New City Essays and Term Papers

Alexander The Great

was king of the Macedonians and one of the greatest generals in history. As a student of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, Alexander was embedded with lasting interests in philosophy, politics and warfare. As king, he settled problems by immediate action, making quick decisions and taking great ...

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Juvenile Crime

The essay is writen using the (Kolb and fry model) Concrete Experience Many different types of projects in different countries have reduced levels of delinquency and violence by tackling the causes - to the extent to which crime is reduced through many different types and forms of crime prevention ...

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The Lowell Observatory

Lowell Observatory is located in Flagstaff, Arizona. It was established in 1894 by Dr. Percival Lowell. Dr. Percival borrowed several telescopes and managed to collect a small staff and began making observations of the sky. In 1896, Dr. Percival got a 24-inch Alvan Clark refracting telescope that ...

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"By The Waters Of Babylon"

I. Describe the story's exposition. During the exposition you learn that it is forbidden to go to any of the Dead Places except to search for metal, and he who touches the metal must be a priest of the son of the priest. You also learn that John is the son of a priest and is training to become a ...

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Shakespeare - Comedy

Shakespeare wrote many plays during his lifetime. Some of his plays have similar comedic characteristics and then other plays are the exact opposite of comedy. Shakespeare wrote tragedies, romance, history, comedy and problem plays all with great success. During the performance of these plays ...

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The Effects Of Television Viol

What has the world come to these days? It often seems like everywhere one looks, violence rears its ugly head. We see it in the streets, back alleys, school, and even at home. The last of these is a major source of violence. In many peoplesŐ living rooms there sits an outlet for violence that ...

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Ragged Dick

is a novel written in the 1800’s by Horatio Alger. It is a story about a young boy named Richard Hunter, also known as , as he progresses though his childhood. is a typical Rags to Riches story where Dick struggles through the hardships of city life, trying to achieve the “American ...

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Black Female Bodybuilders

"Yo, Yo, Yo -- go girl!" "Hey, over here -- We here for you, girl!" "You look good! REAL GOOD!" This is family and neighborhood pride at stake on the stage tonight. Sisters, mothers, boyfriends, husbands, cousins, and friends from the outer boroughs, Jersey, Philly, the deep South, and everywhere ...

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Romulus And Remus

Numitor, King of Alba, had been ousted by his brutal brother, Amulius. Amulius made sure Numitor would have no heirs by forcing Numitor's only child, his daughter, Rhea Silvia, to spend her days as a vestal virgin, serving in the temple of Venus, goddess of the hearth. Nevertheless, Rhea ...

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The Khent

I was delighted to receive the urgent request of the publishers, asking me to write an introduction to the English version of the "Khent" (The Fool) of Raffi, translated by Jane S. Wingate. This request I accepted with pleasure. For the translation into English of a choice number of masterpieces ...

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In this excerpt, the reader is introduced to the dark and diminishing city of Thebes. It is learned that there must be certain action taken in order to stop the destruction of the city. Several years prior there ruled a king. King Laius was the great ruler of Thebes. That is, until he was ...

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TV Violence

Effects Of Television On Violence Word Count: 1410 Effects of Television on Violence What has the world come to these days? It often seems like everywhere one looks, violence rears its ugly head. We see it in the streets, back alleys, school, and even at home. The last of these is a major source ...

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Eliot Ness

Who was ? Nearly anyone knows Ness’ accomplishments in Cleveland when he went up against Al Capone. Most also know Capone eventually went to jail for tax evasion, but what happened to Ness and his Untouchables? Did they merely fade away into quiet life? The fate of Ness was quite the opposite, he ...

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Important African American Figures

Throughout his life Ralph Bunche worked to improve race relations and further the cause of civil rights. For 22 years he served on the board of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, earning its highest honor, the Spingarn Medal, in 1949. He participated in several civil ...

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Removal Of GM Jobs In Flint

A strong culture is one that has dependency upon itself along with outside resources. The economy is hard if nearly impossible to predict, and this puts severe strain on a community that is dependent on one employer. Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Flint are examples of these types of ...

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The Death Of Brian Deneke

Everyone wants to be their own person. Many people have talents or desires that they keep hidden, never truly being themselves for fear of what others might think. These people go through life constantly trying to fit in. They might never express their true individuality because they are worried ...

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Mark Twain And His Writings

What does Mark Twain mean and where did Samuel Langhorne Clemens come up with this pseudonym? “On river boats, one member of the crew always stood near the railing measuring the depth of water with a long cord which had flags spaced a fathom (six feet) apart. When the crewmen saw the flags ...

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Causes And Results Of The Crusades

The Crusades were expeditions taken by the Western and European Christians to take back Jerusalem and other Palestine places of pilgrimage away from Muslim control. These expeditions occurred during the years 1095 and 1270 ad. It started on November 27, 1095 just outside a French city called ...

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The Works Of Poet Carl Sandburg And His Effect On American Poetry

The beloved poet, Carl Sandburg, changed the course of American poetry. He was a poet, novelist, journalist, and songwriter, yet the influence of his works have not always been acknowledged. Carl Sandburg's evocations of American urban and rural life, compassion for people, and his love of ...

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Martin Luther King, Jr.

Born January 15th, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. Martin Luther King was an eloquent black Baptist minister, who led the mass civil rights movement in the United States from the mid 1950's until his death by assassination, in Memphis, Tenn., on April 4th, 1968. He rose to national prominence ...

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