Point Of No Return Essays and Term Papers

A Seperate Peace

Peace only comes at the price of great struggle and sacrifice for most people. In essence, it only comes when you have defeated the enemy, or the enemy has defeated you. John Knowles was able to capture the subtle goal and essence of his novel by titling it A Separate Peace. A Separate Peace is a ...

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is a mental disorder marked by the loss of contact with reality. When a person's thinking, feeling, and behavior is abnormal, it interferes with his or her ability to function in everyday life. Delusions, hallucinations, and irregular thinking and emotions are produced. If these signs are ...

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A Fatal Mistake The Vietnam Wa

Robert S. McNamara, appointed by John F. Kennedy to the position of U.S. Secretary of Defense in 1961, said about the Vietnam War, “It is important to recognize it’s a South Vietnamese war. It will be won or lost depending upon what they do. We can advise and help, but they are ...

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A Seperate Peace

Peace only comes at the price of great struggle and sacrifice for most people. In essence, it only comes when you have defeated the enemy, or the enemy has defeated you. John Knowles was able to capture the subtle goal and essence of his novel by titling it A Separate Peace. A Separate Peace is a ...

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THE LIFE AND DEATH OF Philosophy was both serious and dangerous, chose to ignore both. Ignoring the first made him one of the most engaging of all philosophers, ignoring the second was to cost him his life. He was born in a middle class home in Athens, in 470 BCE. His parents were Phaenarete and ...

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Dr. Jekyll And Mr Hyde

Chapter 1 The story begins with a description of Mr. Utterson, a lawyer in London. Mr. Utterson is a reserved, conservative man who does not reveal his true, vibrant personality. He tolerates the strangeness and faults of other. Early in his life, he watched as his brother fell to ruin, and it ...

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An Exploration Of Femininity I

n Shakespeare's Tragedies. In a patriarchal structured society femininity and the female are restricted or defined by the socio-cultural precepts imposed by the male hegemony. Therefore, in order to examine the feminine as presented in Hamlet and other plays, I believe, we must have at the ...

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The Holy Bible And Its History

The 66 books which make up the Holy Bible were originally written in ancient languages; Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek by men who were inspired by God. The Bible itself tells us that all scripture is by inspiration of God. Old Testament The Pentateuch (the Law) Geneses, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, ...

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Latin America And Slavery

Prior to its independence Latin America had been controlled by external forces for hundreds of years. To be freed of control from these outside interests did not in any way guarantee Latin America a return to the status quo. In fact, the inhabitants of Latin America had done very well in ...

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Legalize It!

Many feel today we are loosing the war on drugs. When a battle goes to the point where there is no winner there needs to be a re-evaluation of how to solve the problem. In the case of the war against drugs, years of fighting have caused increased crime, overcrowding of prisons and the wasted use ...

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King William I

Americans these days are too spoiled. Freedom and crime are far too rampant. Whatever happened to the good old days of ruthless, bloodthirsty monarchs? Rulers who would send the citizens quivering with the mere mention of their names. Kings whose wanton cruelty and disregard for human life pleased ...

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Welfare: Toil And Trouble

Millions of Americans are signed up for welfare; the program designed to aid poor and needy families. Unfortunately, it has now become a way of life for many. Many argue that welfare is not destroying our culture and creating a dependent people who have learned to abuse certain privileges that ...

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Caesar And Naopoleon

Bonaparte's success as a military leader and conqueror can also be seen in great leader, Julius Caesar. Both Napoleon and Caesar achieved great glory by bringing their countries out of turmoil. It was Caesar, that Napoleon modeled himself after, he wanted to be as great, if not greater than ...

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The Common Hemingway Protagoni

st: Soldier's Home Various authors, through years of discipline, develop their own style in creating characters. Ernest Hemingway varied his style by establishing an indestructible template for pressing characters into molded protagonists. This "template" protagonist follows a unique set of ...

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are concepts which encompass and exclude. They exist everywhere. Some are literal visible physical lines whereas others go beyond sight and exist in terms of characteristics such as monetary wealth, or even humanity. Over time these boundaries are redefined and in turn change the flow of daily ...

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With Malice Toward None

Stephen B. Oates is a professor of history at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and the author of eight other books, including The Fires of Jubilee and To Purge This Land with Blood. His task in this biography was to perpetuate Lincoln as he was in the days he lived. His purpose of this ...

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Chapter Four “He reflected deeply, until this feeling completely over whelmed him and he reached a point where he recognized causes; for to recognize causes, it seemed to him, is to think, and through thought alone feelings became knowledge and are not lost,” (Page 37, Siddhartha) This ...

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Hamlet and Ophelia’s Madness

“We often hear it said, perhaps with truth, that every great work of art has a mystery at the heart, but the mystery of Hamlet is something else” (Mack 1). One mystery in Hamlet is Shakespeare’s intentions as to the authenticity of Hamlet’s and Ophelia’s madness. Marnard Mack perceives Hamlet’s ...

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Why I Miss The 80's

You know, the eighties are more popular now than they were in the eighties. How the hell did that happen? Here's a newsflash for you kids; they weren't all that great. I know because I was there. But there were a few high points mixed in amongst all the lows. First the lows: Let's start ...

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Two years after the nine 911 terrorist attack, we saw reports on the TV about the invasion of Iraq. In this footage that they showed us, there was an appendix that frequently came into view from the press; that young men were not the only ones that died but young women also who used to be moms, ...

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