Past Essays and Term Papers

Steamboats In Louisiana

Robert Fulton started the very first commercially successful steamboat service in America. His steam-powered paddleboat, the Clermont, sailed up the Hudson River from New York City to Albany in August of 1807. This trip lasted 32 hours The first steamboats were demonstrated in1787. They ...

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Affirmative Action

Since its inception in the early 1960’s, has been ranked among the most controversial issues in the United States. By definition is the equal opportunity of women, minorities, and small groups so they will have the same tools, education, and allotment to achieve their goals. Legal scholars and ...

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The Emergence Of On-line Tradi

All the enthusiasm in the brokerage industry no longer centers on mutual funds as it did before internet became an everyday household word. Now, much attention surrounds on-line investing in the brokerage industry. On-line investing has only recently begun to expand at astronomical rates. As ...

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Serial Killers 2

Prior to discussing what serial killers do, we must identify and pinpoint what a serial killer is. We generally tend to attribute the same name for serial killers and mass murderers. This is incorrect because they are two independent and different types of killers. While both of these ...

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is a political parable. While Brave New World describes a future of everyone getting exactly what they want, George Orwell takes this in the opposite direction with a description of how the world most likely will be: mindless, loveless, unfeeling followers of nothing. The first paragraph of the ...

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Battle Royal

In Ralph Ellison’s essay “” he describes a Negro boy, timid and compliant, comes to a white smoker in a Southern town: he is to be awarded a scholarship. Together with several other Negroes he is rushed to the front of the ballroom, where a sumptuous blonde tantalized and frightens them by ...

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Through years of watching their beaches crumble and wash away and following strenuous efforts to halt the damage, the ocean front communities of New Jersey do not necessarily agree on solutions, but the various factions, or at least those represented in a November 1997 Conference, have arrived ...

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Religion Support And Education

As it stands, we are the transition stage. We have no structure, there is no black and white, we live in a clouded time. All questions are being answered again, because the past is no longer the present. No person knows if our corrections are correct, but they do know it is what the majority ...

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Environmental Protection

The collective action of humans - developing and paving over the landscape, clear-cutting forests, polluting rivers and streams, altering the atmosphere's protective ozone layer, and populating nearly every place imaginable - are bringing an end to the lives of creatures across the ...

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Alternative Medicine

The health care industry has a variety of policies and standards regarding coverages for modalities. From a sociological standpoint, unconventional, alternative, or unorthodox therapies refer to medical practices that are not in conformity with the standards of the medical community. The New ...

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My Summer As A Counselor In Traing At Camp Morasha

Over the past few years, I have overcome many challenges. But the one that stands out in my mind the most occurred this past summer while I was working as a Counselor-in-Training at Camp Morasha. I, along with 40 other people my age, was assigned to bunks of kids ranging from ages eight to ...

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Ray Bradbury's The Martial Chronicals

In The Martial Chronicals, Ray Bradbury provides a glimpse into the future that not only looks at people from a technological standpoint, but from a human one as well. His well crafted, almost poetic stories are science fiction in setting only. They put much more emphasis on the apathy and ...

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Lord Of The Flies: Opportunity

Children all over the world hold many of the same characteristics. Most children are good at heart, but at times seem like little mischievous devils. Children enjoy having fun and causing trouble but under some supervision can be obedient little boys and girls. Everybody, at one time in their ...

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Psychoanalysis And Treatment

Psychoanalysis is a system of psychology originated by the Viennese physician Sigmund FREUD in the 1890's and then further developed by himself, his students, and other followers. It consists of three kinds of related activities: (1) a method for research into the human mind, especially inner ...

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The Ninja

Born and raised in New York City, Eric Lustbader graduated from Columbia University in 1969. Lustbader has had a number of fascinating best-selling novels, including Black Heart and Angel Eyes, he introduced Elton John to the American music scene. He spent fifteen years in the music industry in ...

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Green Grass Running Water

In many Native American cultures, ceremonies of sacrifice and renewal are an annual activity used to promote community and individual well being. In the novel Green Grass, Running Water, Thomas King suggests that when one is able to fully accept one's own self and/or cultural traditions, a ...

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An Analysis Of The Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie is a play that is very important to modern literature. Tennessee Williams describes four separate characters, their dreams, and the harsh realities they faced in the modern world. His setting is in St. Louis during the Depression-Era. The story is about a loving family ...

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Data Warehousing

2. What is a data warehouse 3. Past, Present and Future 4. Data Warehouses and Business Organisations 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliography 1.0 Introduction In recent years, data warehousing has emerged as the primary method of analysing sales and marketing data for a competitive advantage. ...

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Oedipus The King - Compared To Things Fall Apart

"Oedipus the King" and "Things Fall Apart" The poem "Oedipus the King" and the novel "Things Fall Apart, there is some differences between these two stories. These two stories were very famous in the ancient time. "Things Fall Apart has won the following awards: Nigerian National Trophy, ...

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George Lucas And Movies: No Future?

? When looking into the future people see many different things. Whether it be flying cars, buildings floating in the air, or people walking around in space suits, everyone has their own idea. Most of the time when people look into the future they look far into it, not in the next several years. ...

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