Philosophy Essays and Term Papers


Epistemology is one of the three branches that make up philosophy that covers the concept of knowledge. What is knowledge? Knowledge consists of the force that powers our brains to intake, process and output pieces of information we experience and produce from reasoning. Information is found in ...

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Freewill vs. Determinism

The debate between determinism and freewill is something that has been quarreled over for years and will continue to be for years to come. To understand this, one must first understand what differs the two terms from each other. If one checks in the dictionary for the definition of freewill, he ...

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Conflict In Organisations

"As new strategies are implemented in any organisation, tension and conflicts are likely to arise ... such conflicts must be confronted, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel to operate in such a situation. " Discuss in relation to LIS organisations and examine the management strategies which ...

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Is Cheating Wrong?

"I would prefer to fail with honor than to win by cheating," Sophocles. i agree 100% with Sophocles philosophy. Cheating can't be good in any way, shape or form. Lets say you cheat on a test, you wont deserve the grade you get! Celebrities cheat all the time, most singers lip sync when performing ...

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Structured Procrastination

The most perfect situation for structured procrastination that I ever had was when my wife and I served as Resident Fellows in Soto House, a Stanford dormitory. In the evening, faced with papers to grade, lectures to prepare, committee work to be done, I would leave our cottage next to the dorm and ...

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Abstract Expressionism

Essay Title What would you judge to be the most significant decade or era in fine art or design in the 20th century and why? Abstract Expressionism - 1940 – 1950 Contents Page 1. Essay Title 2. Contents Page 3. List of Illustrations 4. Introduction (Beginning of essay) 5. The ...

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Fate Is A Many Splendored Thing

In every culture, there is some sort of belief or point of view on fate; it is often seen as a force that is both unbeatable and immeasurable. The hand of fate is usually inescapable and leads the bravest of soldiers or the most loved of kings to meet their doom, controlling everything that leads ...

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American History X

Will racism ever come to an end or will its path go infinitely? The film American History X highlights the problems of race in present day America through non-organized sketches about one family’s struggles with prejudice in Venice, California. The background of the film is Americas troubled ...

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Rabbits on the Run

For her fourth album, Rabbits on the Run, Carlton needed a fresh start. She had been going at full sprint since she was discovered by legendary record executive Ahmet Ertegun when she was still a teenager, signed soon after, and exploded onto the pop scene with the platinum-selling, ...

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Man and The Environment in An Imaginary Life

In David Malouf’s novel An Imaginary Life, one of the most prevalent influences on the characters’ lives is the particular environment in which they are placed. Malouf explores the issues of the interrelationship between man and his natural environment, and the impact that changes in environment ...

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The Core of Confucian Analects

The Core of Confucian Analects The Chinese nation has a long history and a glorious culture. Nowadays, in China and the Chinese communities overseas, we can see the traditional culture from many aspects. Every Chinese, every act and every move of them may be originated in one book ----- The ...

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Robert Boyle

Robert Boyle Robert Boyle is considered both the founder of modern chemistry. He was not only a chemist and a physicist as we know him to be, but also an avid theologian, a philanthropist, an essayist, and a beginner in medicine. Born in Lismore, Ireland to Richard Boyle, first earl of Cork, ...

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Reality In Philosophy

3.2 REALITY: MATERIAL OR NONMATERIAL? MATERIALISM Matter is the ultimate constituent of reality Democritus: matter in motion, Hobbes: measurable matter. OBJECTIONS TO MATERIALISM Consciousness? Conscience? (Beyond thinking, feeling, dreaming etc.) (Consciousness = awareness. ...

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Apocalypse Now Character Analysis

Army Captain Willard is a largely passive character. In fact, Martin Sheen replaced Harvey Keitel in the role after Coppola decided Keitel seemed like too active a screen presence. Sheen brings a more muted presence to the film than the forceful Keitel and, as a result, is more compelling as the ...

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Julius Caesar: Brutus Was An Honorable Man

In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Brutus, one of the key conspirators in the murder of Caesar, was an honorable man. Brutus had an internal conflict; he could either be loyal to his friend Caesar, or to Rome. He was honorable because he be tray his friend out of the love for the greater good & the ...

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Skiing has changed. The innovation and breakthroughs to new, unexplored sides of skiing are slowly coming to a standstill. As we have witnessed, competition skiing, be it big air, slopestyle or halfpipe, is progressing through stagnation of difficult and technical trickery over stylish and fluid ...

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Rollo May

In this chapter I will discuss Rollo May and his theory of anxiety. There is no doubt that Rollo May is one of the most important figures in existential psychology, and, without question, one of the most important American existential psychologists in the history of the discipline. May breaks ...

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The Progressive Era

Freedom with government interaction was the way to live in America, that lifestyle was believed to be the only acceptable way to live . Therefore Progressives became overly zealous to reform and modernize the American culture into the perfect society where politics and government represented the ...

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Philosophy of Boy Who Cried Wolf

Everyones heard the tale of the Boy who cried Wolf right? Sure, shepherd boy thinks he's funny, makes a fuss about imaginary wolfs, villagers come running - no wolf. Then when wolfs actually do come, he yells and screams, yet villagers weren't about to play his game again, his sheep get nailed by ...

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Hard Times

Hard Times is a novel written by the well-known British writer, Charles Dickens. The book was published by Wordsworth in 1854 in the United Kingdom. Charles Dickens was born in 1812, at Portsmouth. When he was 15, he left school and became a lawyer’s clerk. Then he studied by himself. In the ...

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