Problems With The World Essays and Term Papers

New Millenium

The millennium will not usher in an entirely new world overnight. Just as Europe remained mired in the Dark Ages for centuries after the first millennium came and went, so will our society require many years to experience deep change, a change that transcends the processor speed of the box on your ...

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Abortion In America And Elsewhere

From an anthropological view, abortion in America is a very controversial issue. Our culture is one primarily governed by a highly structured society. As a world superpower we are at the forefront of world technology. The United States strives to provide an example as the nation with the most ...

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Slavery - An Era Of Inhumanity

Writers differ in the purpose for which they write. Some aim to entertain, but the more serious and skilled writers usually have the goal of expressing a serious idea. Writers such as Hariet Beecher Stowe and Alex Haley are writers who write for more than mere entertainment. Uncle Tom’s Cabin, ...

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Interpretation Of Ibsen's "A Doll's House"

"A Doll's House" is classified under the "second phase" of Henrik Ibsen's career. It was during this period which he made the transition from mythical and historical dramas to plays dealing with social problems. It was the first in a series investigating the tensions of family life. Written ...

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The Suez Crisis Of 1956: The War From Differing Viewpoints

Carleton University Research Paper #1: Submitted to Prof. J. Sigler In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for 47.323 Introduction Among the most important foundations in the continuing Arab-Israeli conflict was the seeds that were sown in the aftermath of the 1956 Sinai Campaign, or the ...

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The Musee De Beaux Arts

The poem is about the death of hope. Auden is distraught over the deaths in WWII. The soldiers of WWII were teenagers. To have 55 million children dead is an act of pure genocide. To Auden the fact that people let this happen means that the world is an ugly place. Art is a thing of beauty and ...

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Computer Crime 2

Billions of dollars in losses have already been discovered. Billions more have gone undetected. Trillions will be stolen, most without detection, by the emerging master criminal of the twenty-first century--the computer crime offender. Worst of all, anyone who is computer literate can become a ...

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A Clockwork Orange

“Eat this sweetish segment or spit it out. You are free.” -Anthony Burgess Anthony Burgess has been heralded as one of the greatest literary geniuses of the twentieth century. Although Burgess has over thirty works of published literature, his most famous is . Burgess’s novel is a futuristic ...

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Past, Present, And Future Of Computers

Imagine being able to do almost anything right from your own living room. You could order a pizza, watch cartoons, or play video games with people from around the entire world. All are possible today with your computer. The beginnings of the computer started off in a rather unique way. It was ...

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One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest

Literature Essay: One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by K. Kesey. “Discuss how the world within the ward is mirrored in the world outside.” It is suggested that Ken Kesey’s One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest contains examples of behaviour and attitudes displayed by ...

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Albert Einstein

was born March 14, 1879 in Germany. His family owned a small business that manufactured electric machinery. The business failed and they left Germany. Albert was fifteen years old and he dropped out of school. When Albert was five when he received his first compass and he began to investigate ...

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The Lord Of The Flies

William Golding uses much symbolism in his novel, , to help readers gain a greater understanding of his message. He uses symbolism in three important areas: objects that have symbolic value as references to ideas, characters that symbolize important historical and religious people, and the setting ...

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The Great Gatsby By Fitzgerald

On the superficial level, The Great Gatsby tells the story of a young middle class man who happens to get mixed up in the chaotic affairs of his wealthy cousin and neighbor. F. Scott Fitzgerald's story of life in the 1920s is much more than it appears to be, though. Even such things as the colors ...

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And The Band Played On

The movie, , discusses the origin of the AIDS virus and how it spontaneously spread across the world. It used the Ebola disease to foreshadow the forth coming of another serious disease. The world was not prepared to handle such a contagious plague. Doctors around the world assumed that the ...

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Nike Company Profile

Nike Inc. was incorporated in 1968 under the laws of the state of Oregon, USA. The general business activities can be described as follows: design, development, and global marketing of high quality footwear, equipment and accessory products. Nike is the largest seller of athletic footwear and ...

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Holden’s Revelations

In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden views the world as an evil and corrupt place where there is no peace or innocence. He believes that only children are innocent and he must protect them from the sinister adulthood. Over the course of the novel, Holden’s perception of the world does not change ...

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Life Or Death

We are all aware of death, and we know it will come to us all. To many of us death brings a chill down our spine ridden with fear, but to others it is ridden with strength and satisfaction of accomplishment. Fortunately or unfortunately we are all condemned to death. However no one knows when ...

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The Khent

I was delighted to receive the urgent request of the publishers, asking me to write an introduction to the English version of the "Khent" (The Fool) of Raffi, translated by Jane S. Wingate. This request I accepted with pleasure. For the translation into English of a choice number of masterpieces ...

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Great Depression

The was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which spread to virtually all of the industrialized world. The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for about a decade. Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression; however, the main cause for the was the ...

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The Japan-American Trade War

For years after the end of the second world war, the Japanese suffered from an inferiority complex. This was the result of the American aid to Japan which helped to rebuild their country. Soon the Japanese started producing goods, small stuff at first, like junky toys in the earlier years - but ...

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