Internet Essays and Term Papers

National TV Turn-Off Week: A Dumb Idea

In a time when millions of people are starving each year and thousands are killed in war zones, worrying about how much television we watch sounds like a stupid idea. Right? Well, that's what people all across North America are doing every day. In fact, there is a full week dedicated to the ...

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Television 2 -

Did you know there are more television sets in the world than there are telephones? Even the television professionals find it hard to believe. However the statistics prove it. According to official figures from the International Telecommunication Union there were 565 million telephones in 1983, ...

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The Curse Of Right And Wrong

Many people treat ethics like a good set of dishes, something to be saved just for special occasions. A monitor poll shows that most Americans think that their country’s moral standards are falling and that stronger families must be the solution. Widespread evidence of moral decay can be ...

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Antigone Paper

The play Antigone by Sophocles is a play like no other. Its central theme is a practical problem of conduct involving the laws of the gods and those of the humans. Antigone represents the laws of the gods while Creon represents those of the humans. Both characters are very stubborn, neither of ...

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Louisbourg Report

In all of North America, you will not find a more power fortress than Louisbourg. It was said to be indestructible, but was proven otherwise on a number of occasions. Established in 1713 and located on Northern Cape Breton Island, Louisbourg was not only a fortress but a major commercial ...

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A Century Of Dishonor, A Triumph Or Tragedy?

? The author Helen Hunt Jackson had hoped for a triumph over the mistreatment, abuse, and mainly the deaths of seemingly innocent Native Americans with her novel, A Century Of Dishonor. However, when the hard cold reality set in, her novel was merely a small tragedy in the battle for the Native ...

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My College Plans

Business Computer Applications 7th Period Sunday, March 30, 1997 Created By: At first I never had wanted to go to college because I didn't like school, but now as I get older I realize that I will need a college education to make it in life. So when the question came up what college would ...

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Computer Crimes

Computer crime started in the early 1970’s and has become more and more prevalent. Some are committed by outside individuals that hack into a computer system. These are the people that usually steal data and cause data loss by vandalism. The most common kind of computer crime is espionage ...

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Morality of Advanced Directives This paper presents an in-depth discussion about the issues involved in honoring a patient's advance directive. Ethical considerations surrounding the issue as they relate to the nursing profession are addressed. The purpose of the paper is to express an ...

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XXX. That is what some of the magazines in the United States are rated. Its content is meant to be read and viewed by adults, persons over the age of 18. Unfortunately, these magazines have been able to get into the hands of teenagers and minors across the nation. The content, which is meant ...

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For fifty years the unexplained air craft wreckage found outside , New Mexico, has been in the center of on-going speculation about alien life forms and US Government and Military cover-ups. It is my personal belief that extraterrestrial bodies are present in this Universe and have landed on ...

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The Case For Capital Punishmen

Society, in general, agrees that the taking of an innocent life is an unforgivable act, and that the rape of children is particularly heinous. I will argue that all persons convicted of the crime of murder or the rape of a child under ten years of age should be given a manditory death penalty. ...

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Atlantis: We Will Never Know

Fantasy is a tough sell in the twentieth century. The world has been fully discovered and fully mapped. Popular media has effectively minimized the legend and the fantastic rumor, though to make up for this it has generated falsities not as lavish but just as interesting. Satellites have mapped ...

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Telecommunications Device For The Deaf (TDD)

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) In 1963, Robert Weitbrecht developed a large acoustic coupler. This device has helped with breaking down the communication barrier between the Hearing and Deaf communities. This device today is called the TTY, which is short for Teletypewriter. Today, ...

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The Ku Klux Klan

(KKK) is one of America's oldest and most feared groups. Driven by the dream of a world with only one master race, the KKK often uses violence and moves above the law to promote their cause. They didn't start of violent, or to promote white supremacy. They have been in the shadows for over 130 ...

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Dear Richard III Society

Richard III was a mass murderer, a coward, and one of the most selfish people to ever walk the face of the earth. I have not a clue how your society sees him as an even half decent man. From what I understand your society believes that Shakespeare blackened the image of Richard III in his play ...

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Cause And Effect Of Wwi

The First World War had many causes; the historians probably have not yet discovered and discussed all of them so there might be more causes than what we know now. The spark of the Great War was the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, and ...

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The Red Tent (all You Need To

The initial incident occurs when Simon and Levi, two of Dinah’s oldest brothers, enter the city of Shechem and murder all of the resident men, including Dinah’s beloved husband, Shalem. Cursing her entire family, a pregnant Dinah is taken to Egypt by Shalem’s mother, Re-nefer. ...

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Are Blacks Too Cool For The Web

Do less blacks than their fellow white Americans use the web? According to the Pew Study on Internet Usage , the answer is yes, but this study is also quick to point out that it’s not merely color, it’s a mixture of things. However, according to Leonce Gaiter , author of Is the Web too ...

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A Financial Evaluation Of General Electric Corporation

Running Head: GENERAL ELECTRIC CORPORATION Abstract General Electric Corporation (GE) from a financial analysis presents itself as a strong corporation. The historical data reviewed revealed that it has had a stable past, with strong earnings and growth that has been consistent and which the ...

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