Ritalin History Essays and Term Papers
(Methylphenidate) is a mild CNS stimulant. In medicine,
's primary use is treatment of Attention Deficit /Hyperactive Disorder
(ADHD). The mode of action in humans is not completely understood, but
presumably activates the arousal system of the brain stem and the cortex to
produce its ...
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Ritalin And Its UsesIn recent years, more and more kids seem to be on a prescription drug
called Ritalin(methylphenidate). This drug is being handed out more and more by
doctors as a way of treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a complex
neurological impairnment that prevents kids from concentrating. ...
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A Better Idea Of Attention Deficit DisorderMany people have a hard time focusing and often find that their
minds tend to wander when they face a task that seems impossible or boring.
This is a sign that one might have Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Attention Deficit Disorder, often called
ADD, is a ...
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Attention Deficit DisorderApproximately 3-5% of all American children have an Attention Deficit
Disorder (ADD). ADD is a leading cause of school failure and under-achievement.
ADD characteristics often arise in early childhood. As many as 50% of children
with ADD are never diagnosed. Boys significantly outnumber ...
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Hyperkinetic ChildrenHyperkinetic is just another word for Hyperactive. Hyperactivity
describes children who show numerous amounts of inappropriate behaviors in
situations that require sustained attention and orderly responding to fairly
structured tasks. Humans who are hyperactive tend to be easily ...
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Attention Deficit Disorder And Impassivity And OveractivityADHD is attention deficit disorder accompanied by impassivity and over activity. Medical scientists think ADHD is caused by a chemical problem in the brain. The front part of the brain helps you pay attention, concentrate, organize things, and put breaks on impulsive or unacceptable behavior. ...
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The Genetics Of ViolenceIntroduction
We, in the 1990’s, are slowly and inevitably being faced with the
sociological and biological implications of impending genetic power. This power
is analytical, in such cases as the Human Genome Project, which will hopefully
succeed in mapping out the genetic code for the entire human ...
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Tourette Syndromewas named for Georges Gilles de la Tourette, who first
described the syndrome in 1885. Although the disease was identified in 1885,
today in 1996, there still is a mystery surrounding , its
causes and possible cures. is a neurological disorder that
researchers believe is caused by and ...
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Attention Deficit DisorderFor centuries children have been grounded, beaten, or even killed for
ignoring the rules or not listening to what they're told. In the past it was
thought these ”bad” kids were the products of bad parenting, bad environment, or
simply being stubborn, however it is now known that many of these ...
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Anti-Social Personality DisorderIn a world full of fears, perhaps the worst one a human being should have is that to be afraid of his fellow man. The human that should be most feared is the one that has or in laymen's terms the psychopath. The psychopath is probably the most deviant mind that exists and treatment is not very ...
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Is There Hope For The PsychopaIn a world full of fears, perhaps the worst one a human being should have is that to be afraid of his fellow man. The human that should be most feared is possibly he who has Anti-Social Personality Disorder, or in layman's terms, the psychopath. The psychopath has probably the most deviant mind ...
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Is There Hope For The PsychopaIn a world full of fears, perhaps the worst one a human being should have is that to be afraid of his fellow man. The human that should be most feared is possibly he who has Anti-Social Personality Disorder, or in layman's terms, the psychopath. The psychopath has probably the most deviant mind ...
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