Past Essays and Term Papers

China 2

To say that the Chinese Communist revolution is a non-Western revolution is more than a clich‚. That revolution has been primarily directed, not like the French Revolution but against alien Western influences that approached the level of domination and drastically altered China's traditional ...

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Race Relations In The United States

America, 1967: Five years after the assassination of President Kennedy, and the Civil Rights March in Washington D.C., the Kerner Commission wrote a report that found that America was “moving towards two societies, one black, one white, separate and unequal.” Three decades later, in an address ...

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What Is Love?

E-mail: What is this thing called love? This simple question begs for an answer. The symptoms of love are familiar enough. A drifting mooniness in one’s behavior and thought, the fact that it seems as though the whole universe has rolled itself up into the person of the ...

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A Tale Of Two Cities

In the movie “” Jarvis Lorry, an employee of Tellson's Bank, was sent to find Dr. Manette, an unjustly imprisoned physician, in Paris and bring him back to England. Lucie, Manette's daughter who thought that he was dead, accompanied Mr. Lorry. Upon arriving at Defarge's wine shop in Paris, ...

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Roger Chillingworth

: a mad man, or a man driven to madness? This is a question that many readers of Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" have decided by the time they reach the final chapter, really without thinking about it. Yet, if the story is reviewed, and one looks at the events that either happen directly ...

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Ancient Japanese Art

When I finally got to the museum, I drug my feet a bit at the thought of having to take another art history class and about having to write another art history paper. I flashed my yellow pass and got my clearance to enter. I clamped the DAM purple badge to my oversized jacket and was on my way ...

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Herbal Extracts And Hormones

Herbs are found everywhere, and hormones are a natural product of everyone's body. The production of hormones increases and decreases with the age and development of the individual. Due to the nature of hormones and the ongoing research still being done, this article will investigate only ...

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The Effects Of Race On Sentencing In Capital Punishment Cases

Sam Houston State University, Huntsville CJ 478W-Introduction To Methods Of Research TTH 8:00-9:30 Throughout history, minorities have been ill-represented in the criminal justice system, particularly in cases where the possible outcome is death. In early America, blacks were lynched for the ...

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Hamlet: Hamlet's Greatest Crime Was His Inherent Goodness

Pain is a disease who ravaging effects are augmented by thought. It is the great irony of life that consciousness, the driving force of mankind that has delivered us from the age of stone to that of industry, delivers us also to the inescapable prison of the mind. Events that in the cycle of ...

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To understand the Middle East is to understand our own origins, but still it is much more. It is the land of the earliest civilizations brought up on earth. An understanding of this area means the exploration of one's past and ancestors. To understand this unique fertile land is to get to know the ...

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The Use Of Merit Pay And Incentives

The purpose of this paper is to explore as motivators for increased productivity. The key focus is the system at Richmond Memorial Hospital. To do so, one must begin at the beginning….. The use of financial incentives (financial rewards) paid to workers whose production exceeds some ...

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If our government was run for the people, and not for the enrichment of its rulers, the US would be a more tightly unified nation. stressed that a government be run for the well-being of the people, and if that was applied today, results would be outstanding. also said to put aside military ...

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Advancement Of The Computer

The idea of computing has been in people’s minds throughout history. Today we have a different idea of computers, but a computer is any complex counting machine. The first computer ever used by a person could have been a simple set of stones that he used to represent a set or group of something. ...

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Women Of The Color Purple

In the novel, The Color Purple, there are three main characters who demonstrate meaningful traits of women. Celie, the main character, is the most important of the three. She is influenced by other characters in the novel and is inspired to let herself seek their virtues. Celie’s two ...

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Song Of Solomon

is the story of Milkman's search for identity. He appears destined for a life of isolation and self-alienation. The Deads exemplify the patriarchal, nuclear family that has been a stable and critical feature of American society. The family is the institution for producing children, maintaining ...

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The Ku Klux Klan

(KKK) is one of America's oldest and most feared groups. Driven by the dream of a world with only one master race, the KKK often uses violence and moves above the law to promote their cause. They didn't start of violent, or to promote white supremacy. They have been in the shadows for over 130 ...

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Of Mice And Men 4

Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is a story which shows how weak the human trait of loyalty can be if put through the test of time. It shows how people can turn on their family, best friend, and even their life-long companions if they are presented with the opportunity for advancement in life. ...

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The Island Of Doctor Moreau: Could It Be?

? It’s been five years since I left that dreaded island. Although I don’t think of it as much anymore there are still times that the thoughts and images of my days on that island and those creatures cross my mind. One day while sitting by the sea as I so often do, I found myself wondering about ...

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The Problems Of Affirmative Action

What can be done about the majority of higher paying jobs going to the white males, and the issue of racial/sexual discrimination in both the workplace and in education? To this, the government already has its so-called solution… affirmative action. Affirmative action forces businesses and ...

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A Financial Evaluation Of General Electric Corporation

Running Head: GENERAL ELECTRIC CORPORATION Abstract General Electric Corporation (GE) from a financial analysis presents itself as a strong corporation. The historical data reviewed revealed that it has had a stable past, with strong earnings and growth that has been consistent and which the ...

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