election for congressional and presidential elections. Political action committees are allowed to give up to $5,000 per candidate per ...

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Lee Iacocca

, born Lido Iacocca on October fifteenth 1924, was the son of an Italian immigrant named Nicola Iacocca. He had one sister named Antonette. The family lived in Allentown, Pennsylvania. His father was some what of an entrepreneur in the food service industry. The family business was called ...

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Benefits Of Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment deters murder, and is just Retribution. Capital punishment, is the execution of criminals by the state, for committing crimes, regarded so heinous, that this is the only acceptable punishment. Capital punishment does not only lower the murder rate, but it's value as ...

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Capital Punishment

deters murder, and is just Retribution , is the execution of criminals by the state, for committing crimes, regarded so heinous, that this is the only acceptable punishment. does not only lower the murder rate, but it's value as retribution alone is a good reason for handing out death sentences. ...

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Cry Wolf

Three little pigs dance in a circle singing "Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?" Little Red Riding Hood barely escapes the cunning advances of the ravenous wolf disguised as her grandmother. Movie audiences shriek as a gentle young man is transformed before their eyes into a blood-thirsty ...

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per. 7 , is it the thing of the future? Or is it a start of a new generation? To some, cloning could give back a life. A life of fun, happiness, and freedom. For others it could mean destruction, evil, or power. Throughout this paper, you the reader, should get a better concept of cloning, it's ...

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The Brady Law

Both of these articles deal with The Brady Gun-control Law, which puts certain restrictions on the sale of guns. The bill, which started in 1994, does not allow the sale of guns to people convicted or indicted of a felony, people with a history of drug use or mental illness, and various other ...

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Endangered Species In Canada

There are many trillions of living creatures, and millions of different kinds of animals and plants share our planet (pg 46, Savage). Each Kind, or species, is special and unique. But, some of these species are in danger of disappearing forever, just as the passenger pigeon did. When the last ...

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Hemp-A Crop With No Future For

E-mail: bchutch@email.unc.edu Hemp: A Crop With no Future For This Society Throughout many areas of the United States a small, slender plant can be found growing in the wild. It is commonly referred to as hemp. Hemp is a plant that comes from the Cannabis sativa family. Hemp looks strikingly ...

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