Lost Essays and Term Papers

Ernest Hemingway - The Man And

Ernest Hemingway – The Man and His Work On July 2, 1961, a writer whom many critics call the greatest writer of this century, a man who had a zest for adventure, a winner of the Nobel Prize and the Pulitzer Prize, a man who held esteem everywhere – on that July day, that man put a shotgun to his ...

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Soldiers Home

'SOLDIER'S HOME': ANOTHER STORY OF A BROKEN HEART He knew he could never get through it all again. "Soldier's Home" "I don't want to go through that hell again." In the works of Ernest Hemingway, that which is excluded is often as significant as that which is included; a hint is often as ...

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William Shakespeare`s is a play set in Venice. The plot is based on a story about two people who love each other dearly and the problems and conflicts they face from the start. The conflicts are, for the most part, tied in with racial issues and questions of loyalty. These conflicts stem from the ...

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Rose Schneiderman And The Triangle Fire

"" Reported by Leslie Regina Goodson The American History Illustrated, published in July of 1981, featured an essay by Bonnie Mitelman. The essay expounds on the tragedy of a horrific fire at the Triangle Waist Company on March 25, 1911 and the impetus it had on a union activist, Rose ...

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Hamlet's Madness

`What is madness? Is someone mad merely because they are different, and do they in return see the same about the world? The dictionary defines madness as, “1. the state of being mad; insanity. 2. senseless folly. 3. frenzy; rage. 4. intense excitement or hilarity.” Though is there a ...

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Billy Budd

To form simply one opinion or show merely one aspect of this story is naive, rude, and closed minded. How may one stick to one deli mea, moral questioning, or out-look on a book that jumps from such cases like frogs on lily pads? Just as Melville has done, I shall attempt to arrange my perception ...

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Night Rider

I stood in the woods behind my house looking for something that I knew I would never find. So many questions remained unanswered to me. But I'm starting at the probable end of the story. I should begin at the beginning. It was a normal autumn evening at the Smith house. All of my family was ...

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Recently, The Toronto Star published an article entitled "RCMP seizes BBS, charges pending." The RCMP have possessed all computer components belonging to the "90 North" bulletin board system in Montreal, Quebec. The board is accused of allowing people the opportunity to download (get) ...

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The Scarlet Letter Essay

"But (Hester) is not the protagonist; the chief actor, and the tragedy of The Scarlet Letter is not her tragedy, but Dimmesdales. He it was whom the sorrows of death encompassed..... His public confession is one of the noblest climaxes of tragic literature." This statement by Randall Stewart does ...

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Otto Eduard Leopold Von Bismarck-Schönhausen

was a major player in the unification of Germany. This Prussian junker, or aristocrat, was a Prussian nationalist and later a German nationalist. As Chief Minister to Wilhelm I of Prussia, he devised and executed a "klein-deutsch" (excluding Austria) plan to unify Germany. It was Bismarck's ...

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The Old Man In TheSea

The Old Man In The Sea The "Old Man and the Sea" is a heroic tale of man's strength pitted against forces he cannot control. It is a story about an old Cuban fisherman and his three-day battle with a giant Marlin. Through the use of three prominent themes; friendship, bravery, and Christianity; ...

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Christmas Satire

Today's Christmas is no longer a celebration of Christ and happiness, but is a celebration of a now fake, commercialized, overweight Santa Claus. The idea of eating yet another turkey dinner while watching a forgettable Disney movie on television brings tears of pain, not joy, to one's eyes. The ...

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The Great Depression

To my amazement serves as a natural debating point that "justifies" or "refutes" various economic policies. and the New Deal are complex topics that are open to many interpretations. The Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which spread to virtually all of ...

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Ku Klux Klan

The (KKK) is one of America's oldest and most feared groups. Driven by the dream of a world with only one master race, the KKK often uses violence and moves above the law to promote their cause. They didn't start of violent, or to promote white supremacy. They have been in the shadows for over ...

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Brief Look At Jewish History

The Jews are a people with a multitude of dilemmas. From the Israelite tribes to the prosperous modern day Israel , bigotry towards the Jews has been greatly evident. The Jewish race has acted as Escape Goat for many crisis throughout history including the black plaque which swept across Europe ...

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Jewish History

The Jews are a people with a multitude of dilemmas. From the Israelite tribes to the prosperous modern day Israel , bigotry towards the Jews has been greatly evident. The Jewish race has acted as Escape Goat for many crisis throughout history including the black plaque which swept across Europe ...

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The Works Of William Faulkner

William Faulkner (1897-1962) was one of the leading authors of the 20th century. Many of his novels and short stories were based on an imaginary area in Mississippi called Yoknapatawpna county. Famous for his depiction of the depravity and downfall of the southern aristocratic society, many of ...

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Rutherford Hayes

Rutherford B. Hayes was considered by many to be a simple, uncontroversial, and honest man to run for the presidency. That is why many people are perplexed that such an astute person should have one of the most controversial elections and presidencies ever. Considering Hayes’ honorable ...

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Achilles And Socrates

The concept of heroism is a central theme in Greek mythology. Achilles, the main character in Homer's The Iliad, accurately depicts the concept of a tragic hero. Throughout his many experiences during the Trojan War, he reflects heroic qualities, and earns his name as the purest, the highest and ...

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The Graffiti Exposure In Wynnum

Is it a work of art; or a piece of scrawl sprayed across some bare surface? Ladies and Gentlemen, should Wynnum be exposed to Graffiti? Firstly, I would like to ask you. What is the cost to the government to ‘cover up' this unwanted advertisement? One recent attack placed a school approximately ...

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