Material Essays and Term Papers

Clean Coal Technologies

Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel and also regarded, as the dirtiest not only is coal inherently impure by composition by the fact that it contains ash and sulfur; coal is also difficult to burn completely. Many techniques to combust coal have been developed since the late 1800's. "The first ...

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The Evolution Of The Saw

Have you ever walked out in your backyard and heard the faint buzz of a chain saw in the distance, or passed a truck caring a load of logs on the interstate? Chances are that you have considering that wood is most commonly used building material of today's society. But have you ever given any ...

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What Is Wealth

When one asks themselves "," people immediately think of money. They think of nice cars and big houses. People think of power and the ability to have control over others. When I was in elementary school I believed this same thing. Now that I am in highschool my outlook on what wealth is has ...

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Censorship In Public Schools

-A principal in a California high school bans five books written by Richard Brautigan because he thinks they might contain "obscenities or offensive sexual references" (Berger 59). -A Vermont high school librarian is forced to resign because she fought the school board's decision to remove Richard ...

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Things Fall Apart: Okonkwo

Okonkwo, the main character of Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe. And Charles Foster Kane of Orson Welles Citizen Kane, both have value systems that are incongruous with their cultures. Thus allowing them to be defeated by society. These are two men with a great need for recognition. Their need ...

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Douglas' "Narcissism As Liberation: The Power Of The Media

In Susan Douglas's essay "Narcissism as Liberation", she covers the topic of the power of media on American culture. Douglas approaches this topic in a way which grabs her audience's attention quickly. She discusses an advertisement in the first paragraph of her essay. This advertisement is a ...

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Europe And The New World

Tutorial Question: Why were the ‘westerners’ (Spanish, English, Portuguese’s, French etc) able to displace the native people’s of America with, seemingly, relative ease? Was this evidence of a superior ‘civilisation’? Many believe that there is a great difference between ‘westerners’ and the ...

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Transcendentalism Essay

“Which would have advanced the most at the end of the month, -the boy who had made his own jackknife from the ore which he had dug and smelted, reading as much as would be necessary for this-or the boy who had attended the lectures on metallurgy at the Institute in the meanwhile and had received a ...

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Alas, Babylon

In the book , the author, Pat Frank, discusses the condition of the human race. Mainly, his view differs from others because rather than write about the countries in a nuclear war, he writes about people living in the countries that are involved in that war. His discusses these peoples’ ...

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Analysis Of Similes In The Ill

In the Iliad, Homer finds a great tool in the simile. Just by opening the book in a random place the reader is undoubtedly faced with one, or within a few pages. Homer seems to use everyday activities, at least for the audience, his fellow Greeks, in these similes nearly exclusively. When one ...

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Mother always said that I could have anything I wanted. But I never wanted anything material, no that’s not my style. I want to become famous, but I don’t want to work for it, I don’t want to wait, I want it now. I want to be famous not only now, but … They always said you get fifteen minutes ...

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Installing A Car Stereo System

Throughout this project, each component will be required to be compatible with the other components chosen. The dual purpose for this is to keep cost factor low and facilitating installation. Several adaptors can be eliminated by having compatible components. Five major components will be ...

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Reason For The Growth Of Infor

In this essay I will endeavour to provide reasons for the phenomenal growth of the informal economy. Firstly, I will provide a brief definition of informal and formal economies. I will also discuss the inequalities and instability of the formal economy environment. Focusing on the manoeuvres ...

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Martin Luther

Economics in Colonial America During the 1500's to 1800's, the strength and stature of a country depended upon its political power, which can be traced to how self-sufficient it was. Striving to be self-sufficient was what nations sought after; dependency was not a characteristic of a ...

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Andy Warhol 2

Andy Warhol is the epitome of pop art. Pop art is a movement that occurred near the end of the 1950’s. It was a reaction to the seriousness of Abstract Expressionism. Pop art emphasized contemporary social values, the sprawl of urban life, the vulgar, the superficial, and the flashy. ...

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Societies Scapegoat

Youth crimes are on a continual rise. It seems that everyday violent offenders keep getting younger and more aggressive. We turn on the news only to hear that a ten year old mugged,shot,stabbed,beat or blew up one of his peers. With crimes on the rise involving children, people begin to look for ...

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Wicca Versus Witchcraft

There is a difference between Wicca and Witchcraft. Wicca is a religion and Witchcraft is not. Witchcraft is the act of performing spells. Witchcraft is done as a part of Wicca, but it is not the entire part. Those who practice Witchcraft and are Wiccan, have the religious backing of the Wiccan ...

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Poetry 3

Since the dawn of time, human beings have been in a constant struggle to survive. Whether you are a man or women, black or white, rich or poor, the hardships of life have seemed to bind us together in a very cruel world. Many poets write about poverty, envy, and the outcome of war which are just ...

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Homlessness And Education

In the two studies I reviewed, both pertained to school aged homeless children. Both studies were conducted to determine the need for a better education for these children. The first study I reviewed was called, Sheltered homeless children: Their eligibility and unmet need for special education ...

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The Psychological Effects Of G

ender Roles “Let the boys be boys.” You’ve heard this phrase before. Often repeated by parents regarding their little boys. So what makes a boy, a boy? Rambo like characteristics? Muscles? Short hair? Wearing blue? Wearing T-shirts and jeans or playing with sporting equipment? Well last I ...

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