History Medicine Essays and Term Papers

Ivan The Terrible

was not always known as being terrible. When first reigning as Czar over Russia, he was a normal leader. It was after the five scars marking his journey through life that he had a mental breakdown and went out of control. Ivan was only three years old when his father, Vasili III, died in 1533. ...

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Florence, Italy

The Renaissance is finally here at the year of 1350. What does Renaissance mean? It is a French word that means rebirth. But, what is there a rebirth of? The rebirth of art and learning and getting past the “dark ages”. At first the Renaissance reformed many of the towns in Italy and turned ...

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Argumentative Environment

Currently, a controversy is swirling over the issues raised by the despoiling of the world's natural environment. Poet Stanley Kunitz in "The War Against the Trees" depicts a man watching his neighbor, "who sold his lawn to standard oil" (Kunitz 122), laugh as bulldozers ruin the natural beauty ...

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The Effects Of Antibiotics On Bacterial Growth

Biology II Bacteria are the most common and ancient microorganisms on earth. Most bacteria are microscopic, measuring 1 micron in length. However, colonies of bacteria grown in a laboratory petri dish can be seen with the unaided eye. There are many divisions and classifications of bacteria ...

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Isaac Asimov

is a very talented writer. Isaac focuses on the intensity of his novels and short stories. Suspense is one of the things he focuses on when writing short stories such as \"Marooned off Vesta.\" \"Marooned off Vesta is a story of triumph and intelligence. This story shows what can happen if you ...

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Antibiotic Resistance In Bacteria

For about 50 years, antibiotics have been the answer to many bacterial infections. Antibiotics are chemical substances that are secreted by living things. Doctors prescribed these medicines to cure many diseases. During World War II, it treated one of the biggest killers during wartime - ...

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To Kill A Mockingbird 2

To Kill A Mockingbird is set against this background of 1930 Southern life. The Finches are a family who once had a large, successful plantation. Their ancestors had been aristocratic ladies and gentlemen of the South. Now they have been reduced to gentile poverty. They are better off by far than ...

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Alcoholics Anonymous

The phrase “early A.A.” refers to the early fellowships and meetings held in Akron, Ohio. These meetings took place between 1935 and 1939 when was an integral part of “A First Century Christian Fellowship” (Pitman 56). A.A. was the outcome of a meeting between Bill W., a New York stockbroker, ...

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Gender Inequality

The issue of is one which has been publicly reverberating through society for decades. The problem of inequality in employment being one of the most pressing issues today. In order to examine this situation one must try to get to the root of the problem and must understand the sociological ...

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Galileo Galilei

was born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa.” (1:1) “His father, Vincenzo Galilei, belonged to a noble family of straitened fortune.” (2:1) Galileo had an “aptitude for mathematical and mechanical pursuits, but his parents, wishing to turn him aside from studies which promised no substantial return, ...

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Marie Curie And Her Discovery Of Radium And Polonium

Marie Curie was born Manya Sklodowska on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw, Poland. Her mother was the director of a boarding school for girls. Her father was a professor of physics and math at a high school in Warsaw. Manya was the youngest of her brother and three sisters. Her brother’s name was ...

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Nicolaus Copernicus

His Life: Throughout history people have always looked up at the sky and wondered about the universe. Some just wonder while others attempt to solve this mystery. One of the people who had endeavored to solve it was Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicus was born in the present day town of Torun, ...

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Ben Franklin

Benjamin Franklin-Scientist and Inventor Benjamin Franklin has influenced American technology, and indirectly, lifestyles by using his proficiencies and intelligence to conduct numerous experiments, arrive at theories, and produce several inventions. Franklin's scientific and analytical mind ...

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International Court Of Justice

The issue of international terrorism is one that has engulfed the global community. With terrorism on the increase, we have seen that its importance has increased. Whether domestic or international in nature, terrorism is having an ever-increasing impact upon the international community. The ...

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Harper Lee: Introduction To Harper Lee

Early Life Born in Monroeville, Alabama, on April 28, 1926, Nelle Harper Lee is the youngest of three children of Amassa Coleman Lee and Francis Lee. Before his death, Miss Lee's father and her older sister, Alice, practiced law together in Monroeville. When one considers the theme of honor that ...

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The Tomorrow City By Monica City

PART A Hamish Hamilton Children's Books, Ltd. iv) Number of Pages: 137 PART B i) The plot of this book centres around two adolescents, David and Caro and an evil supercomputer which aspires to control the futuristic city of Thompsonville. Dr. Henderson, Caro's Father creates the ...

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were a small, peaceful tribe located at the mouth of the Knife River on the Missouri near present day Bismarck, North Dakota. The Mandan were most known for their friendliness and their homes, called earth lodges. The women of the Mandan tribe tended their gardens, prepared food, and maintained ...

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Bioluminescence In Fungi

INTRODUCTION What is Bioluminescence? The current paper main focus is on bioluminescent Fungi but the basic features of bioluminescence discussed are common to all bioluminescent organisms. Bioluminescence is simply light created by living organisms. Probably the most commonly known example of ...

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The Encarta Encyclopedia defines hypnosis as,"altered state of consciousness and heightened responsiveness to suggestion; it may be induced by normal persons by a variety of methods and has been used occasionally in medical and psychiatric treatment. Most frequently brought about through actions ...

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Battle Royal

There are thousands of examples of situations where people of color, white women, and working class women and men of all races who were previously excluded from jobs or educational opportunities, or were denied opportunities once admitted, have gained access through affirmative action. When ...

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