Idea Essays and Term Papers

Orwell And Marx

³Every line I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism," quotes George Orwell in the preface to the 1956 Signet Classic edition of Animal Farm. The edition, which sold several millions copies, however, omitted the rest of the sentence: "and for ...

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U.S. Budget Deficit - Good Or Bad?

? "Spending financed not by current tax receipts, but by borrowing or drawing upon past tax reserves." , Is it a good idea? Why does the U.S. run a deficit? Since 1980 the deficit has grown enormously. Some say its a bad thing, and predict impending doom, others say it is a safe ...

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Fantasy Author Charles De Lint

When most people think of fantasy, images of fairies, unicorns, dragons, and other fantastical creatures set in a "Camelot" type world comes to mind. Most would not think of these extraordinary creatures living in modern times. The is among many present-day authors that has broken the mold of ...

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Lord Of The Flies: Summary

Main Character Description Piggy: A large kid, one of the older ones. He was made fun of and teased about his weight and it drove him crazy. He met Ralph first. Piggy wore glasses, which later proved vital for fire making. The best way to get to Piggy was to take away his “specs” because without ...

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Sexual Discrimination

The world today must deal with many problems. Our society has been struggling to cope with difficulties ranging from environmental problems to economic problems. Solutions to these problems, however, are not too hard to find. There is one problem, however, that our society has been dealing with ...

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Hamlet - A Comparison To Human

The Elizabethan play The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark is one of William Shakespeare's most popular works. One of the possible reasons for this play's popularity is the way Shakespeare uses the character Hamlet to exemplify the complex workings of the human mind. The approach taken by ...

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Ku Klux Klan 3

Over the years many people have created groups to support their beliefs. These groups allow people with the same ideas to gather together and work out plans to advance their ideas. All of the groups that have been established have not necessarily gained a positive image from the public. One ...

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Ancient Babylon

The code of Hammurabi was one of the most important documents in Babylon history. It was adopted from many Sumerian customs that had been around for a while before the Babylonians. Though many of the Laws were adopted from Sumeria they were published by Hammurabi and thus known as the code of ...

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The Dark Romantics: Poe, Hawthorne, And Melville

The Romantic period (1750-1870) was a time characterized by reliance on the imagination, freedom of thought and expression, and an “idealization of nature,” Along with this came a sense of romantic melancholy, and a feeling that change was indefinite and “a way of life was being threatened.” ...

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Lafollettes-licensing Of Paren

“Licensing Parents” Would the licensing of parents be morally right and theoretically possible? According to Hugh LaFollette in his essay “Licensing Parents,” it is and would be both right and possible to do so. I will attempt to argue LaFollette's point by using the ...

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Richard III: Usage Of Imagery, Foreshadowing, And Irony

From the very opening of the play when Richard III enters "solus", the protagonist's isolation is made clear. Richard's isolation progresses as he separates himself from the other characters and breaks the natural bonds between Man and nature through his efforts to gain power. The first scene of ...

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Animal Farm And The Russian Revolution

have many similarities and ideas. The characters, settings, and the plots are the same. In addition Animal Farm is a satire and allegory of the Russian Revolution, George Orwell meant for it to be that way. My essay will cover the comparison between . Also it will explain why this novel is a ...

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The Works Of Edwin Robinson And Paul Simon

Then two poets who are similar are Edwin Robinson and Paul Simon. They wrote about people of whom they were envious. This was their way of coping with their impoverished lives. Simon and Robinson were both unhappy with their socio-economic status. Examples of this can be found in both Simon's ...

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The Truth About Airbags

Airbags began being installed into automobiles around the mid-1980’s (Dowd 136). Since their introduction, airbags have been present in 2.6 million accidents (Carbonara 132). In those accidents they have saved over thirty-four hundred people (Carbonara 132). The shocking fact is that more than one ...

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Grapes Of Wrath - Theme Of Journey

The Journey Theme in The Grapes of Wrath As a major literary figure since the 1930s, Steinbeck displays in his writing a characteristic respect for the poor and oppressed. In many of his novels, his characters show signs of a quiet dignity and courage for which Steinbeck has a great admiration. ...

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The Year 2000 Computer Problem

Less than two years until the year 2000. Two seemingly small digits may turn January 1, 2000 from a worldwide celebration into a universal nightmare. With computers mistaking the year 2000 for 1900, virtually all businesses that use dates will be affected. Not only will the companies be affected, ...

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Strange Explanations

Sleeping disorders occur to millions of people around the world. People say that they are medical problems, and some people would just say it was stress. Then there is the explanation that some people choose to follow that is the explanation that aliens had abducted these people. People around ...

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"Down And Out Paris And London"

The story of "Down And Out In Paris And London" deals with the author's experience with tramps and the poverty stricken in Paris and London in the 1920's. He lives with them on equal terms and suffers the same hardships and tribulations. Orwell shows great compassion for the plight of ...

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George Lucas

THX 1138, American Graffiti, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back…the list goes on and on. Although many have not heard of each of these films, everyone certainly has to know the man behind them. has, in many cases, written, produced, and directed, not to mention edit, his own films. His ...

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Women In Islam

The topic of this paper was chosen out of the conviction that humanity is suffering today from a number of serious social problems related to women and to the interrelations of the two sexes in society. Although these problems may be more pronounced, disturbing, more debilitating for some of us ...

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