Idea Essays and Term Papers
ImmigrationKalapodas 8 Dec. 1999 History 101 Dr. Tassinari : The New American Paul Kalapodas 8 Dec. 1999 For many, to the United States during the late 19th to early 20th century would be a new beginning to a prosperous life. However there were many acts and laws past to limit the influx of immigrants, do ...
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Mcdonaldization Of Society 2If you have ever had a meal in a restaurant (fast-food/formal dining), used an ATM in a bank, spent your vacation at an amusement park or simply browsed through a mall, you have been exposed to McDonaldization. McDonaldization is “the process by which the principles of the fast food restaurant ...
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The Roles African American InIn the history of the United States, African Americans have always been discriminated against. When Africans first came to America, they were taken against their will and forced to work as laborers. They became slaves to the rich, greedy, lazy Americans. They were given no pay and often badly ...
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Cuban Missle CrisisMany agree that the Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war; but exactly how close did it come? The Crisis was ultimately a showdown between the United States and the Soviet Union from October 16 to October 28, 1962. During those thirteen stressful days, the world’s ...
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The Advantages Of StupidityAdmittedly, stupidity has certain disadvantages. Life isn't
a bowl of cherries. And being stupid doesn't make it any
fruitier. Being stupid can annoy even the most sensitive
people. If one acts stupid, and does it in the wrong crowd,
like a group of adults, it will seem more immature than ...
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Aristotle's Refutation Of Plato's Theory Of IdeasAristotle refutes Plato's Theory of Ideas on three basic grounds: that the existence of Ideas contradicts itself by denying the possibility of negations; that his illustrations of Ideas are merely empty metaphors; and that they theory uses impermanent abstractions to create examples of ...
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Cloning And Embryo Research: The Science Fiction Reality
The idea of cloning a life form seemed like something read from a science fiction novel just ten years ago. Now, the theories, ideas and facts of cloning embryos have made cloning one of the most talked about social issues of our time. The researchers of this ...
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The Formation Of An Individual: Cases, Terms, & ToolsMan needs a polity, and in the same way a polity needs man. This is the focus
of the first chapter in the formation of an individual. The formation of an
individual is a very complicated process, yet it is a process that is very
necessary. Through the formation of some types of government man ...
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The Cold WarWhen World War II in Europe finally came to an end on May 7, 1945, a new war was just beginning. : denoting the open yet restricted rivalry that developed between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, a war fought on political, economic, and propaganda fronts, with ...
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Crime And Punishment--is RaskoIn Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov concocts a theory: All men are divided into ‘ordinary’ and ‘extraordinary’. The extraordinary man should have the right to eliminate a few people in order to make his idea known to all humanity; however, the ordinary man has no right to ...
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Alcoholism: Is It Hereditary?The kind of clear-cut model of the genetic sources of alcoholism
perceived by the public and presented in popular tracts does not
accurately reflect the state of knowledge in this area. No persuasive
genetic mechanism has been proposed to account for accumulated data about
alcoholic behavior, ...
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The Lord Of The Flies: ThemesThe world had witnessed the atrocities of World War II and began to
examine the defects of their social ethics. Man's purity and innocence was gone.
Man's ability to remain civilized was faltering. This change of attitude was
extremely evident in the literature of the age. Writers, who through ...
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Marriage AsylumIt is my belief that the institution of marriage is a sham, designed by pious Christain fanatics in order to subjugate, control, and furthermore oppress women's personal liberties, intellectual freedoms and artistic development. It is also my belief that much in the way of the institution of ...
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Lord Of The Flies: The Vision Of GodAs mankind has progressed throughout history, his idea of god has
changed with his domination of nature and nature's elements. When man made
the transition from a Paleolithic to a Neolithic lifestyle, his mastery of
nature attained a higher level because of the bow and arrow. With the bow
and ...
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Agencies Of The United StatesWhen World War II in Europe finally came to an end on May 7, 1945, a new
war was just beginning. The Cold War: denoting the open yet restricted rivalry
that developed between the United States and the Soviet Union and their
respective allies, a war fought on political, economic, and propaganda ...
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The Advantages Of StupidityMost people say being stupid will lead no where. They claim that it is the
worst possible condition in which to spend one's life, and if possible, it
should be completely avoided. They would even suggest if the symptoms of
stupidity are caught in the early stages, it could easily be treated by ...
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Cloning: BackgroundA clone is a group of genetically identical cells. For example, tumors are clones of cells inside an organism because they consist of many replicas of one mutated cell. Another type of clone occurs inside a cell. Such a clone is made up of groups of identical structures that contain genetic ...
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The Role Of The Emperor In Meiji JapanJapan is a society whose culture is steeped in the traditions and
symbols of the past: Mt. Fuji, the tea ceremony, and the sacred objects of
nature revered in Shintoism. Two of the most important traditions and symbols in
Japan; the Emperor and Confucianism have endured through ...
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CloningBioethics, which is the study of value judgments pertaining to human conduct in the area of
biology and includes those related to the practice of medicine, has been an important aspect of
all areas in the scientific field (Bernstein, Maurice, M.D.). It is one of the factors that says
whether or ...
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What Are MemesA "meme" is an idea which can be passed from person to person, the basic unit of cultural transmission. Memes are often analogized to genes, as self replicating information patterns; or to viruses, organic or computer, which prosper by infecting new hosts (in this case human minds) with copies of ...
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