Natural Essays and Term Papers


is located in Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea. It is between Libya and the Gaza Strip. Its geographical coordinates are 27 00 N, 30 00 E. ’s total area is 1,001,450 square kilometers, land area is 995,450 square kilometers, and water area is 6,000 square kilometers. The total ...

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Capitalism In Mass Media

- E.W. "Media are special because of the uniqueness of the product the business deals in. The commodity the media business sells is our most precious: news, opinion and ideas." Capitalism and its values are nurtured within the mass media. Popular American films have carefully targeted particular ...

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Scarlet Letter 3

In Nathaniel Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, life centers around a rigid Puritan society in which one is unable to indulge his or her innermost thoughts and secrets. Every human being needs the opportunity to express how he or she truly feels, otherwise the emotion builds up until they become ...

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Creatine 3

Today in society there is a lot of pressure on the perfect image. Image is the way that everything is judged in the world. So with that perspective in mind, the search for the "perfect body" is what everyone is looking for. But with all of the commotion that is happening, very few people want ...

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is a really cool state. I say that because there is not a whole-lot of crime there and for country folks it’s great because there is a lot of cows and pigs, but there are also a lot of cars there too. It was some rivers and creeks land definition and tons of history, but there isn’t very ...

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Silent Spring

The following quote “The sedge is withr’d from the lake, And no birds sing,” (Keats) seems like a very simple sentence with no meaning to it. However, after reading Chapter 6 of , I realized how loaded the comment is with meaning. The quote is describing humans and how humans treat the plants ...

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Could Air Pollution Have A Negative Impact On Water Quality?

? For the past 30 years, scientists have collected a considerable amount of convincing information demonstrating that air pollutants can be deposited on land and water, sometimes at great distances from their original sources, and can be an important contributor to declining water quality. These ...

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Charles Darwin

is supposedly the inventor of ideas such as natural selection, and the Theory of Evolution. (This is refuted by various sources, and by the journal of the late Chinese scientist Xu Tangfuti who died before Darwin was born!) He was born in 1809 and lingered till 1882 for a total life span of 71 ...

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The Only Truth Existing

"We are, then, faced with a quite simple alternative: Either we deny that there is here anything that can be called truth - a choice that would make us deny what we experience most profoundly as our own being; or we must look beyond the realm of our "natural" experience for a validation of ...

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Charles Darwin

was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. He was the son of Robert Waring Darwin and his wife Susannah, and the grandson of the scientist Erasmus Darwin. His mother died when he was eight years old, and he was brought up by his sister. He was taught the classics at Shrewsbury, then sent to Edinburgh to ...

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Sociopolitical Philosophy In The Works Of Stoker And Yeats

Around the turn of this century there was widespread fear throughout Europe, and especially Ireland, of the consequences of the race mixing that was occurring and the rise of the lower classes over the aristocracies in control. In Ireland, the Protestants who were in control of the country began ...

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New Reproduction Technologies

During the debate on March 15, 2000 which discussed new reproductive technologies (NRTS) issues were raised regarding the positive and negative effects of NRTS. Issues raised by the advocates of NRTS were surrounding infertility, homosexuality, disease, and cloning. All of these factors raised ...

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is a small country located in the Caribbean Sea. The capital is Bridgetown with a population of about 8,789. The head of state of is Queen Elizabeth II and she is represented by General Dame Nita Barrow. The total population of the country is around 252,000. The main language is English and ...

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Golf And Its Environment

Golf courses, by most standards, are good for the environment; but you always have those people that say they aren’t. If a golf course were bad for the environment then there would be pollution, noise, destruction of the natural resources, and devastation of animal habitat. A golf course has none ...

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Human Impact On Air And Climate

The importance of human influence on global climate change was again highlighted in a groundbreaking study of Earth's temperature over the past 600 years. Reconstructing the global temperature record, climatologists have determinined that three recent years were the warmest years since AD 1400 -- ...

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Conflicting Goals In Economic Growth

Goals of monetary policy are to "promote maximum employment, inflation (stabilizing prices), and economic growth." If economists believe it's possible to achieve all the goals at once, the goals are inconsistent. There are limitations to monetary policy. The term "maximum employment" ...

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Hobbes Philosophy

Born during a period of medieval philosophy, Thomas Hobbes developed a new way of thinking. He perfected his moral and political theories in his controversial book Leviathan, written in 1651. In his introduction, Hobbes describes the state of nature as an organism analogous to a large person ...

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Business And The Environment

The relationship between corporations and the environment is a tumultuous one. Corporations have abused and violated the environment for generations. These actions have now become unacceptable in our present society. There is growing concern for our natural resources; the world's forests, ...

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Architectural Designs Of Castles Vs. Modern Homes

Is the architectural design of modern homes slowly changing back to the architectural design of castles in the Middle Ages? If design of homes is changing back to design of castles is it a reflection on our society that castles of the Middle Ages were built primarily for defense. Does this mean ...

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Hobbes Leviathan

Hobbes’ Leviathan and Locke’s Second Treatise of Government comprise critical works in the lexicon of political science theory. Both works expound on the origins and purpose of civil society and government. Hobbes’ and Locke’s writings center on the definition of the “state of nature” and the ...

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